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His gaze was on the building. "There's nothing visible on infrared, but that doesn't mean the place is empty."

I raised an eyebrow. "It doesn't?"

"Demons don't show up on infrared."

"That's a comforting thought." I paused. "So how do I combat a demon?"

"Demons can be killed when they materialize." He walked to the trunk of his car and opened it up. "All you need to do is chop off their head."

"Which will be positively easy, no doubt."

It was dryly said, and he smiled. "About as easy as chopping off a vamp's head."

I waved a hand. "A walk in the park, then."

"Yeah." He handed me a long silver knife, waited until I'd strapped it on, then gave me two bottles of water and a box of salt.

"What am I supposed to do with these?" I asked, a little bemusedly.

"Holy water and salt are both weapons and purifiers." He slammed the trunk lid shut. "They can either keep the demon off you long enough to use the knife, or contain the circle so that it cannot be used for summoning again."

"We're not going to destroy it?"

He shook his head. "By making it unusable we force her to make a second, and therefore drain her of a little more power. We need every advantage we can get."

"Can I just point out it's two against one?"

"No, it's two against five. She will call the others if attacked and they can respond quicker than you could ever imagine."

He touched my back again, sending little shivers of delight lapping across my skin as he guided me toward the house. "How? They're in human form, and therefore restrained by human limitations."

"They can shed their human forms if they wish. It just means they have to find new bodies to take over."

"And would that be easy?"

He glanced at me, obsidian eyes giving little away. "No human can withstand them."

"In which case, there'd be no need for a willing victim acquiescing to evil then, would there? They could just take whatever they wanted."

"There is a difference between feeding to maintain existence and taking over the body. One has to be willing, the other does not."

"Could a nonhuman resist them?"

"Not if we're talking about a usurping of body ownership."

A tremor ran through me. I hadn't really wanted an answer to that particular question. Not when I probably had to face the bastards sooner rather than later.

I opened the gate and ran up the steps to the front door. It was locked, naturally, and a quick hunt around the nearby potted shrubbery didn't produce any handily-hidden key. "Don't suppose you were a cat burglar in one of your bad periods, were you?"

"I'm a vampire, remember?"

"Oh, yeah." Thresholds and all that. "Oh well."

I hit the door hard, in the sweet spot just above the lock, and it sprung open. Quinn raised his eyebrows. "That's a neat little trick."

"Courtesy of an apartment where the locks never work and the landlord refuses to replace them. It's the same sort of lock." I opened the salt and one of the bottles and held them at the ready. And felt stupid doing it.

I mean, water and salt had never been on my must-grab list when it came to weapons. When it came to unconventional weapons, give me a wooden spiked heel any day.

I took a long look at the shadow-bound hallway, then glanced at Quinn. "What am I looking for?"

"A cellar or room below ground level."

"Why below ground level?"

"Earth acts as a barrier to those sensitive to magic."

"The same way as it acts as a barrier to infrared?"

He nodded. "The door will probably be locked. Make sure it hasn't got any symbols carved or drawn onto it before you touch it."

"Symbols are bad?"

"They could be very bad." He touched my cheek, his fingers so warm against my skin. "Be careful in there."

"I will." I leaned forward and kissed him—just a brush of lips, a promise of heat, but even so, it had my hormones dancing with glee. I pulled back before the temptation to taste him more fully became too much, and stepped over the threshold.

The silence of the house descended like a blanket, and there was something almost surreal about it. It wasn't just the silence of a house without people. It was too watchful, too tense, for that.

Goose bumps ran across my skin. I gripped the salt box a little tighter and opened the telepathic link between us.

Heat swirled through my mind, desire as thick as anything I was feeling. My, my, my, I said, with a mental grin. The vampire hungers for more than just blood, I think.

I'm standing three feet away from a bitch in heat. His mental tones were dry. Is it any wonder I'm feeling a little horny myself?

Well, the bitch did offer a little relief.

Not when we're working.

I sighed dramatically. You are such an old man.

I prefer to call it cautious. And you and I can sometimes get loud.

Yeah, but isn't it fun?

Not when we're breaking into a suspect's house, it's not.

I smiled, and took several steps into the hall. A clock ticked silently in the room to my right, and still the air was cold. Almost abnormally so. Amusement fled, and I licked my lips. I suppose the kitchen is the most likely place for a cellar door?


I hadn't noticed one when I'd been here earlier, but then, I'd been more worried about getting some sustenance into my body before I passed out with fatigue. I padded down the hallway, my footsteps echoing lightly across the silence, every sense alert for the slightest twitch or abnormality. Nothing had changed, nothing had moved, since I was last there. Dust still layered the phone table, bills still covered the corkboard near the kitchen door, and plates bearing the remains of chocolate cake still littered the sink.

The only thing that was different was the atmosphere. The odd feeling that I was not alone in the house, despite the fact I couldn't scent or see anyone.

I stopped near the kitchen table and had a look around. There was a half-glass door to my left, through which I could see the backyard. Beyond that, the only other doorway was the pantry.

Open it.

The pantry?


I've seen it open. It's a real pantry.

His frustration swirled through me. Can you just do something I ask without arguing about it?

Don't think it's possible. I grinned as I walked across the kitchen. The pantry door squeaked as I opened it, and the sound crawled across my nerves. I see shelves covered with tins and stuff.

All of them?

My gaze slid down. There's three spare shelves on the right.

Squat down.

I obeyed. And?

Is there a button or lever on or under any of the shelves?

I shifted slightly, moving closer to the shelves. Dust stirred, catching my nose and making me sneeze. The force of the sneeze stirred several sheets of loose paper sitting on one of the half-empty back shelves, revealing a small dark handle.

Found something.

No odd symbols on or around it?

A couple of dead bugs and some sheets of paper containing recipes is about as odd as we get.

Use the lever, then. But be careful.

Tension crawled through my limbs. I rolled my shoulders, then placed the bottles of holy water in front of me and grabbed the handle. It didn't take much strength to move the lever down, and as I did, there was a harsh grating sound. The three shelves slid aside to reveal the darkness of a tunnel.