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It was a few minutes after that that the driver lowered the glass between us and him, and said, "Sir, I believe we are being followed."

"Same car as before?"

"Yes. A white Saab, with two occupants."

"Pull off at Airport West and see if we can lose him in the side streets there."

I pulled away from his arm and sat up. "How long has someone been following you?"

"We picked up the tail when I arrived at the airport earlier this evening. I thought we'd managed to lose them."

"Perhaps they've bugged the car." Fear ran through me even as I said it. One person who might want to do such a thing was Gautier. I had no doubt it was part of his plans to kill all I held dear before he killed me. If he did know about Quinn and was behind us being followed now, it meant that Rhoan had been right and Gautier was playing a game far deeper than what he was admitting. "Was it dark when you flew in?"

Quinn frowned. "Twilight. Why?"

I told him about the events of the night and Gautier's proposition.

"And you believed him?" he said, voice holding a hint of incredulousness.

"I really don't know what to think."

"So why ask the question about time?" He grabbed my arm, holding me steady and stopping me from sliding across the scat as the driver took a sharp left then accelerated.

"Because if you flew in at twilight, it confirms the fact it couldn't have been Gautier."

Because he might be the best guardian ever seen, but he was still a vampire and therefore couldn't escape the standard restrictions facing all vampires. And because he was a clone, he was too young in vampire years to be able to face any sunlight.

"He mightn't be able to risk fading light, but he's more than capable of employing people who can."

"Trust me, Gautier doesn't work with other people."

"All vampires work with others when the need arises. Even the Lone Ranger had help."

Amusement bubbled through me. "The Lone Ranger? That's a character from cruddy old TV series, not real life."

"I'm rather a fan of that series," he said stiffly, but humor sparked his dark eyes.

"I know." After all, we'd spent boring nights watching the damn show. Well, until I managed to distract him, that was.

"You, young pup, will get a cuff over the ear if you do not show more respect for the old classics."

"That a promise?"

He shook his head, as if in disgust, but the effect was somewhat spoiled by the amusement playing across his lips. "Maybe. But first we need to find out who our followers are, and who hired them."

"When you promised an exciting time, I wasn't expecting this sort of excitement."

My voice was dry and, with a smile, he leaned forward and kissed me. I'm sure he meant it to be short and sweet, like all the other kisses we'd shared tonight, but my hormones had had more than enough of that. As his lips met mine, I ran a hand through the silk of his hair and lightly clenched a handful at the back of his head to stop him from pulling away. Then I deepened the kiss, taking my time, exploring and tasting and teasing. By the time I released him, we were both breathing heavily.

"The wolf gets her revenge," he said softly, his breath hot against my lips.

"Only partial revenge. I'll take the rest of it when we uncover who's tracking us."

"I think my plans for the evening are about to go ass up."

"Totally." I kissed him again, this time lightly. "Let's do it."

"Harry, next side street, stop long enough to let us out. Then continue into the next street and block the road."

The driver nodded, obviously unfazed.

Tension curled through my limbs as the car began to speed up. Those following us had to know they'd been spotted. The mere fact we'd entered an industrial estate would surely have given the game away, let alone this sudden burst of speed.

The driver wrenched the car left into another street then stopped. We scrambled out, barely getting the doors closed again before he was off. Lights pierced the night, lighting up the main road, drawing close fast. I wrapped the shadows around myself and ran for the semi-enclosed doorway of the nearby warehouse. Quinn joined me, squeezing into my shadow-filled corner, his body pressed close and hard against mine. My heart skipped, then began to race. Danger was a very powerful aphrodisiac to a wolf, and the wild part of my soul rose with a vengeance. Desire rushed through me, fuelled by his nearness, by the hardness of his erection pressed so invitingly against my groin. And, most of all, by the danger of what we were about to do.

I closed my eyes, trying to ignore the needs of my body, trying to concentrate on the approaching car. The rumble of the engine was close, so close.

But Quinn was closer still.

I lifted my face and his mouth was there, crushing mine, the kiss deep and hungry and powerful. Everything our kiss in the car had been and more. And oh, so glorious.

The tires squealed as the second car came around the corner, then the engine gunned and the car sped off.

Quinn pushed back immediately. "Let's go."

His voice was curt, and I wondered if the source was the tension of the hunt, or anger that he'd responded so strongly to my closeness. He wasn't a man who liked to lose control. Not in any situation.

He was off in an instant, running with the speed of the wind after the car. I followed, staying to the left of the road, barely keeping up with him despite the fact that I had a vampire's speed.

The car sped around the next corner with us close on its tail Up ahead, the limo had stopped sideways across the road, as instructed.

The Saab slowed to halt. I stopped, and saw Quinn do the same. There was no movement from inside the car. Indeed, I couldn't even see the shadowy outline of the driver or the passenger through the darkened windows. The car just sat there, idling quietly.

I glanced across at Quinn, felt the caress of pressure against my psychic shields. I opened the door we'd created between our minds and said, I'm not getting any feed-back from my senses.

Not I with infrared.

I switched briefly to infrared. He was right. There wasn't even the faintest hint of blood heat in the confines of the car. Could they be shielded against it?

Maybe, though I've never heard of such a thing. Let's approach cautiously

I blew out a breath, then nodded. The closer I got to the car, the more tension curled through my limbs. Still no movement from inside, and definitely no sign or scent of life.

They had to be there, somewhere. Had to be hiding. Two people couldn't just up and disappear without even opening doors.

I edged along the side of the car and wished I'd brought my laser with me. The whole situation would have felt a lot more manageable with a weapon in my hand.

Which just went to show how far along the road I was to full acceptance of becoming a guardian. Once upon a time, not so long ago, I'd sworn that I would never pick up a weapon for the Directorate, let alone use one.

How long would it be before I actually caved in and killed for something other than self-defense or defense of pack?

A shiver ran across my skin. I ignored it and reached for the front door handle. The window was open slightly, allowing a tight-angled but clear view of the inside of the car. Even this close, there didn't appear to be anyone there. After a quick look at Quinn over the top of the car, I wrenched open the door and stepped back, out of the immediate path of a firing weapon.

I shouldn't have bothered.

The car was as empty as it had appeared.