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He was asking her opinion. Jaxon blinked back tears. It was true she didn’t know him all that well, but she caught glimpses of his mind each time he merged fully with her, and she had seen enough to know he was a master at planning battles. Most of all, it mattered that he would ask her opinion.

She thought carefully about each plan of action. “I think it’s too hard to protect everyone. We can’t be with them during the day, so they’re vulnerable to Drake and any creature the vampire decides to create. If we go, I don’t see what good it will do for the vampire to attack people here. We should think of a place we can lay out an ambush and easily defend.” She suddenly noticed she was shivering uncontrollably, her hair soaking wet, while he was standing there perfectly groomed in his robe. She glared up at him. “Why are you dry and I’m soaking wet and shaking with cold?”

Lucian took her hands in his and rubbed them gently to warm her. A faint smile touched his sculpted mouth. “Think of being warm and dry. Picture it in your mind. Hold the picture in your mind of your hair dry, your skin dry, your body warm.” He merged with her, stilling her tumbling thoughts, helping to build the image of warmth and dryness.

Jaxon withdrew her hand from his to reach up and touch her hair in awe. “I did that? Just like that? No blow-dryer, no towel?”

“Just like that.” The smile was once more inside him, blossoming strong, filling him with joy. She brought back his first days as a fledgling trying to learn the things that came so easily to the adults of their species.

“Can I do all the things you can do?”

He nodded slowly, watching her face through half-closed eyes. He looked lazy, yet Jaxon had the feeling he was totally alert.

“What would you like to learn how to do?” he asked.

“Now?” She ran her palms along her arms, aware of the way her skin had resisted the rising sun.

“Your skin will become tougher, Jaxon. Eventually you will be able to watch the sunrise as long as you wear dark glasses. You should make it a habit to carry them with you wherever you go. That way if you are caught out in the morning or need to rise early, your eyes will be safe from the rays of the sun. I am an ancient—we feel pain much more intensely than do the younger members of our species—yet I can go out in the early-morning hours with little trouble. It is one advantage the hunter has over the vampire. The vampire cannot rise until the sun has truly set. He cannot see the sunrise ever.”

“Are we really helpless in the afternoon?” A soft note in her voice betrayed her fear.

His hand found her silky hair, then slipped to the nape of her neck, his fingers slowly massaging to ease the sudden tension from her. “Our bodies are lethargic at that time, it is true, but we are not entirely without means to protect ourselves. I am extremely powerful, angel; there is no way you will come to any harm. I would never allow it.”

Jaxon moved into his arms, holding him tightly. Staying a shadow in her mind allowed him to see how his world, so alien and different, so filled with myths and superstitions, with violence and creatures of the night, seemed a very terrifying place to her. Lucian locked his arms around her. “Should we ever have need of help, Jaxon, my brother is always near.”

“I hate to disillusion you, Lucian, but your brother lives in Paris. I saw his address. That isn’t just around the corner, even by your standards.”

“If your need was great, he could do as I did from afar, seeing through your eyes—lend you his aid, his strength, even destroy an enemy threatening you.”

The thought of any other man crawling around in her mind was instantly abhorrent to her. Why she didn’t mind Lucian reading her every thought, why it seemed natural, she didn’t comprehend, but she knew she would be reluctant to have anyone else discover the things about her he had.

Lucian was absurdly pleased with her thoughts. She was normally so easy in the company of men, which bothered him more than he had realized. He wanted her to want him,


him, the same way he needed her. Not because the ritual had joined them together and their bodies cried out to each other, but because


was important to her. Lucian. No other. Still, she was reluctant to read his mind, explore his memories or the person he was. Lifemates learned about each other quickly by exploring each other’s minds, yet she persisted in shying away from such things.

“You look sad.” She put a hand on his arm and touched his mouth with a fingertip. “Your eyes, Lucian.

Sometimes you look so sad, it breaks my heart. I know you must find me a great disappointment because I can’t do the things the women of your race have always done, but I’m trying. I really am.”

“You could never disappoint me, angel. Do not even allow such a thought to cross your mind. Every moment I spend with you brings me great joy.” He moved her smaller, slender body toward the bed by simply crowding her with his larger, heavier frame. The sun was moving in the sky; he could feel it, feel the effects on his already tired body. “In your learning, I can experience the joy of each gift all over again”

Jaxon climbed onto the bed almost absently, biting on her lower lip in deep thought. “I don’t want you to be sad for me. Is that it? Don’t pity me, Lucian. I couldn’t stand that.”

He dragged the thick cotton robe from her body even though she made an attempt to hold it around her modestly. His own robe was left on the floor in an untidy heap. His arms swept her backward so that she landed on the bed, her large eyes staring up at him. “How could I possibly feel pity for a woman who has Lucian Daratrazanoff as her lifemate? He is quite handsome—I have it on good authority. Sexy.


is the term I believe was used.”

Jaxon knew a blush was covering her entire body. His hands were moving over her skin gently, a leisurely exploration, as if he couldn’t quite keep from touching her. She closed her eyes and gave herself up to the feeling of his hands on her body. “He is hot, but he’s also quite arrogant.”

“He has beautiful eyes,” he murmured, his mouth finding the corner of hers, teasing, skimming, his teeth nipping tenderly. “You like his eyes.”

The pleasure he gave her was indescribable. She could think of no words to explain the sensations sweeping through her body. Warmth. Happiness. Lucian was indulging himself, tracing his hands over her skin for the sheer delight of it. He shaped the creamy swell of her breasts, took tremendous enjoyment in feeling the way her nipples pushed pleadingly against his palms. He bent his head to place a kiss in the center of her throat. His hair slid over her breasts, an exquisite torment.

Her hands came up to cradle his head. Her legs shifted restlessly. She loved the way he wanted her. She could feel it in the touch of his hands, almost as if he were worshiping her body. She could feel the warmth of his breath as he moved over her, his tongue finding the pulse at her throat. Her heart somersaulted, and her body clenched in anticipation. She felt her breasts ache with the need for his touch, felt the creamy dampness as her body called to his. His mouth found her breast, the feeling so exquisite she heard herself moan softly. His hands were at her waist, her hips, stroking over her hipbones. It wasn’t enough. It could never be enough. She reveled in the way he touched her with such perfect care. There would never be another who could ever reach her the way he did, the way he lived inside her. His black gaze was on her as he slowly inserted two fingers deep inside her, pushing gently.

With her fists clenched in his long wild hair, she gave up her body to the total ecstasy only he could provide her. He took his time, bringing her again and again to hot, rippling fire. Through it all, she wanted more. She needed more. She wanted his mouth on her skin and his body filling hers. She wanted her blood flowing into him, connecting them, making them one and the same. They could never really be apart—she understood that now, knew she always had to be with Lucian. Whatever he had done to bind them together had worked. She could not bear the thought of separation from him anymore. And the fire between them only seemed to grow hotter and more out of control the longer they were together.