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"How interesting," Jared murmured. He turned to Cassie and asked politely, "Don't you find it so?"

She wanted to slap him. She said curtly, "Not particularly." She pushed back her chair and rose to her feet. "I must check on Kapu. Good night."

"Oh, yes, Kapu." Jared stood and bowed slightly. "We mustn't forget about your wonderful stallion. But do be careful of that gown. I wouldn't want it destroyed like the gray one."

You'll let me slip it to your waist.

Her annoyance vanished, submerged in the flood of heat surging through her. She turned her back so he wouldn't see her face as she hurried toward the door.

"Wait!" Jared was beside her, opening the door. "I'll escort you to the hold."

"I need no escort. Go back to Lani and Bradford."

He lowered his voice. "I'll be expecting you later."

She looked straight ahead. "Will you?"

"There's no reason why not, is there? Since it means so little to you? To refuse me would put too much weight on the matter." He added mockingly, "You wouldn't want me to think you were running away after the first foray."

She didn't answer.

"And I'm a man who needs constant attention. If you don't come, I might have to seek solace with Lani, and that would displease Papa."

Her gaze flew to his face. "You would do that?"

"You'll never know unless you fail to provide me with your… company."

"Damn you."

His face hardened. "You should not have supplied me with a weapon if you didn't expect me to use it." He turned back to the table and gave Lani and Bradford a brilliant smile. "Be there."

When Cassie opened the door of his cabin, Jared was lolling naked on the bunk. The golden glow of the candlelight gilded his lean, tough body and heightened his aura of lazy sensuality. But all hint of laziness vanished when he saw her.

"Dammit, I told you to cover yourself," he said roughly. "Do you get pleasure out of flaunting yourself to every man who sees you?"

"I owe you no obedience." She closed the door. "I don't flaunt myself, and I'm sure your sailors are used to naked women by now." She stood looking at him. "If you don't like me as I am, then send me away."

"Not bloody likely," he muttered. "Take off that nothing bit of material and come here."

Her hands were trembling as she unknotted the cloth. "I didn't like your asking Lani questions tonight. It was an intrusion." The sarong dropped to the floor. "Don't do it again."

"I'll do as I please." He shifted on the bunk as she came toward him. "You have so few weaknesses, you can't blame me for probing the ones I find." He pulled her down beside him and bent over her. "Just as you will do." His lips hovered over her breast, each word a burst of air that teased the sensitive nipple. He said thickly, "You have exquisite breasts, full… firm. After you left last night, I could still taste them, feel my tongue on you. I was so heavy and aching, I was cursing you. I wanted you back."

"So you forced me to come."

"Does this feel like force?"

He knew it didn't. He was exerting the same overwhelming seduction he had the night before, and she was responding in the same mindless manner. She felt as if she were melting, every muscle of her body helplessly yielding.

His hand was between her thighs, delicately exploring. "This part of you doesn't think I'm forcing you," he murmured. "You're ready for me."

Yes, she was, she realized in despair. She had been ready for him since the moment she had walked into the cabin.

"And God knows I'm ready for you." He suddenly rolled over onto his back and lifted her to straddle him.

She looked down at him, startled. "What are you doing?"

"You appeared so sad. I want you to be happy," he said mockingly. "You see, now you're the one in control, and I'm only the poor captive beneath you."

"I don't want-"

He thrust deep inside her.

She gasped at the sensation of the clublike fullness within. In this position she felt as if he had plunged to the quick. Her head fell backward, and she closed her eyes at the sheer sensual pleasure. She didn't feel in control. She felt captive as never before.

His hands reached up to squeeze her breasts. "Ride," he whispered. "Pretend I'm that precious stallion. You know you want to do it."

She didn't think she could move. She felt chained, anchored.

His hands moved down to her hips and held her sealed to him. "Ride me!" he gritted through set teeth.

His hips thrust forcefully upward.

She gasped as ripples of pleasure went through her. She reached out blindly and grasped his shoulders, instinctively tightening her thighs around his. "That's it." He lifted her and then pulled her down, slowly, teasingly, letting her feel every inch. "You know the way of it. Ready yourself and then-"

She was moving, rocking, riding, frantically taking him. She had thought their coming together last night savage, but this lust was all consuming.

"More," he growled. "Give me more." He jerked her down, his mouth enveloping her breast, sucking voraciously as his hips bucked frantically.

The combination of sensations was too much. She bit her lip to keep back the scream. It was no use. She screamed as release tore through her a moment later.

"Yes!" His arms tightened around her with such force, she could scarcely breathe. She was dimly aware of his release seconds later.

His arms loosened, and he lifted her off him and onto the bed beside him. "Force?" he whispered.

She had no breath to answer as she lay there looking up at him.

He smiled. "Ku'aihelani?"

"No! I didn't mean… I was half-asleep." She drew an unsteady breath. "I must go."

He threw his arm across her stomach. "No, you don't."

"I want to go."

He raised himself on his elbow to look down at her. "Then I'll have to change your mind, won't I? I have a fancy to wake you tomorrow morning in the most pleasant of ways."

His eyes were half-closed and shimmering; one tousled curl lay in disarray on his forehead-pagan, wicked, totally sensuous. She could feel that dark tide stir within her just looking at him. "You've won tonight. You're done with me. Why won't you let me leave?"

The lazy smile left his lips. "I don't feel as if I've won. I feel-" He broke off and removed his arm from her middle. He said roughly, "Go on. But you'll stay tomorrow night."

She shook her head as she slipped from the bunk.

"Why not?" he asked sharply. "What difference does it make? By now every man on this ship knows you're coupling with me. You've certainly not been trying to hide it with your parading around with no clothes."

"I don't care what they think." She had a sudden thought. "Does your uncle know?"

"Not from my lips, but I'd wager he does. Bradford has a way of knowing everything going on around him even through a haze of brandy." He paused. "Why? Do you mind?"

"No… I just… he was kind to me."

"And he'll continue to be kind to you. He would never think of intruding on us, and I'm the one who will get the edge of his tongue." He shrugged. "So there's no reason for you not to stay the night."

"There is reason." She put on her sarong. "I don't want you to…" She would not explain her dread of the intimacy that would be engendered by hours spent in his arms. Passion was dangerous enough. "I won't stay the night with you. I'll come to your bed, but then I'll go."

His gaze narrowed on her face. "Persephone?"

She frowned in puzzlement.

"Persephone was the woman with whom Hades, the God of the Underworld, was so besotted he permitted her to spend half the year on earth in sunlight as long as she came back to his dark world for the rest of the year." He glanced around the shadowy, candlelit cabin. "There are certain similarities."