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It keeps coming back to Afelnor! He has frustrated and thwarted me at every turn. If I had an ounce of power left to me, I would not waste it in a foolish attempt to bedazzle him: I would destroy him!

Damn Thorn; he trained the boy too well!

Despite spirit-Lizaveta's pride in her inner powers, she knew now she would never dominate Questor Grimm, even by stealth. The youth was more determined and powerful than any male she had ever encountered, and she knew even she would never break down his defences.

Drexelica was another matter. Lizaveta had broken down the girl's strong defences after a concerted effort. Although regaining her earlier domination would be impossible with her current low reserves of power, perhaps gentle persuasion might work better.

If I can just persuade her to access her Geomantic powers…

She dismissed the thought in an instant.

It took days of torment to even begin to break her, and months of dedicated work to gain full control. My one lever was the absence of support and love from the world outside the Priory, and I can't hope to repeat that with Afelnor at her side. The girl is strong, and he'll only add to her resolve.


Grimm gazed into his lover's eyes with a feeling of the deepest contentment. The Dragonblaster wanted nothing more than to hold Drex-his Drex! — in his arms and dream of an idyllic future with her.

Tomorrow might bring any number of problems, but the two lovers had each other, and they had today-and that was more than enough.