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Solange stopped abruptly, her animal form suddenly stiffening. Juliette caught the scent of fear, of violence, of sexual predation. She lost her jaguar self, gagging, choking, catching the branch of the tree for support to keep from falling. Solange shifted into her human shape, holding Juliette as she was violently ill.

For a few minutes, Juliette's head roared with protest, with rage. She pounded at the bark of the trees until her fists were bruised and bleeding, weeping uncontrollably. "She fought them. She fought them, and I wasn't here. How could they do such a thing to her?"

Solange wept silently, the anger in her deep and firm and enduring. "We will get her back, Juliette. Be strong. You have to be strong for her. We can't let this slow us down. They wanted her docile and shocked. This was to show domination. This was to strip her of dignity and hope. But she knows we'll come. She knows we'll never stop until we have her back or we're dead." Solange brushed the hair from Juliette's eyes. "I see the sun is hurting you, that your body needs rest, but you haven't given in to it. You haven't stopped no matter what the cost to you. Jasmine knows what we're like. She will count on that and she will endure."

Juliette allowed her cousin to hold her, to comfort her for a brief moment. "We have to hurry, Solange. They can't do this to her a second time."

Neither woman wanted to think about their mothers, but it was inevitable. "Can you hold the jaguar form?" Solange asked.

Juliette nodded. "I don't know how long, but I'll do my best. Do you have any weapons stashed in this area?"

"About a mile from here. I think we're close to one of our caches. Clothes, food, drinking water, meds and knives. They have to stop soon. They're big males and they'll want to rest."

Juliette reached for her other form. It was easier not to think about Jasmine and what the males had done to her. She didn't want to see the smears of blood on the ground and the signs of struggle. It only weakened her. Her fury needed to burn bright and strong, and vengeful.

She struggled through the next couple of hours, pushing her body when it desperately needed sleep. Her eyes streamed every step of the way. but this time she was uncertain if it was the affects of the sun, or the grief raging in her. She knew by the way Solange carried her body that she felt the same intense emotions, a mixture of rage and sorrow that might never go away. She tried not to think of the girl Jasmine had been, her pixie smile and gentle kindnesses. Solange and Juliette burned with passion, hot and fiery with strong emotions. Jasmine was sweet and steady and irresistible.

Juliette felt a scream of denial welling up and just managed to choke it down as Solange veered from their path to indicate where the cache of weapons and food was stored. In human form, they dressed, strapping on knives with the same ease they dragged on clothes.

"They're close," Solange said, her voice very low. "I feel them. We're downwind of them." She drank water from the bottle stored with her supplies. It was brackish from age, but it was wet. She passed it to Juliette. "Are you up for this? It won't be easy."

Their eyes met. Juliette nodded. "We will succeed, there is no other alternative."

Solange took back the water bottle. "They outnumber us and they're strong, incredibly strong. I've heard Carpathians can perform incredible feats. Obviously if the man can become mist when under attack, it's true. Can he aid us, even from beneath the ground?"

Juliette reached for Riordan eagerly. Her mind had continually tuned itself to his, needing to touch him, compounding her sorrow when she couldn't. This time she was demanding, her call to him edged with need.

Juliette? His voice was faint and far away, but it was there, and relief swept through her heart and soul.

She replayed the events of the day in her mind. He went very still, withdrawing, but not before she felt the impact of his black, dark rage. It boiled up, dangerous and deadly and far more lethal than her own. She should have been frightened, but she was comforted by his anger on her sister's behalf.

When he managed to get his anger under control, Riordan reached for her. The connection was much stronger. These males are dangerous, perhaps their behavior is tainted by the vampire, perhaps they are a group of deviants who have banded together. They must be stopped, but two women against such odds is ludicrous and you know it. It will not help your sister if you are dead.

We have no choice but to go in after her now, Riordan. We cannot subject her to more of their violence. Please understand I have no other choice. Can you help?

It is two hours until the setting of the sun. I can rise early. Give me another hour. He wanted to claw his way through the earth to get to her, but his body lay leaden.

Solange will scout them, but if they are raping her, we cannot sit back while they brutalize her. You can't ask that of us.

He swore softly. I should have converted you immediately and you would be fully under my protection. It was far too late to correct his mistake now. He was locked beneath the earth, and she was in terrible danger. He switched tactics, feeling her slight withdrawal. He didn't dare lose their connection. Zacarias, awaken. I need your help. Manolito, we need you.

Juliette held her breath, waiting. She knew Riordan was powerful, and she had already experienced his eldest brother's tremendous abilities. Hope surged through her.

Manolito is traveling to the Carpathian Mountains. Zacarias answered his call. I will feed you my strength when needed. Warn the women that should your lifemate fall, so will you, and in such a way that they cannot conceive of the monster that will be unleashed.

She understood more than they realized. She was already adept at reading Riordan's memories. She honestly didn't know whether or not she would have bound Riordan to her and converted him immediately if she were the one that could be consumed by the madness of the vampire. Juliette sent him as much reassurance as she could. Thank you, Riordan. Please thank your brother.

She turned to her cousin. "They are with us, Solange."

Solange handed her back the water bottle. "I'll trust your man if you do. Stay here and wait for the signal. I'll see what we're up against. That should give you another few minutes to rest."

"We go back-to-back, Solange, like we always do. If Jasmine is safe, we stall until Riordan is able to rise. If not, hopefully they can help us." Already she noted the storm clouds floating above them, helping block the sun and protect her eyes. The wind shifted completely, bringing the strong scent of the jaguar male to them. Juliette turned and pushed her way through the shrubbery, careful to keep from making noise. Solange had already melted away, lost in the forest of orchids and fungi and fern. Few could surpass Solange's ability to blend into the forest and remain unseen. Juliette had complete faith in her cousin. She moved into position, a distance from the small encampment.

The jaguars were using a small cave, man-made, dug into the side of the embankment. The opening was a mere slit between two boulders. Solange worked her way in a circle around the area, knowing there had to be a back entrance. The jaguars would never risk being trapped in the cave. The wind shifted as she moved, always in front of her, giving her the exact location of the sentries. A jaguar male, obviously trusting in the forest warning system, rested in the tree branches to the left of the cave, sleeping in the late afternoon, tired from the two-day rush through the forest. The second guard crouched in human form near a large group of ferns. Solange was certain it was the bolt-hole for emergencies. She made her way back to Juliette to confer.