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“Remember, Son, true character is revealed in the dark.” Her hand softly cradled his cheek. “And I have every confidence in yours. You are a fine man.” She kissed his forehead. “Choose life, dearest.” When she began to straighten, his hand brought her cheek back to his for a moment. She could feel the moisture of his tears.

“Good night, Aunt Catherine.” He spoke so brusquely and low that it was barely audible. “And thank you.” Reaching the door, she turned to say something but saw he was again lost in thought.


After the door was shut, Fitzwilliam studied the bottle he had automatically reached for… and stopped.

He replaced the cork.

“To bed,” he whispered as he pushed back his chair.

Unknowingly, Catherine had won.

He chose life.

Chapter 13

Lady Catherine and Mr. Bennet spent the first day of their visit discussing common ailments and aches and commiserating with each other over the loss of a spouse. She personally took him on a tour of the house and grounds, and was very impressed with his knowledge of horticulture. He was particularly interested in her many greenhouses, where flowers, fresh vegetables, and exotic fruit were grown year round. He lingered in the greenhouse that specialized in experimental farming and talked at length with the head gardener.

“Mr. Bennet, I have saved the best for you, I think, for last.” They came back into the house and headed up the long marble staircase to the second floor. The staircase ended directly before an impressively large set of double doors at the middle of the first landing.

“Whatever can you show me to exceed the wonders I have already seen, your ladyship?” he asked and then stepped back in awe when she opened the doors to the Rosings library.

“I believe we have the most extensive private library in the country. My husband was an avid reader and collector of rarities.” She arched her eyebrow. “I think if he could have, he would have moved his bed into this room. I want you to feel at home here.”

Mr. Bennet walked hesitantly into the two-story wonderland and spun around slowly. He had never seen so many books, so many rarities housed in glassed cabinets, so many manuscripts and globes. A huge mullioned window with beautiful roses and twining vines dominated the back wall from top to bottom. There were four circular stairways leading to the balcony surrounding a second level of books and glass cabinets, and a series of sliding ladders against two of the main walls. It was magnificent.

“I am overwhelmed,” he whispered as if in church. “Thank you, dear lady, for this.”

“Not at all,” she replied kindly. “You deserve some time to indulge yourself. You need only ring for anything you want.” She pointed to a bell pull near the massive fireplace. “We shall see you later for dinner?” she asked. Still in shock, he waved her vaguely away and wandered into his holy of holies.


Elizabeth awoke later that evening to Darcy crouched on his heels before her, his hand resting gently on her stomach. She had fallen asleep after dinner as the others talked quietly around her, and now they were the last to retire. “Elizabeth, do you know that when I called your name I could see a ripple move across you here!” His eyes were filled with awe, and she smiled up at him.

“I noticed earlier that whenever you speak, I am able to feel him move slightly.” This was the first time they allowed themselves to speak openly about their child. “It started earlier today, thank goodness. I confess I was beginning to worry a bit.”

“You said ‘him.’ Do you have inclinations in that direction?” he asked, helping her to her feet.

“Right now I feel only happiness and relief that there is movement. Whatever it is will be fine with me. What of you, William?” He nodded and kissed her lips tenderly. They then held each other for a long time before turning to make their tedious, slow ascent up the staircase again. Even though she looked happy, Elizabeth’s eyes were rimmed and dark, her body moving unsteadily behind the stomach that appeared suddenly larger each day. Darcy worried at the spurt of growth within her, anxious that perhaps there were twins coming, and she was so very petite.

“Your aunt seems very happy now about our marriage.”

“Yes, she does, but her attention shifts are legendary. We will have to wait to see which way the winds blow.”

As they entered her dressing room, Darcy called for her maid. “Oh, Lizzy, your legs are swelling up badly. You will not be walking tomorrow.”

“No, please, William. I so love my morning walks. You know that.”

“You will be better served by staying in bed resting with your feet up.”

She tried to protest, but he put up his hand to stop her. It was then that he noticed a letter had arrived for Elizabeth from her sister Jane but had been left unopened.

“What does your sister write?” he asked, trying to divert her attention. He crouched before her to help remove her shoes.

“I’ve no idea. I haven’t opened the letter yet, as you can well see.” Lizzy was disappointed at the thought of not being able to get outside in the morning air, and her mood had shifted to definite crankiness. “Why do you care if I read the letter from Jane?” Yes, she definitely was in a bad mood.

He looked up at her patiently. “I care because she is your sister, and you love her. That is all. If you do not wish to read it, it is your concern alone.”

Immediately regretful, she caressed her husband’s cheek in mute apology then turned her back for him to rub. “I think your son has landed on my spine,” she said softly. “Forgive my testiness, but I hate that you feel distress about me so much.”

He leaned down and kissed her neck. “I myself may be a bit at fault and will try to restrain myself in the future, I promise. Just let me know whenever you need anything…or whenever you do anything…or whenever you want anything, so I can be there with you.”

Elizabeth privately rolled her eyes then turned to smile sweetly up at him, pointing once more toward her back. Almost as soon as he began to massage her, the maid entered. The bashful young girl waited patiently for him to finish. “Please help your mistress get ready for bed,” he said and dropped a kiss on his wife’s shoulder. “I’ll be back in a few moments.” He walked into their bedroom and then into his own dressing room and closed the door. The letter marked urgent, which he had received from Bingley, sat on a tray. He picked it up and read it again.

Dear friend,

Would it be possible for you to come to Netherfield Hall as soon as possible? Please tell Elizabeth nothing. This is of a somewhat private nature, a very personal problem. Forgive the secrecy, but something has come up that may be important.



He was impatient to learn if Elizabeth had received some further explanation in the note from Jane, and concerned that whatever its contents were, they would bring stress to his wife. But in the end, he decided to wait and not press her. The last thing he wanted now was to cause Lizzy any anxiety or concern. Her pregnancy was taxing them both to the limits, and they still had four months left. Four months, kill me now, God. He sighed and shook his head. If there was a problem, which must have been the case, else Bingley would not have even suggested keeping something from Elizabeth, he would quickly find a solution. But it would be best if he could evaluate it first.

For Darcy, not to be in full possession of the facts was pure hell. The knowledge that those facts could in any way distress his beloved wife was unacceptable in the extreme. I hope I can help with what’s to be done, whatever Bingley’s problem may be, he reasoned. But I will protect Elizabeth and our child before anything.