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She laughed softly. “I guess I deserved that answer. I just had to ask. What are you doing now?”

“Marrying you in the way of your people. There is a man who can do so, a judge I know, and he will arrange the necessary paperwork. Money and influence work wonders even at this time of night. Of course he will be understanding, with so many crimes happening so quickly around us. The news can be leaked to the papers tomorrow, which will further our cause.”

Her eyelashes swept down to conceal her expression. “I hope you’re kidding.”

The long white limousine was already parked at the curb as if Antonio had received his orders and was waiting. She sat back against the leather seat, her face hidden in the shadows. Lucian touched her cheek with gentle fingertips. “This ceremony means much to you.” He made it a statement.

“Not really.” Jaxon tried to be as casual as he had been. So what if, like nearly every girl in the world, she’d dreamed of a white wedding dress and a church filled with family and friends? Her family was dead, and most of her friends were going that way also. Any guests attending her wedding would be taking their lives in their hands, just as the man who performed the ceremony would be. She was already shaking her head. “I don’t want to do this. Drake would retaliate before he followed us.”

Lucian studied her averted profile for a moment before nodding his agreement. At once the car slid back into traffic and headed for their home. She was correct. Tyler Drake would indeed perceive anyone who helped with their marriage ceremony as a threat to his fantasy world. Lucian let his breath out slowly.

There were many things in Jaxon’s memories he didn’t fully understand. A human ceremony to him did not have the same beauty and completeness about it that the Carpathian one held, yet he could not put her longing out of his mind. Someday, he vowed, she would have her ceremony in a church, surrounded by friends and family, just like the picture he had caught in her mind. For now, all he could do was pull her close to his warmth and hold her in his arms.

In their house he left behind a rough, partial map of his property deep within the Cascade Mountains, along with three black-and-white photographs of the old ornate hunting lodge he had purchased. Prominently displayed was a note written in his flourishing handwriting. An analyst would have said it was Old World, bold, and the writer a dominating male with complete confidence in himself. The note was allegedly to Antonio, detailing instructions on the care and management of the estate in Lucian’s absence. Antonio was quite familiar with his instructions.

Lucian caught Jaxon’s hand and led her to the privacy of the enclosed backyard. “Are you ready? We must leave soon if we intend to travel this night.”

Her eyes were suddenly wary. She had been far too quiet during his preparations, not once asking him anything. Her silence worried him far more than her questions would have.

“I don’t know why, Lucian, but I’m getting the distinct impression we aren’t taking the limousine after all.”

“No, we travel much faster and more safely on our own. Antonio will pull the car out of the driveway and head toward the airport while we take off.”

“And we’re going to...” She trailed off, looking at him expectantly. “Fly.” He said it softly.

Jaxon swallowed the lump that was suddenly blocking her throat. Somehow she had known. Somewhere along the line she had realized they wouldn’t be boarding an airplane or driving through the state in the white limousine. She wasn’t certain what had tipped her off; perhaps simply being able to read Lucian’s mind. Maybe she was sharing his mind more often than she was aware.

She realized she was twisting her fingers together nervously and immediately put both hands behind her back. He thought she could do this. He


her to do it. He was treating the idea of flying as an everyday occurrence. “Like superman?” Her attempt at a smile fell flat.

“Not exactly. Clouds are moving in—a perfect cover. I will help you dissolve into mist, and we’ll use the drafts to move through the air.”

Her heart slammed hard in her chest. Her teeth bit more deeply into her lower lip. “Mist sounds a bit difficult to start with. Why don’t we try something easier?”

“Such as?” Lucian prompted gently.

“We can use our feet. You know, just start walking down the highway and stick our thumbs out.” Again she attempted a smile. But the rapid beating of her heart betrayed her.

“Look at me, angel.” He turned the full force of his black eyes on her. “You trust me. You know you do. I would never ask you to do anything you could not do. You are very capable of doing this.”

She was nodding, aware he was right, but at the same time, the thought of her body dissolving into drops of mist was terrifying. “Couldn’t I try something else first? Something easier?” Her fingers twisted together nervously, but she stood resolutely.

Lucian hesitated. Mist would be easy to move quickly through time and space, streamlined, fast, unseen by even the undead in the dark of night. “Mist takes the same amount of energy to create as shape-shifting into owls or birds of prey with tremendous wingspans. It is essentially the same.”

“How can our bodies be squeezed into the tiny little body of a bird?” Her voice was trembling. She heard it but could do nothing about it. No matter how much she wanted to accept this, she was finding the idea terrifying.

Lucian swept his arms around her. “I can help you, Jaxon. Will you trust me to do that for you? I can make the acceptance easier.”

Her first reaction was to shake her head firmly, her teeth grinding so hard on her lip that a small bead of blood appeared. The idea of someone else controlling her was not to her liking, but when she made herself take a breath, she felt differently. This was a part of her life now. Like it or not, she was no longer human. She was Carpathian. There was no going back, only going forward. She had to learn to do this somehow. And she was not going to be able to control every situation.

Lucian watched as she gnawed nervously at her lower lip. The sight was enough to tear at his heartstrings. His palm slid around the nape of her neck, his fingers sliding over her skin, her pulse. Of their own accord his fingertips stroked her blond hair soothingly. He bent his head to hers, his mouth finding hers with ease, his tongue swirling a healing agent over her full lower lip even as he took the essence of her blood into his body.

“Just to help me, to calm me down,” Jaxon said softly. “I don’t want you to take over my mind entirely.”

His hand moved lovingly over her face. Taking over


a temptation. It wasn’t that he begrudged the time. He had used up a good portion of the night getting the wolves ready for transport, preparing them for the disturbing separation the pack would have to endure. He would spend every minute of this night allowing Jaxon as much time as she needed to accept what must be done. To accept the tremendous gifts she had inherited. Still, he was tempted to take control of her mind, to eliminate her fears, so that she would cease to suffer so needlessly. He really had trouble bearing her pain.

As if she was touching his mind and reading his thoughts, she forced a small smile. “I can do this. I know I can. If I do it this time with your help, I know I can do it by myself the next time. It would have come in handy when I was facing that ghoul at the police station. I could have just evaporated.”

“You will feel an incredible sense of freedom, Jaxon,” he said softly, and he merged his mind fully with hers. At once his calmness was hers, his tranquil mind centering hers. He built a picture in her head, in his.

Jaxon felt her body begin to fade—well, not fade exactly, but begin to become light and airy. She wanted to grab his hand and hold on tightly. He was an anchor in her mind, and, immediately, as her terror began to rise, she felt the warmth and strength of his arms creeping around her. Except there was no Jaxon anymore. She was vapor, a colorful mist like rainbow prisms. Droplets in the air. Surrounding her was Lucian. Not flesh and blood, bone and sinew, but diamond-like specks moving swiftly to protect her as they began to move through the sky.