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Her breasts were gently dilated and the nipples hardened by the desire she felt inside. Her body was barely covered by a nightgown hastily thrown over her, and the lighted cigarette that she held between her fingers made a red tip in the darkness of the room.

Danielle watched the fields. They took on a strange appearance shining under the lunar rays. It was as though they were trying to speak, to confess their sensitivity, their entrails in which the plough had been passed still burning.

And wasn't this similar to a woman's body, transported from one place to another, that heap of life joining the splendor of the starry night, the overwhelming apparition of the fleeting desire? Like her, the earth was crying under the laborer's caress. Needing to be impregnated to return what she had already furnished hundreds of times, she sucked in the brutal male who was probing every part of her.

What was dissimilar was that her womb had not yet known the joy of pregnancy.

The woman, giving the man what he desires most-that is, his sexual pleasure-doesn't have to return the most skillful caresses for a seed to move toward the orifice of life.

Danielle's and Tony's lovemaking had been unfruitful thus far.

She was still admiring the beauty of the stellar night which stretched around her. What barely perceptible voices must have risen in that nocturnal silence. At the present moment, Danielle was feeling that she was part of the multitude of women who dreamed of pregnancy without really knowing it. Yet, waiting for her Tony, the man she had married, she felt intuitively that her place had to change.

An unparalleled joy came over her as she remembered the solitary pleasures of her childhood.

“Yes,” she thought, “I enjoyed everything with all the savor of a new invention. I enjoyed my body. I felt cocks going into me slowly and what did I get out of it? A constant feeling of dissatisfaction. I had to fuck violently. I had the impression that those hairy bodies on me wanted only the dream buried deep in my cunt.

“But if I remember correctly, it was my cunt which wanted to breathe the juice of my lovers. It loved them with a constant passion. It needed their liquid to reach dreamy regions or to bring fantasies to my youth. I have known every vice.”

And her thoughts flew before her into the city where those she had known might still be looking for her.

Leaning by the window, Danielle breathed deeply and felt the country air filling her lungs. She could see the thick cottages off in the distance, the intimate rooms where the farmers loved to prolong the evenings.

And while waiting for Tony, who had probably let himself be dragged to some village bar, she dreamed of a constant tranquility.

The wind was blowing gently, barely moving the leaves on the trees which bordered the paths. Danielle had finished her cigarette and thrown it down. Her hair spread out over her breasts and shivers ran over her body, making her even more malleable to the desire of the male she was awaiting.

She let her eyes wander in the shadows of the fields. Suddenly she felt an anguished trembling and put her hand on her cunt: a tree in the distance resembled a cock.

She looked at it feverishly, perhaps praying that it would move and come to plant its flowering branch inside her.

Then she smiled at her obsession.

A little later Tony came back and she held out her sensual lips so that he would be excited by their warmth and demand her body.

From time to time, something reminded her of the pleasures of her past. Something would recall the warmth of bodies resting on hers and in the furnace of sensuality, far from civilized people who could only lead her into error with their conventional hypocrisy, she felt ready to simulate all those women similar to her because of their insatiable bodies.

The door opened gently and a hand rested confidently on her round, smooth ass. A breath, a warm breath sent its lovely perfumes toward her.

The room seemed to shine in this instant when the man returned from work to find the woman he had chosen…

“Don't turn the light on!” she murmured to her husband, who had just caressed her. “Let's stay here.”

Tony had returned and without making a sound had entered the room which they had both chosen as their favorite.

“Don't turn the light on!” she repeated. “Come close to me.”

She caressed the man's hair as he bit her neck softly and sent tiny shivers through her body. He put his hand under her nightgown. She trembled as if every fiber of her being was holding itself out toward this desire.

He found the strength of his first night again.

The bed awaited them in the dark, close to their thirsting bodies. He lifted her suddenly and carried her to the nuptial bed, which made a dull sound when he placed his wife's body down again.

“Tony! My Tony! I waited for you for so long! Do you know how I worry when you're late?”

“Darling, I stayed in the village, but I was thinking of you every minute.”

“I was waiting for you! I'm waiting for you!”

She covered him with caresses and he kissed her in every place he could put his mouth, moist with the desire that was rising in his body.

She undid her gown and appeared in her nudity, offering her hungry body like a long-sought meal.

Under him, she looked like the final refuge of an unhealthy sensuality, and yet, his uncontained desire would be able to be satisfied in the female's warm den.

“Forever! Forever,” he told her, “your body will belong to me forever. I don't know who you are! But I married you. That's enough for me.”

“Tony, my darling Tony, take me. Possess me with all the passion you know I adore!”

Their pleasure was long and intense. They had made love as they did every day, but in the darkness, they particularly enjoyed their position like loving children. Danielle's long, muscular legs stretched and clung to the man. Her wonderful breasts were crushed by her husband's powerful chest.

Their nervous hands sought and discovered the tiniest chinks in each other's bodies with an unaccustomed haste, and they clung to each other frantically. Their breaths mingled and the seed that quickly rose from their swollen sexes fell in large drops on the covers, where they disappeared into the material.

Finally they stopped, and yet continued to caress each other, trying to rest comfortably by finishing the emptying of their love-filled parts.

She put her arm around her husband's neck and dug her nails into him from time to time. Tony was very happy. He seemed quiet and satisfied. The man was spent, without any more desires at the moment, letting himself be smoothed by the song of his heart which was mingled with the sensual notes of his wife.

And the night slowly thickened its enchanting shadows in the room in which the couple had shared their amorous caresses. They were no longer conscious of where they were. It was as if their minds, released from the innumerable superstitions that obstructed them, had suddenly taken a serene bend in their lives.

Their bodies were touching and their spent and satisfied flesh demanded only the rest necessary to begin their sexual caresses again.

Thus in the darkness they fell asleep peacefully. Tony pressed against his wife, letting himself be overcome by the surrounding silence and falling more and more into a healthful somnolence.

The bed no longer resounded under the wild assaults and it too profited by this calming of desire. It seemed liberated of the necessity to give them its powerful springs to deaden the noises of passion.

And the morning appeared, sublime in the first rays of the sun which bathed the moist countryside.

The two lovers began their daily occupations again. The days succeeded one another and each day consisted of practically the same activities. Tony was busy with the work in the fields and didn't think much about his wife. He preferred to come home to her in the evening and to profit by those dark hours to diminish the flux of the desire that submerged his individuality.