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Surely Lady Catherine de Bourgh would not assign any responsibility to her for the whole unseemly affair. Why the woman wasn’t even English—was a savage American, in fact, and certainly never again to be welcomed into this home. Yes, that’s what she would assure her. Possibly together they could even force Amanda to return to America, demand to have her deported. Or shot. Lady Catherine de Bourgh had connections, tremendously powerful connections.

Lady Catherine assuredly is as very much opposed to this match as I am, perhaps even more so… Yes, indeed, this could be my entrée into the higher circles of the aristocracy. Very likely, Lady Catherine de Bourgh will be extremely happy to see the back of that American and is seeking my assistance. She may even recommend me for vouchers to Almack’s, even perhaps an invitation to Carlton House!

In fact, the more she thought about it, the more Lady Penrod believed that to be the most probable reason for the visit. After all, they were sort of kindred spirits in this whole fiasco. Lady Catherine would have no doubts as to her assistance in this. No, Lady Catherine de Bourgh would see that she had a most loyal ally in Lady Marguerite Penrod.

“Please show her in immediately,” she commanded in a most exasperated manner. “Why ever are you just standing there? Move!” Imagine leaving Lady Catherine in the foyer, cooling her heels! She smoothed down the imperceptible wrinkles in her dress. How’s my hair? She quickly rose from the desk to check her appearance in the mirror, when in the reflection, she saw Lady Catherine enter.

She stepped forward, grandly extending her hands to her illustrious guest, a huge, welcoming smile on her lips. The smile evaporated quickly and turned into stunned and frozen shock at the personage who entered after Lady Catherine.

“The Woman” was being led into the room by an army colonel, her hand resting companionably upon his arm.

“Lady Marguerite Penrod, may I introduce Mrs. Maria Anne Fitzherbert, and I believe you already know of my nephew, Colonel Richard Fitzwilliam.” Lady Penrod curtseyed so low that she had trouble arising. Her heart was pounding.

“I am incredibly honored that you are in my home… that either of you are in my home… incredibly honored…” Words were tumbling out at a frightening pace. A genuine Royal worshiper, Lady Penrod continued to bow before Mrs. Fitzherbert. “I never thought I would ever… I mean I have seen you, naturally…”

Mrs. Fitzherbert turned her body toward Catherine, snapping open her fan. “Please ask her to keep her comments brief. Our head is beginning to ache.” Mrs. Fitzherbert sat, unasked, on the settee, with Lady Catherine beside her. Richard humbly retreated into the background, witnessing female deception and cunning at its best.


Mrs. Fitzherbert fanned herself languidly, opening her mouth once or twice but ultimately said nothing. She turned toward Lady Catherine. “Countess?”

“Mrs. Fitzherbert has come to speak to you about a very delicate matter that is causing her, as well as myself, great concern.” As she spoke, her eyes swept across the expanse of threadbare carpet. Lady Penrod swallowed hard and suddenly noticed how very threadbare that ancient Turkish carpet actually was.

“Of course, of course. To what do I owe this…?” Lady Penrod’s voice trailed off when she saw that Mrs. Fitzherbert had become quite pale. She spoke behind the privacy of her fan. “Have you brought the vinaigrette?” she whispered to Catherine. “We may have need of it. Our head is beginning to pound. There is something about these surroundings… perhaps an odor…?”

A suitable amount of time was passed in humiliating silence before the quiet was shattered by the high-pitched screech of Mrs. Fitzherbert. “I shall begin. Lady Penrod!” The woman in question jumped several inches at a sound that could just possibly slice through glass. “My husband and I have been informed of a most unnatural situation in this household regarding custody of a child.”

The little color there was in Lady Penrod’s cheeks now turned bright pink. “I beg your pardon?”

“The child in question is the son of Colonel Fitzwilliam’s wife.” Mrs. Fitzherbert turned her gaze directly at Lady Penrod. “Both my husband and I have taken a great interest in this situation, as we are both quite fond of the colonel.”

Lady Penrod’s heart stopped beating as she tried to comprehend what was being said. For several minutes, the only noise in the room was the mantel clock, her attention drifting as she considered the dual thrill and horror that the regent was even remotely aware of her existence. “I was unaware that they had married.”

Mrs. Fitzherbert’s shrill screech rang out again. “Both my husband and I would look most kindly upon a rethinking of the custody situation. Lady Catherine has assured us that her solicitors would be most willing to meet with yours to discuss a rearrangement that would be advantageous to all parties concerned.”

Lady Penrod gripped her chair arms during the ear-shattering experience. Once or twice, she opened her mouth to speak but then retreated in fear. Finally she whispered to Lady Catherine, “May I speak?”

Catherine nodded coldly.

“Please forgive my forwardness, but what possible interest would you have in this matter?” Her voice was barely audible.

Mrs. Fitzherbert raised her quizzing glass and stared, dumbstruck, for several moments. “Colonel Richard Fitzwilliam is a decorated war hero and a dear friend to our family. The colonel has honorably received your daughter-in-law in marriage and will be able to provide a most satisfactory home for the child, a child, I might add, who is only five years old and needs his mother. We would strongly recommend your immediate reassessment.”

Lady Penrod’s ears were ringing. That tone could not be natural, surely. She looked at Lady Catherine and then at the colonel, neither of whom looked as affected as she was by the pitch and tenor of that hideous voice. Her hands were shaking, and she longed to stick a finger in her ear and vigorously shake things around. “Forgive me, truly; until this moment I was unaware they had married. I thought…” The two old dragons returning her gaze stared at her blankly. “Well, I am certain that you know what I thought.” She whispered in confidence, not wishing to offend the colonel. Finally, she made a furtive little motion to stand.

Mrs. Fitzherbert gave her a look that could stop a clock. “You would not stand in our presence, would you?” Her voice clearly registered her astonishment.

“No, no. Of course not.” She sat again at the edge of her seat. “You see, my grandson is a baronet. He should be raised in this house, by people of his class and rank. Amanda is…is… an American. Would they be up to the task, do you think?” There, she could not make the problem plainer. Lady Penrod stared at them both as if this was all the explanation that was needed. The chit could not possibly be up to the task of raising an English gentleman.

Lady Catherine struggled to stand, a faint burgundy color rising up her chest into her neck and slowly spreading across her cheeks. She was furious—no, she was beyond furious. She was enraged. Mrs. Fitzherbert placed a steadying hand on her back, while she herself hid her twitching grin behind her fan. Knowing her friend’s immense pride, she wondered briefly if Catherine would soon explode.