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Handing the glass over, I lie back down and close my eyes. Listening as Ransom sets the glass down and lowers himself onto the bed beside me, I’m reminded of a question I needed to ask.

“How did you get into my apartment?” I’d been in such a foul mood after leaving Annie, I hoped like hell my anger hadn’t made me forget to lock up.

“I borrowed a spare I found in your junk drawer.”

Somehow, that strikes me as even worse than forgetting to flip the locks. “So you just took it?”

“In case of an emergency.”

I repeat his words to myself. For some reason, it strikes me as funny. Here’s this man who I’ve been having sex with for months, who never cared a lick about my personal anything before, and suddenly, he’s concerned about my welfare. “Why didn’t you just ask?”

“Would you have given it to me if I had?”

I open my eyes and fall straight into his. They’re blank, unreadable…and I don’t know what I would have done. “I guess we’ll never know.”

He sighs. “No, I suppose we never will.” Standing, he crosses to the door and bends down to scoop up a bundle of fresh sheets. “Go grab a shower. I’ll take care of things in here.”

I don’t argue because as disgusting as I feel, I need a moment alone more.

I take my time showering and exploring how I feel about Ransom having a key to my place. I didn’t give it to him, he took it. I’m not sure how I feel about that.

On one hand, I’m ticked off that he had the audacity to just help himself. It’s basically stealing, but should I really be surprised? I’ve never known him to be courteous or particularly concerned with other people’s feelings.

On the other hand, I’m happy he’s here. I don’t know what possessed him to let himself inside—a surprise visit?—but I know that he helped me last night when he didn’t have to.

By the time I turn off the water, I’ve decided to let Ransom slide on a technicality. As embarrassed as I am that he saw me at my worst—for the second time—he took care of me. He stayed and made sure I was okay, and he’s still here.

I find Ransom braced against the countertop, waiting for me. His features grow darker as I step out of the shower and wrap myself in a towel. For a moment, we just stare at each other. I feel as though, despite the time we’ve spent together, there’s something I’m missing. Something I’m overlooking, but for the life of me, I can’t put my finger on it. It’s not the first time I’ve felt this way, and it’s disconcerting.

“Are you mad that I have a key?” His voice is a low rumble and I detect a hint of concern.

“No, just surprised.” Reaching around him, I retrieve a comb and lead us into the kitchen where I begin working the tangles from my hair while a pot of coffee brews.

There’s only one question still nagging at me, and I ask it again, even though I suspect I already know what his answer will be. “Why didn’t you ask?”

Ransom’s mouth twists and he repeats his earlier question. “Would you have given it to me?”

I already know my answer, but I take a moment to think it over anyway. When it doesn’t change, I tell him, “No, probably not.”

He gives me a look that says that’s why. I have to grit my teeth to keep from saying something I’ll regret.

“Why did you come over last night? I thought we were spending some time apart.”

Ransom moves behind the counter that overlooks the living room and pours a cup of coffee. He drinks it black. “Do I need a reason?”

“No.” I shake my head. Something tells me to tread lightly. The way Ransom’s shoulders seem to bunch up, and the tension he’s throwing off, makes me uneasy. “How long are you staying?”

His eyes meet mine over the rim of his cup. “Is that a nice way of asking me to leave?”

“Again, no. Just making conversation over here. I think the question is perfectly reasonable.” Especially since I didn’t invite you over in the first place. I don’t voice that to him though. I have the feeling he’s spoiling for a fight, and I’m not going to give it to him. Not with the…Wait. What the hell happened to my hangover? With the amount of alcohol I put away last night, I should be laid out in bed right now.

“What did you put in that drink again?” I rub my temples, testing for aches and pains, but the only thing I detect is the slightest, almost insignificant strain behind my eyes.

Ransom smirks. “Told you it worked. Doesn’t smell or taste the greatest, but it never fails to deliver.” Abandoning his cup on the counter, he walks over and cups my face in his large palm. His thumb strokes over my jaw and presses into my chin as he tilts my head back.

“I’m glad you’re feeling okay. With the state you were in last night, I wasn’t sure you would be.”

“Even with your magic potion?”

He smiles faintly at my attempt to lighten the mood. “Even with it, yes. That’s the second time I’ve seen you like that. The first time I understand. You were having fun. But this time was different. You seemed…sad. Why is that?”

I get lost in his eyes so easily—dark eyes that see straight through me. When Ransom looks at me like this, I feel a pull to tell him everything, to confess all my secrets. It’s the princess complex. The innate desire to have a man who cares enough to swoop in and solve all my problems. But that’s the problem. Ransom isn’t that man…Is he?

Months ago, I would have said no, he isn’t, and been one-hundred percent certain I was right. Now, I don’t know what to make of him.

“I got some news that I didn’t like.” I shrug and slip from his hold, eager to drop this conversation. It’s too early to get too heavy.

Grabbing a fistful of his black AC/DC concert t-shirt now covering his gorgeous chest, I plaster myself against him. “I never thanked you for fixing me up. What do you say we head back to the bedroom so I can show you how grateful I am.”

Ransom’s smile is dark, dangerous, and oh so sexy. I have a hard time catching my breath as he sets his cup aside and backs me into the hallway. Little touches are how he teases me—sliding a finger across my cheek, tracing my bottom lip, skating a path from throat to sternum, creating an invisible line between my breasts. Once we’re in my bedroom, he tugs my towel away.

Standing naked before Ransom has always been thrilling, if not a little terrifying. I anticipate the predatory gleam that he always gets in his eyes whenever we’re about to have sex. It’s how I know what kind of mood he’s in. It’s always been aggressive, but tonight, there’s no sign of it. In its place, I only see desire. There’s a feral heat lingering in their depths, but Ransom’s eyes are gentle, almost placid.

Like he’s seeing me.

I wonder what he sees. A woman who is confident in her own skin? Or a woman who has devalued herself by taking off her clothes for other men? That’s my fear, the one that wiggles a little deeper into my gray matter every time I step onto that stage. What kind of guy would want a woman who strips for a living? Someone who shows off their body to anyone with a dollar to wave.

Sometimes, I don’t even like myself, so how can he like me?

Ransom strips off his clothes, dropping them on the floor where they join mine, and we are both standing naked before one another. His body is one that makes every muscle inside of me clench. One look and I burn for his touch. I shiver when he circles his arms around me and guides us to the bed. I stretch out beneath him, and as I look into his eyes I catch a glimpse of something that gives me pause.

For the briefest moment, it makes sense. It’s not what he sees in me that keeps him coming back. It’s what I see in him. He looks at me with wonderment. With a vulnerability that suggests being with me gives him something he needs.