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“Do you recognize this? You coveted it as a child.”

Holly crossed the study to get a closer look. “It’s Mary Glover’s locket. You showed it to me once. I never forgot it.”

“The time has come for you to have it.”

“Oh, Aunt Milly, I don’t know what to say.”

“Do you remember what I told you about this locket?”

“I certainly do. You said it contained the most magical of potions, and had the power to change a person’s life forever.”

“That is correct. With it, you will be able to help our beloved Peter, and give him back the things which Max and I have so unfairly denied him.”

“The locket will help me do that? But how?”

“Easy, my dear child. I will explain.”

Before the words had left her mouth, Milly’s eyelids began to flutter, and her head sagged to one side. She sank noiselessly to the floor, her fingers clutching the locket.

“Max, come help me!” Holly called into the apartment.


As the train pulled into the platform at Penn Station, the interior lights flickered as the car bounced across the high-voltage electric tracks. Dr. Lucas Carr looked at the faces of the other passengers in the eerie strobe light.

“The time is here,” he announced loudly.

The train came to a screeching halt, and the lights returned. Carr felt the weight of his fellow passengers’ stares as they tried to determine if he was a threat. New York was filled with threats. Punks, street people, crazies. He wanted to tell them that he wasn’t any of the above, just mad as hell. They’d find out soon enough.

Rising from his seat, he removed his knapsack from the overhead rack, and shoved himself into the aisle now filled with people.

“I was like you once,” he said. “Just like you.”

The doors to the train parted, and everyone filed out. Carr felt himself being caught up in their movement as if being pulled out to sea by a powerful tide.

“Stop pushing me,” he said angrily.

His fellow commuters ignored him. It made his rage that much greater. He considered removing the bomblet from the knapsack, and throwing it against the nearest wall, causing the deadly Novichok to come spraying out in all directions, and take down every single one of them.

He didn’t do it. He would not deter from his plan. He was going to take a subway to Times Square, get a bite to eat, and wait for the theaters to let out. When the sidewalks were packed, he’d toss the bomblet in front of a moving vehicle, the impact causing the nerve agent to dispel through the air. He’d done the math, and knew that he’d created enough of the deadly nerve agent to kill tens of thousands of people, not just in Times Square, but all across the city. Even this dreadful rain was not capable of containing it.

He’d targeted the theater district for a reason. The night before the accident, he’d taken his wife and daughter to see a musical in Times Square. Thinking about it broke his heart, and it was only fitting that he stage his attack in a place that held so many painful memories.

He followed the crowd up the stairs to the main level. Penn Station was the busiest train station in the country; during rush hour, hundreds of thousands of people were moved through its terminals. It was a microcosm of the city it served, and always hectic.

“Dr. Carr,” said a man’s voice.

The voice had come from behind him. Carr did not turn around. It might have been an old friend, but something told him that it wasn’t. In his haste to get up the stairs, he shoved the burly construction worker in front of him, causing him to stumble.

“Watch it, buddy,” the construction worker warned.

“Excuse me, but I’m in a hurry,” Carr explained.

“Ain’t we all.”

“Dr. Carr,” the voice called again. “Please stop!”

Carr stole a glance over his shoulder. The man was a few steps behind him, and had a policeman’s badge clipped to the lapel of his overcoat. He was not alone. There were a dozen other men with badges clipped to their coats coming up the stairs, as well.

Carr sprinted around the construction worker. He would not to let himself be arrested. This was his last stand, and he was going to make the most of it.

Reaching the top, he looked for an exit. He was inside the Long Island Railroad terminal, a claustrophobic space filled with food concessions and newspaper stands. Rush hour had started, and long lines of commuters stood outside the gates. More men with badges emerged from the crowd, circling around him.

Carr was trapped.

The rest of the cops appeared from the stairwell. They fanned out, and created a tight circle around him. The cop who’d been calling his name stepped forward.

“My name is Detective Emener,” he said in a measured tone. “I need to talk with you, Dr. Carr. Please don’t make this any more difficult than it already is.”

Carr raised the knapsack above his head. “Don’t come any closer.”

“Don’t do that, Dr. Carr.”

“Don’t you dare tell me what to do!” Carr bellowed.

“Calm down, Dr. Carr. Do as I say, and no one will get hurt.”

“That’s where you’re wrong. Lots of people are going to get hurt.”

“Please, Dr. Carr.”

Carr was determined to go down fighting. He was surrounded by cops, who in turn were surrounded by mobs of anxious commuters watching the scene unfold. The presence of so many people gave him an idea. Drawing the Sig Sauer from his jacket, he aimed at the ceiling, and let off a round. It sounded like a cannon in the enclosed space. Women in the crowd screamed. It was exactly what Carr wanted, and he fired the Sig again. The commuters headed for the exits, knocking through the circle of policemen in a mad stampede for safety. Detective Emener started to move toward him, only to be swept aside by the rush of people. Slipping the Sig into his pocket, Carr joined the fleeing mob, the knapsack clutched protectively to his chest.

Carr ran out of Penn Station with a mad rush of adrenaline. He hadn’t felt this good in forever, and wondered why he’d waited so long to seek his revenge. A long line of yellow taxi cabs were parked at the curb. Their drivers, mostly Russians, stood outside their vehicles, smoking cigarettes and talking in their native tongue.

Carr hurried toward them. Then, he stopped. His legs felt like they were made of lead. Worse, there was something wrong with his bowels, which felt ready to explode.

“Which one of you is available?” Carr stammered.

“You sick?” A Russian wearing an I LOVE NY tee-shirt eyed him suspiciously.

“Not sick,” he managed to utter.

“Get away from my cab, you stinking drunk,” the Russian declared belligerently.

A taxi appeared, and cut in front of the line of parked vehicles. The driver flashed his brights, signaling he was free. Carr poured himself into the back seat. He was on the verge of passing out, and struggled to speak.

“Times Square, and hurry,” he gasped.

The taxi practically leapt off the ground. As it did, a small army of policemen burst out of Penn Station. Carr went low in his seat. Within moments he was out of danger. He sucked down air, and gradually started to feel better.

The taxi hurtled down Seventh Avenue. Carr had taken his share of dangerous cab rides in New York, but nothing like this. His driver swerved between lanes like a stock car driver.

“Where are you going? This isn’t the way to Times Square.”

The driver ignored him. Carr tried to get a look at his face. The partition separating them was covered in advertisements and public service announcements.

“Slow down. You’re going to hit someone.”

The driver gazed at Carr in his mirror. His eyes were a sickly yellow, and looked jaundiced. Something was clearly wrong with him.

“Didn’t you hear me? I said, slow down!”

Instead of slowing down, the taxi picked up speed. Cars and buildings flew past at breakneck speed. Carr heard a noise from the trunk. A loud banging sound.