She smiled, gloriously sure. "I love you."
"Guess this means I'll be going to your grandparents' anniversary party."
"It looks that way, yes. Think you can handle it?"
"I'm a Guild boss."
"You can handle anything."
He laughed. "As long as I've got you."
He kissed her then, sealing the promise. After a while they went into the apartment and down the hall to the bedroom.
The energy of love flashed and flared and sparked in the night.
OUT ON THE BALCONY ELVIS TOOK UP A POSITION ON the table beside the empty pizza box. His white cape glittered in the angled beam of light that shone from the living room behind him. He waited.
It didn't take long for his audience to appear. The dust bunnies materialized out of the fog by the dozens, lining the balcony railing and crowding the prime front row seats, the chairs and the lounger.
Elvis picked up his guitar. Time to rock 'n rez.