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“I won’t take your maidenhead,” he assured her, as if reading her mind. “ ’Tis firmly lodged. ’Twould take more than my finger to break through it.”

“Why are you doing this?” she demanded, with belated panic. “You said you only wanted to kiss me.”

“I do.” He recaptured her mouth. The hot insistence of his tongue was more than she could resist. His finger moved in and out of her, and his tongue mimicked the plunge and retreat, driving her to an instant frenzy. Tension coiled in Clarise’s belly. His thumb began to play with the nubbin of flesh that was quivering with excruciating sensitivity.

Clarise forgot to breathe. Something powerful, inexorable, and sweet beyond her imagining threatened to roll over her and wrap around her. Again and again, the Slayer’s finger plumbed her softness. Again and again his tongue thrust into her mouth. His thumb slicked mercilessly over her pouting flesh, and then it happened.

She spasmed, rocked by her first climax. It flung her to a place she’d never been before. Stars seemed to flicker behind her eyelids. Her muscles clamped down hard, squeezing, pulling, milking the pleasure that went on, and on, and on.

Then with a ragged sigh, she released the breath she was holding. Her muscles went limp with exhaustion. She spasmed once again as the Slayer’s finger slipped out of her. He pulled slowly away, smoothing her skirts down as he did so. Her breasts were still naked, glowing like pale orbs in the semidarkness.

The Slayer slid back so that he was no longer touching her. He lay on his side, waiting, watchful. His eyes glittered with an intensity that could not be disguised by the darkness. The lines of his reclining body looked rigid.

In the painful silence that followed, Clarise scurried to regather her wits. She sat up swiftly, fumbling with the laces at the front of her gown. Her fingers trembled so badly that she could not tie them. Shame burned up her throat and singed her cheeks. She was painfully aware of the Slayer’s silent perusal.

How could she have responded with such abandon? She was a maiden, by heaven, still betrothed to Alec Monteign, should he decide to leave the priesthood. Yet she’d behaved like the wanton leman she’d once professed to be!

She wanted to die! She wanted to leave Helmesly Castle and never set eyes on the Slayer again. And yet he’d promised to take up arms for her, so that was impossible. She forced herself to focus on their agreement. After all, the arrangement had just been sealed, hadn’t it?

“Now you’ll take up arms for me and free my family?” She was dismayed to find her voice thin.

His hungry gaze caused an unwanted awareness to ripple through her. “Not quite,” he corrected. “First, you’ll agree to be my mistress.”

His answer hit her like the broadside of a sword. Clarise reared back at the unexpectedness of it. “Nay!” she cried in protest. “You said I owed you a kiss and that was all!”

“The way I look at it, lady, you owe me a great deal more than a kiss,” he retorted on a growl. “You have taken advantage of me since your arrival at my gates. If you want me to kill Ferguson, you will have to give me something in exchange. What I want is you. All of you.”

Her body quivered with excitement, betraying her. Her mind exploded with rage. A bright red haze rose up before her eyes. “You lowlife, sneaking bastard,” she hissed, pulling back an arm to strike him.

Moving swifter than a snake, he caught her descending arm in a grip that was bruising. Just as suddenly he let her go. She scooted wisely off the bed, surprised to find her legs so weak as she came to her feet. “How dare you promise me one thing and then raise the price,” she raged, wishing she could do him lasting harm.

He said nothing at all, frustrating her desire to do battle.

“Oh!” she raged, stamping a foot on the rush mat. “You . . . you conniving, scheming blackguard! How dare you blackmail me in such blatant fashion? Why you’re nothing but a—”

“Save your breath, lady,” he interrupted. “I’ve been called those things before. Go on now,” he added, jarring her with his demand that she leave. “Doris must be wondering where you are.”

To be thrust from his room was just as humiliating as his ultimatum. With a cry of outrage, Clarise cast her eyes about and spied an earthenware pitcher. Snatching it up, she hurled it with all her might at the Slayer. To her chagrin, it bounced harmlessly on the mattress and landed by his thigh. She wished, then, that it had been full of water. “Go to the devil!” she raged, marching for the door. Tears of humiliation smarted her eyes as she wrenched it open.

She gained small satisfaction in slamming it as hard as she could behind her.

With a low whistle of amazement, Christian fell back against the bed. Clarise’s passionate nature was evident not only in her body’s response to him but also in her formidable temper. He hoped he had not ruined everything by giving her such an ultimatum. And yet he’d decided that unless Clarise DuBoise was the prize, there was little allure in engaging in a long siege for the purpose of retaking Heathersgill. He already had his hands full with Glenmyre. Such chivalry was for other men, men who couldn’t bear to see a damsel in distress. Not he. He wanted to have a palpable reward for his efforts. He wanted Clarise DuBoise’s body for his sole possession. He wanted to be on her, over her, in her, and around her, always.

His body throbbed with a hunger too fierce to be ignored. Rolling down the tops of his chausses, he caught up his swollen shaft and eased it up and down. He had brought Clarise to a shattering orgasm! The truth of it exhilarated him; it excited him beyond bearing. Her body had been so responsive, yet so innocent with its tight sheath. He vowed he would have her soon.

The scent still lingered on his hands. He breathed it in, stroking his flesh as he lost himself to his imaginings.

Would she agree to be his mistress? He knew it was no light decision, giving her soul to the Slayer of Helmesly. Much depended on how badly she wanted Ferguson eliminated.

But for now, he pretended she would tell him yes. Then tomorrow at this time he would sink his aching shaft into her softness and know true fulfillment. The thought hurtled him to a speedy climax. Scalding hot seed spattered his tunic and wet his hand. He let out a groan, and realized later that he’d groaned Clarise’s name.

Chapter Thirteen

Clarise read aloud the entire chapter on the life of St. Dunstan without absorbing a word of the text.

If you want me to kill Ferguson, you will have to give me something in exchange. What I want is you. All of you.

The Slayer’s words reverberated in her head, making other thoughts impossible. She found herself at the end of the chapter with no memory of what she’d read.

Across the trestle table Harold wore a wistful expression. His white hair was bleached by the sunbeams slanting through one of the windows. The lingering aroma of trout griddled in herbs filled the empty hall. Clarise had left Simon safe in Doris’s care in order to fulfill her promise to the steward. Reading, he said, was something his niece had done for him. The girl, apparently, had died quite recently.

“Did you like the story?” she asked, wresting his attention from a corner of his mind known only to him.

Harold smiled at her sheepishly. “Aye.” He sighed. “You read as well as my lovely Rose.”