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As slave boys hurried off to find a chair for him, he turned to me and smiled. Marcus could be very charming when he chose. ‘I’ll have to get your wife to come and talk to mine — I know your Gwellia has a persuasive tongue. Of course, the women will not know about the Emperor’s death as yet but I will send word to your house as soon as I get back, though — since I am providing the sacrifice myself — I can’t leave town until the offering is made.’

I seized the moment. ‘Then, before you go, perhaps you could tell me where I can find two officials of the curia: Alfredus Allius and Bernadus?’ I explained the circumstance. ‘I have fulfilled the contract, but Genialis isn’t here and they would be the obvious ones to witness that the work’s been done. If you are able to tell me where they live, I can go and find them and request that they should come — supposing that they find it possible today.’

Marcus surprised me. ‘I’ll do more than that. I will come and see the work myself — I don’t suppose your Genialis is going to question my word on the affair?’ He saw that I was ready to protest, and added with a smile, ‘There’s an hour or two to fill before the feast begins and though I shall have to pay for the sacrificial beasts, I can’t do that until the garrison has found me some appropriate animals. That will take a little time. I don’t want to be drawn into local politics meanwhile.’

Of course, my patron’s word was better than a raft of councillors. I stammered out my thanks. ‘But if you’re going abroad in half a moon or so …’ I ventured. ‘Perhaps, if Genialis is delayed by snow, you will not be able to tell him what you’ve seen?’

Once Marcus had decided on a scheme, he was not easy to dissuade. ‘Oh, I’m sure he’ll be here in a day or two. If not, I’ll report my findings to the market police,’ he said. ‘Under my seal, should the need arise. I trust that will suffice? Now, my slaves will be here with that litter very soon. Where exactly is this pavement?’

I gave him directions. ‘I will meet you there. I have my son and servants with me,’ I said, before he could suggest that I should take a litter too (which I could ill afford) or — worse — expect me to accompany his own. I am far too old to run along, keeping up with bearers and his fit young slaves, so I added hastily, ‘There is a doorkeeper in residence; he’ll let you in and show you where the pavement is, I’m sure. I won’t be long behind you.’

‘Ulpius’s house! I think I know the place.’ His slaves had found a litter by this time (not difficult when you represent His Excellence) and the bearers were already waiting at his side. He climbed on to the cushions and drew the curtains closed, and I saw the carriers hoist him shoulder-high and go loping off with him, his scarlet-suited servants trotting after them.

I struggled through the crowd again, rounded up my little party and we set off ourselves. Away from the forum the streets were very quiet — everyone was at the basilica by now — and now that the worst of the snow had slightly thawed, it did not take us long to reach the house. So I was astonished to discover a brace of slaves outside of it, each of them holding a handsome horse. There was no sign of any litter and these were not my patron’s slaves — though they seemed to be guarding the entrance to the house.

They looked up as we approached. ‘Do you have business here?’ The sulky one with acne was quite belligerent.

‘I was expecting to find Marcus Septimus Aurelius,’ I said.

‘Why, it’s the pavement-maker, isn’t it?’ The younger slave flashed a languid smile at me, and I recognized him as the handsome Syrian I had seen attending Genialis when he called on me.

‘Ah, Adonisius, I see that it is you!’ That rather altered things. ‘Has your master managed to return himself?’ That would be even better for my purposes, of course, though Marcus would be irritated by a wasted trip.

The slave was flattered that I’d called him by his name. ‘So you remember me? But you’ll be disappointed, citizen, I fear. We presumed that my master had returned to town — he set off with that intention several days ago — and we came in to meet him as arranged. But it seems he isn’t here.’ He saw me glance towards the horses and explained, ‘These are the animals that we two used ourselves. Bernadus lent them to us.’

‘You two?’ I nodded at the other waiting slave, surprised to find mere servants charged with such splendid mounts.

He shook his head and laughed. ‘Of course not, citizen. Myself and my new mistress: that is what I meant. This slave, Pistis, and his master came over here on foot.’

I was hardly listening. ‘You mean the lady Silvia has come?’ I was even more surprised. It is not unknown for well-born females to learn to ride, but since they do so sideways it is not usual for them to venture very far. Yet it seemed that plucky Silvia had been brave enough to ride a dozen miles, on roads still difficult with snow — and with only her guardian’s slave attending her. ‘It’s a long way for a lady of her rank to ride, especially with so little bodyguard. Though I suppose there was no real alternative. I remember Genialis telling me that he had sold off all her slaves when they were setting off for Dorn.’

Adonisius made a little face. ‘I am officially assigned to her while my master is away, and we did have extra escort in Bernadus and his page. He came out to the villa the day after New Year — I think he felt obliged to, since we were staying there — but he always intended coming here today.’

‘To attend the Janus festival! Of course!’ I should have thought of that. ‘I’m sure the lady was grateful for the protection on the road. No doubt that’s why this day was chosen for her to return?’

The Syrian nodded. ‘Though in fact her coming here was rather a mistake. The place is cold and empty, and the only servant here — a wretched doorkeeper — declares that he was not expecting us and he hasn’t heard from Genialis since the day he left. It’s quite a mystery: he should have been here several days ago. Always supposing that this doorman’s story is the truth. Ulpius’s business partner is questioning him now — and fortunately there’s some hugely important magistrate who’s just arrived and who could order more rigorous interrogation if …’ He broke off suddenly. ‘That wouldn’t be this Marcus you were looking for?’

‘That’s right. My patron,’ I explained. I saw a new respect dawn on the slave boy’s face, and some wicked instinct made me add, ‘Rumoured to be related to the last Imperial house and certainly a favourite of the incoming Emperor. He came here at my request. I had better go inside and talk to him. But there’s no need to order any torturers. The doorkeeper is right. There’s been no sign of Genialis. I can testify to that. You said he should have been here several days ago. Well, I have been working in this house from dawn to dusk — laying the pavement that I contracted for — right up to the morning before yesterday. In all that time there has not even been a messenger.’

The two servants exchanged a glance at this.

‘Dear Mercury!’ the pimply one exclaimed. ‘He must have changed his mind and gone to Dorn instead. Whatever is my master going to do?’

‘Your master? You belong to this partner of Ulpius’s, I presume?’

He looked at me as if I ought to know. ‘That’s right, citizen. Lucius Tertius he’s called, and of course he half-owned everything with Ulpius. There are already problems over the estate. Of course, as Silvia’s legal guardian Genialis has the running of her share. He wants to close the business down — sell the ships and rent the warehouse out. Says it is a way of making money without risk.’

I nodded. ‘But Lucius isn’t happy?’

‘He wants to buy him out and purchase Sylvia’s share — he’s even found a sponsor who might come in with him, but the man will only do so if it gives a quick return. The would-be partner has no other source of funds at all — he’s dependent on the income from his capital — and there’s something else he might invest in if this business takes too long.’