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Seduce his woman? God help him, he would be lucky if he found the control to undress first. How much easier it would be to push the thobe to her waist, his trousers below his hips, and take her with all the impatience and driving need torturing him.

He’d stayed away from her for three days, he’d fought like hell to find the CIA asset able to locate and set up the extraction team. He had to get her the hell out of Saudi Arabia.

“See if you can find our contact tonight then,” he ordered. “I want extraction ASAP, Tariq. If I have to wait much longer, I’m contacting Khalid. Tell our mutual friends who pass along information that in twelve hours I contact the desert lion.”

Khalid’s nickname among the tribes in the outlying desert areas was cemented. He was known as a savage enemy, a fierce ally.

Tariq nodded sharply, his expression stilling, all frustration, arousal, or any hint of anger smoothing away.

“While you’re out, check the tunnel exit as well and ensure no one has found the cavern that leads to it. If Azir and Jafar are still searching for it, then they may get lucky. If they do, then we’re all screwed.”

Abram watched as the door at the other end of the room swung open to reveal Paige.

Her expression was coolly polite, her emerald gaze straightforward and revealing little of her emotions.

“Do you think you two boys could play together later?” she asked as she propped her hand on her hip and leaned against the door frame.

Abram’s gaze narrowed on her slowly. She knew how such a display of dominance toward him would affect him.

His dick, already iron hard and fully engorged seemed to swell further and harden painfully.

He’d stayed away from her as much as possible. Now, there would be no saving either of them from the hunger raging through him.

“Of course we can, precious,” he all but crooned as his gaze drifted over the thobe and he imagined the sweet perfection of her body underneath. “If you’re offering to play in other ways, then I am of course available.”

Her nostrils flared in irritation. “Well of course you’d be available for your idea of fun,” she scoffed. If he wasn’t mistaken there may have been a flash of hurt in her eyes.

“Tonight, precious, I am at your disposal however you may wish me.” He held his arms out at his side, a part of him cringing that she should be hurt by anything after what she had already suffered. She had suffered because he had been unable to rein in his interest in her enough to at least keep her safe.

Turning, he nodded to Tariq to begin the job he’d given him before moving for the entrance to the other room and the woman that haunted his thoughts and his desires.

As he escorted her back into his suite he was aware of Tariq closing the door between them and allowing them privacy as he prepared to leave.

“Now, what activities would please you within the confines of what I can provide you?”

How he wished they were in the U.S. rather than here. She could dress in the sexy, flirty clothes he had seen her in before and he could take her to her favorite restaurant or perhaps a starlit dinner on one of the exclusive dinner yachts.

He could take her dancing or they could attend a play.

“Within the confines of what you can provide.” She shook her head at the addendum. “Which isn’t much, is it?”

Her back was to him, hiding her expression, but the pensive regret in her tone was unmistakable.

“It isn’t much,” he agreed. “But hopefully, this will be over soon. We’ll go out then, Paige. I’ll take you to a place where everyone will see the beauty that’s on my arm.”

A few more days at most. As soon as he or Tariq could locate the CIA asset they worked with in the area.

“Tariq told you Chalah was here today?” She turned as she reached the fireplace.

“Yes, he told me,” he muttered in disgust. “I’ll have to send him to talk to her i she doesn’t leave soon. She needs to get the hell out of here while she still can.”

“I almost betrayed us all, Abram,” she whispered, her expression reflecting the fear he knew was brewing inside her.

“But you didn’t,” he told her. “And if you had, Paige, no one could blame you. We’ve all trusted her. Even I never suspected Jafar would go to such lengths to attain whatever it is he’s after.”

“Did you trust her?” she asked quietly.

Paige watched his expression carefully, a part of her not even certain if she had truly trusted Chalah even before she saw the audio device.

“I trust no one with your safety or with your life, Paige,” he told her, his expression thoughtful, intent. “There have been moments in the past few days that I’ve even questioned my trust in Tariq.”

He moved to her, his much larger body dwarfing her as he stopped in front of her.

Her breath nearly stopped as he reached out, his fingers catching a curl that had fallen over her shoulder.

It was the only way he was touching her, his figure rubbing the soft strands slowly.

“I want you, Paige,” he stated softly, sending her blood pressure skyrocketing, pounding off the charts with the somber heat in his voice and in his face.

“You could have fooled me,” she whispered. “You haven’t even been here, Abram.”

She hadn’t liked admitting she had been frightened while he had been gone. That a part of her had been certain Azir would come for her while Abram was gone. That he would find a way to hurt her, to perhaps kill her.

She knew if he could do it, he would find great pleasure in it. She had seen it in his face, in his eyes, the day he had backhanded her across the room.

“I’ve tried to get you out of here first, Paige,” He sighed as he laid the strands of hair neatly against her breast before he stroked the backs of her fingers along the curve of her breast.

“But I don’t think I can wait much longer to have you. I don’t think I can sleep next to you one more night without touching you, without tasting you.”

Swallowing tightly she fought to catch her breath.

“You’ve managed the past three nights.” A frown jumped between her brows at the need, the sexual hunger in his voice. “What’s changed?”

His lips twitched with an edge of amusement.

“My misbegotten attempt, as I said, to have you comfortable in your forced surroundings.”

She shook her head. “I don’t believe you, Abram. Do you know what I think?”

His expression slowly tightened into one of dominant male lust.

“What do you think?” he drawled.

“I think you have no intentions of being my lover, Abram. At the most, you intend to do no more than fuck me while we’re here. And only then, if you simply can’t resist any longer.”

And exactly how right was she?

She watched his eyes narrow and glitter knowingly in his dark face. He knew she was right. She knew she was right.

“Don’t push this, Paige.”

The tone of his voice and the look in his eyes combined with the order sent a shaft of agony tearing through her.

“You’ve had me sleep between the two of you, naked, like a lover, with no intention of actually fucking me?” Mocking amusement and bitter realization filled her. “Tell me, Abram, did you order Tariq not to fuck me as well?”

His eyes narrowed further. “I do not order Tariq. As my third, that choice remained between the two of you.”

Shock had her drawing in her breath sharply. “You would have let him take me without you?” Confusion filled her.

Paige knew enough about the lifestyle Khalid and his friends were a part of, and she assumed Abram shared the same rules. That didn’t allow the third, unless it was a permanently agreed-upon relationship, to ever be intimate with the prime lover’s woman without his presence.

“That would have been your choice.” His expression was savagely tight now.