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He was peppering her neck and back with tiny kisses. “So tight.”

“Leo.” She was gasping, the fullness of his cock and the vibrator almost too much to bear.

His teeth sank into her shoulder, just where it joined her neck, his mouth sucking forcefully. He pulled his cock almost all the way out of her. Her back arched, her neck tilting to the side, trying desperately to get him closer. His tongue stroked over the mark he’d left.

He began to move, fucking her with smooth, steady strokes, the vibrator once again brushing against her clit. She found herself rocking back into him, moaning in time to his thrusts.

“So good. So damn good.” His words were slurred as he picked up speed, his cock slamming into her.

He sat up, both hands on her hips, pummeling her, pulling her ass back to meet him. The vibrator began moving again, somehow obeying his mental commands, driving in and out in counterpoint to his thrusts.

The vibrations were driving her insane.

Leo began fucking her hard, the wet slap of flesh against flesh loud in the room. The vibrator was pressed up firmly against her clit, increasing in intensity. Golden sparkles dazzled her eyes, Leo’s magic slipping from his grasp to color the air around them.

She could barely breathe as the orgasm washed over her. It burst inside her, devouring her, all of her muscles clenching against the dark pleasure of two cocks. It was almost more than her body could take.

“Ruby! Ah, God!” Leo ground against her ass with a harsh groan and came, the wet warmth sliding into her ass. They shook together, his power blinding them with pleasure so intense Ruby damn near passed out.

He caught himself on his hands as the last of her spasms washed over her. He pulled out, careful not to hurt her. The room drifted away in white mist.

She was back in the Malmayne house. Her ass hurt, her back hurt, her legs and arms hurt, but damn if she didn’t care. “I need to double-dog dare you more often.” She was still panting, a silly grin on her face.

“Did I hurt you?”

She snuggled down into the pillow, content, and answered him the best way she knew how. She wasn’t surprised when he started laughing. After all, he did promise to make her purr.

“Have you found your father?” Leo stared out the window of the library, hoping Duncan wasn’t going to ask him to pinpoint the gravesite. He would, if necessary, but he’d had enough of death for one day.

“He’s been found.”

Leo turned to see Duncan staring into a whiskey glass. The new Lord of the Malmayne clan swirled the amber liquid around in his glass, his gaze sad and thoughtful. “If I had been here none of this would have happened.”

“No offence, but why weren’t you?”

Duncan put the drink down carefully on one of the cherry wood tables. His fingers played with the edges of the glass. “My father was still my lord. He sent me to France to deal with some issues we were having with one of our businesses there. It turns out it was nothing more than some members of the clan taking more tithe than they were due. I straightened it out and came back as soon as possible.”

“Why didn’t any of my calls get through?”

Duncan turned to Jaden. The vampire was currently sprawled on the sofa, his long legs splayed wide, his hands behind his head as he contemplated the ceiling. “I’m not sure, but my cell didn’t work the entire time I was in France. As soon as I left for England it suddenly started working again.”


“I’m not sure. There are other reasons it might not have worked. I wasn’t all that close to Paris, after all. It might have simply been poor signal strength.”

“And it might have been the Deranged Darling’s hirelings.”

The two men shared a look Leo couldn’t quite interpret. It was as if they were communicating silently. “It’s possible you’re right.” Duncan picked up his whiskey glass and saluted Leo. “I’m glad we were able to help you rescue your lady.”

“Although he didn’t need all that much help.” Jaden shuddered. “How long is it going to take you to get West out of your ceiling, anyway?”

Leo grimaced. “Please don’t mention that again.”

“You could just leave him there. Have the column tricked out in concrete. Paint pictures on it. Raise a toast every year in my name. You know, ding, dong, the asshole’s dead.”

Leo shook his head at the happily humming vampire. He turned to Duncan, who was smiling down at his bond brother. “Is he always like that?”

“Frequently.” Duncan took a drink of his whiskey. “What are your plans now?”

“Now? Learn how to control my leprechaun side, apparently.” He glanced up and saw Ruby step cautiously into the library, her gaze going warily back and forth between Duncan and Jaden. She was dressed in one of his shirts. Luckily it was long enough on her to hit just above her knees. He moved forward, eager to take his mate into his arms. “And plan a wedding.”

Even as she nestled into his arms, she was arguing. “You’re planning the wedding? Try we’re planning the wedding. And no getting freaky in front of my relatives.” She looked around Leo’s shoulder to glare at Jaden. “I’m talking to you especially, fang boy.”

“Fang boy? Fist you call me Bunnicula, and now fang boy?”

Bunnicula? Leo laughed. “You invited the Hob to the wedding, and you’re worried about a vampire?”

He could hear Duncan choking on his whiskey even as Jaden sputtered. “The Hob? She invited the Hob to your wedding? With humans?” The vampire doubled over in laughter, gasping. “Oh, man, I am so there.”

And all Leo could do was agree and kiss his wife.

He was so there.


Jaden watched as Leo, Ruby and the Dunne family were reunited. Ah, family bonding down on the farm. He snorted, amused. He wondered what they were going to say when he told them Moira was coming with him, whether they liked it or not. He had the feeling they wouldn’t take that very well.

Too bad, so sad. He’d decided to claim Moira as his own, and no one was going to stand in his way.

He climbed out of the limo into the night, thankful that Dunne had been willing to wait until Jaden could accompany them. While sunlight wouldn’t kill him outright, it would make him damn sick.

Accommodating his “allergy” wasn’t something most Fae, Sidhe or not, would bother with, but Dunne had made an exception.

Guess he feels he owes me. Yeah, well, Jaden planned on taking payment in the form of the man’s sister.

“May I exit the limo, Jaden?”

Jaden smiled. “Sorry, Duncan.” He stepped aside, his eyes never leaving Moira. The evening did wonders for her. She glowed under the light of the newly risen moon. She was casting looks his way, too, her eyes flickering back and forth between him and Duncan, a wariness present he’d do his best to remove before too much time had passed. He sent reassurances, and love, down the link, and watched her relax.

He stepped forward, hoping against hope that she wouldn’t reject him. She represented everything he’d ever wanted in a female. She was strong, spirited, beautiful, and loyal. He couldn’t wait to make her his. The light bond he’d established with her had let him feel everything she did, all that she was, and as far as he was concerned she was glorious.

Duncan stepped in front of Moira, a stunned expression on his face. Jaden’s heart nearly stopped.

Down the bond he felt a shock of recognition.