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Deyv said, "What you're saying is that Sloosh might go to the other side and see nothing. He needs to be on both sides but he can't."

What a wily person the Yawtl was! He must have known the dilemma he posed when he went into the pipe. Or did he? That depended on whether or not he knew the tracking abilities of the Archkerri. And also if he knew this pipe. If he was familiar with it, then he would know where its branchings—if any—


"You can see the Yawtl's impressions whether or not they're in the dark?" Vana asked.

"Yes," Sloosh said. "But I can't see any farther than I can with my eyes in full light."

"It can't be more than a mile through this mountain," she said. "Do you think you could endure that distance?"

"I don't know. The question is, is it worth it to me to attempt that distance? Another question, even more pertinent, is, will it be only a mile? If the trail leads into branchings, and it could, what then?"

"We'll go over the mountain instead of through it," Deyv said. "If Sloosh doesn't see the tracks from there, then we can backtrack and see if they come out this side."

"But," Vana said, "they might not come out on the other side. What if the pipe has a branch that comes out where Sloosh can't see? And what if it doesn't come out of the mountain at all?"

This was a valid suggestion. But Deyv felt that they must come to a quick decision. The possibilities were so many that they could argue for a long time. Meanwhile, the Yawtl was traveling through the pipe. More likely, he had already done so.

Sloosh said, "In any group, there should be one leader. So far, we've not been able to determine that. I would assume the position, since I'm more intelligent, that is, in my definition, more knowledgeable than you two. But you humans have something which we Archkerri don't have. That is, a fierce drive toward leadership. That is, some of you have it and some don't. But there is among you always the feeling in a group that one person should be the leader. The idea of committeeship—"

"I don't want to discuss that idea now," Deyv said. "One of us should be the chief. We need quick decisions, not one arrived at after many long discussions, sometimes so late that the problem has been succeeded by another and the first is dead."

"All right," Vana said, looking angry. "You can be the leader. Now. But if you don't make the right decision, then you're out. And I'm in. I think I'm as quick and accurate as you are. But—"

"That is good thinking, Vana," Sloosh said. "So, we'll go over the mountain. And we'll see what we'll see."

"Good," Deyv said. "Only I'm sending Jum through the pipe. This is a situation where his sense of smell should be right on the nose—if you'll pardon my pun."

"Ah," the Archkerri said. "I forgot about that. In certain circumstances, the dog's abilities in tracking can be as good or even better than mine."

Jum didn't like Deyv's commands, but he entered the pipe. The others started climbing the slopes.

It took two and a half sleep-times. Deyv worried about the dog. What if Jum got lost and couldn't find his way out? It was possible that the Yawtl would pass through water, in which case Jum would lose his scent. Moreover, there might be predators in the pipe which could quickly dispose of Jum.

They came around the shoulder of the peak, half of which towered almost vertically above them. Below, at the foot, was an immense valley. It was covered with forest except in the middle, where a river ran.

Far to their left, the valley was blocked by something gigantic and shiny green. From this distance it was impossible to tell what it was. Water flowed around its sides, forming two cataracts.

Directly opposite them was a mountain even more precipitous. Beyond that, more peaks.

"If the pipe has one or more terminations on this side," Sloosh said, "we're too far away to see them.

Even if they weren't covered by the jungle."

Deyv wondered if he'd ever see Jum again. He felt pangs of guilt about having sent the dog into the pipe alone. Sighing, he started the descent

Within a sleep-time and a half, they were by the river. This was about half a mile across and, judging by its smooth green surface, at least as deep.

The Archkerri studied the river for a moment and said, "We're in luck. I can see the impressions of the

Yawti out there. He went that way."

He pointed through the thick brush and giant trees along the bank. Aejip disappeared to hunt. There was plenty of fruit here, so the three had no trouble stuffing themselves. Just as they were about to look for a good sleeping place, they made a discovery. It was the site where the Yawtl had recently fashioned a dugout. Chips of wood, the trunk of a small tree, branches, and severed liana made this obvious.

"He used an iyvrat tree," Deyv said. "Its wood is very soft; he could hack the tree down and chop out its interior in half a sleep-time if he worked hard. There are plenty of iyvrat here. We can make our own dugout."

He looked at the Archkerri's great bulk.

"Dugouts, I mean. Do you think you could paddle, Sloosh?"

Sloosh buzzed, "Yes. Your dog has been here, too."

"I know," Vana said. "I just stepped in his mess."

She went to the river to wash her foot. A little later, Jum bounced from the jungle and leaped all over

Deyv, his tail wagging, his rear wiggling, his tongue licking. Deyv grabbed him and hugged him and scratched him behind the ears.

"It's evident now that we should have gone through the pipe," Sloosh said. "We might have caught up with the thief while he was making the boat. I'm surprised that Jum didn't—"

"He may have lost his trail for a while in the jungle. The Yawtl could have taken to the trees, you know.

Besides, the Yawtl was far ahead of us. Maybe he had time to build the boat and get away before Jum caught up with him. Anyway, I'm happy that he's still well and alive."

"More probably Jum went hunting and so wasted time," Sloosh said. "He can't be blamed for that, though."

They set to work chopping down two trees. Sloosh had no weapons or tools, so he was of no help. He did watch the humans' techniques carefully, though. By the time Deyv and Vana were into the hollowingout of the trunks, the cat showed up. She was panting and worn out, having dragged a large bird some distance by the neck. When alive it must have stood about six feet high. Its wings were rudimentary; its head was huge and armed with a sharp curving beak. Its three toes bore large sharp talons. Evidently,

Aejip had managed to surprise it from above and killed it almost at once. Given a chance, it would have been dangerous prey for Aejip.

Vana and Deyv peeled the skin off with the feathers still on, cut the bird up, and cooked it All five ate until their bellies bulged, and then they went off to find a good sleeping place. By then carrion birds, insects, and several crocodilian mammals, the athaksum, had gathered nearby to clean up. The travelers could hear the furious squabble as they went through the bush.

After the party had slept awhile, though not nearly long enough, they returned to the half-made boats.

Aejip went off hunting again. By the time she'd returned, empty-jawed this time, the craft were done.

Paddles were fashioned then, during which time Sloosh fished, with a pole, line, and hook Deyv had made. The Archkerri didn't catch anything.

The smaller boat was for Vana and Aejip. The larger was an outrigger, since Deyv figured that Sloosh would tip the boat over easily unless provisions were made to prevent this. They launched the craft, and soon they were heading upriver along the bank, where the current was weakest. Sloosh sat in the rear on his haunches, his front legs folded, an enormous paddle in his hands. Deyv was in the middle, the dog in front of him.