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Leo could hear it whispering in his head in time with his thrusts: Mine! He hadn’t felt this good since… Hell. Nothing had ever been this good.

He could feel his magic wrapping itself around them, a glittering, sparkling curtain he could do nothing about. It was hard enough not spilling his seed into her waiting body before she was ready for it.

There was no way he could control his powers.

His magic scented the air with vanilla and peaches, causing her to smile. That soft expression nearly finished him, so sweet and sexy, a smile he vowed then and there no other man would ever see. That particular look was his.

He began pulling on her body, faster and faster, thrusting himself in and out of her with growing urgency. The lights surrounding them began to glow brighter and brighter, his climax inching closer. He could tell from the way she moved and moaned beneath him that she was about to explode. He had to make sure she came first. He needed their first time together to be perfect for her.

He wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer. Her eyes were still tightly shut, her teeth nibbling at her lip as she strained up against him. Her brow furrowed, her lip curled, and he knew she was almost there. He reached between them and flicked her clit hoping to push her over that final edge.

She came screaming, flinging herself at him, pulling him into her so tightly that when he came his whole body pulsed with light and the room around them lit up like the fourth of July. He could feel himself throbbing inside her, the pleasure nearly blinding him, his come bathing her womb, his light bathing her skin, Claiming her, marking her as his.

He collapsed against her, half dead from the best goddamned sex he’d ever had in his life, and wondered how quickly he could talk her into bonding.

Ruby floated down from somewhere so high she hadn’t been able to breathe. There was a heavy, warm weight draped over her. She could feel someone breathing heavily next to her ear. She opened her eyes.

Leo was draped over her, his arms clutching her to him tightly like he was afraid she was going to get up and run from the bed. Her thighs were still cradling his, his now soft cock just beginning to slide from her body.

Maybe she really had stopped breathing. She could swear she saw fading, twinkling lights surrounding them. A sure sign of oxygen deprivation.

She giggled.

Leo stirred against her, the curve of his lips tickling the side of her neck. He lifted himself to look down at her. “Mind letting me in on the joke?”

“I think I was oxygen deprived.”

He tilted his head, a question in his gaze.

“I actually saw little lights a minute ago, like you do when you’re mountain climbing and the air is really thin.”

He frowned, concerned. “You’ve actually experienced that?”

She giggled again. “Discovery Channel.”

He rolled over onto his side with a sigh, gathering her limp, sated body against his. He kissed her forehead tenderly, and she shivered, startled.

“I don’t know about you but I’m exhausted. Go to sleep, Ruby.”

“Oh, but—”

“No buts, kitten.” He lifted his head and looked down at her, a mixture of tenderness and command on his face. “Go to sleep.”

She licked her lips. Suddenly, things seemed a little more intense than she’d planned on. “I wasn’t planning on staying the night.”

“I wasn’t planning on making love to you tonight, either.” Suddenly serious, he said, “Stay with me.”

Her breath caught in her throat at his expression. “Don’t leave me before morning.” Before she could reply, he leaned down and kissed her with a tenderness that left her breathless. “Please.”

She only hesitated a moment. With a soft sigh she cuddled up against him, burying her face in his chest. Closing her eyes she willed her body to sleep. It didn’t take long for the combination of wine, warmth and incredible sex to gently lull her to sleep.

She didn’t see the relief that crossed his face or the tenderness as he watched her sleeping in his arms.


Jaden Blackthorn strolled down the hallway, looking neither left nor right. He’d been summoned here before, and he didn’t like it one little bit.

Snagging the hybrid hadn’t been easy, but he’d known it wouldn’t be. He’d been strong, absurdly so, and that unique power of his had made things a little…touchy…at one point, but he’d pulled off the job.

Now the Deranged Darling wanted something more from him. Hell, at this point he was considering paying her room and board since she had him practically living in the mansion. The only thing that made it bearable was her fashionable Rodeo Drive ass was stuck in East Bumblefuck, Nebraska.

He desperately wished the Malmayne house was a ranch. He’d love to see her get cow shit all over her Pradas.

He reached the doorway at the end of the hall and pushed it open. He was singularly unimpressed by the rich surroundings of cherry wood, velvets and silks. Nothing here meant a damn to him other than it proved they could afford to pay him. This house belonged to Lord Cullen Malmayne and was as cold as the man himself. The home Jaden shared with Duncan was a great deal warmer.

Then again, an iceberg was warmer than this place. He couldn’t wait to get out of here and go home.

Malmayne the elder was speaking to his daughter, trying once again to get her crazy ass to see reason.

Jaden held back his sigh and waited.

“Shane is here and could easily fulfill the contract, Kaitlynn.”

“I don’t want Shane. I want Leo,” a husky, feminine voice pouted.

If it wasn’t for the fact that the voice belonged to one of the most spoiled women Jaden had ever met it would have sent shivers of lust down his spine. Instead he shuddered and turned to look at the tall, elegant blonde. Her white gold hair was done up in a simple French twist a la Grace Kelly. She’d worn a pale shade of pink today, complementing her fair skin, the silky material clinging to her understated curves.

High heels in a matching shade were strapped on her dainty feet, emphasizing the long length of her legs.

Gray eyes stared at her father with a forlorn expression, her luscious mouth tilted down at the edges.

Jaden hid another shudder. That mouth held teeth sharper than his, and that was saying something.

Malmayne the elder sighed. “I will see if we can negotiate with Leo, my dear, but he’s turned down all other overtures. Perhaps, if Leo refuses, we should reconsider Shane?”

Jaden tuned them out, waiting silently and with the stillness only those of his kind could accomplish.

He’d heard this argument before, and knew Cullen Malmayne would once again lose. He opened his senses to the surrounding area, listening to the heartbeats of all those around him, counting them out until he’d found even the two “hidden” guards Malmayne the elder thought protected him. Jaden hid his knowledge of the watchers, keeping his face bored.

“Mr. Blackthorn. Thank you for coming.”

Jaden blinked and turned his darkest, most penetrating stare towards the blonde. “Ms. Malmayne.”

He nearly allowed his grin to escape at her moue of distaste. “Would you like to have a seat, Mr.


“No, thank you, Ms. Malmayne. I prefer to stand.”

There was a moment of confusion on her face before she blinked and gave him her false, sweet smile.

“Mr. Blackthorn, I have another job for you.”

Jaden nodded. “I kind of figured, hon, otherwise you wouldn’t have called.” He smirked, allowing his teeth to flash at her.