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“So that if Claude attacks they’ll be prepared for it.” Vane contemplated it for a moment then slowly nodded. “Maybe it’s for the best. I’ll let them know right away.”

“Have you spoken to Vanessa’s father about the mating?” Dmetri and Vane both turned to Brayden in surprise.

Slowly, Vane said, “I did call him this morning. He says I need to turn her over.”

“That’d be wise.”

Vane shook his head. “I won’t do it. I can’t. Hell, I stopped Sarina’s father from mating her off to Prince Conlin. I’ll find a way to stop this too.”

“But you can’t mate with her,” Dmetri said, smiling.

“Hell no, but I can protect her.”

Brayden didn’t say anything as he rested his chin on his fist.

Dmetri shook his head at his friend. What did he care what happened to Vanessa one way or the other? Sure his friend was straight-laced but even this seemed overboard for him. He was the most honorable man he knew, Dmetri was surprised he didn’t see things from Vanessa’s point of view.

“I’ve got to go,” Dmetri said, coming to a stand.

“Date?” asked Vane.

“Something like that.”

He let himself out of the cabin and headed straight to where he’d been itching to go all morning. His hopes flared that maybe he’d find her in the backyard again wearing that sexy little bikini. Curse his luck though, because when he knocked she answered and was wearing clothes.

But damn if her outfit didn’t kick his libido into gear.

He tried to recall why he liked gowns on women because this, this was what he liked.

Cut-off shorts, frayed at the ends, faded with age and a t-shirt that showed off her breasts and stomach to perfection. His eyes traveled down her bare legs and feet. God, he even liked her feet.

Small and neat with a pale pink polish on them.

His eyes finally caught hers and his smile died. “What’s wrong?” She tried to smile back but her lips just fell flat. When he took a step towards her, she closed the door leaving her body to block the entrance. Somehow, that felt as though she’d just slapped him across the face.

“Tell me,” he commanded.

She sighed helplessly and looked down. “Sorry I’m just not having a great day.” Dmetri leaned against the doorframe. “I thought we had a great day together.” She laughed but it sounded like she was trying not to cry. Dmetri stiffened; his patience had already run out. Grabbing her by the shoulders, he pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her. She stood stiffly at first but slowly relaxed in his arms, eventually squeezing the jacket at his waist.

“What’s going on, Christine?”

She pulled back and gave him a tight-lipped smile. “I, uh, can’t see you anymore.” She quickly stepped inside and attempted to slam the door shut. Dmetri caught it with the palm of his hand. He almost shattered the wood with how hard he hit it.

“Excuse me?”

The only thing that had ever shocked him more than this was when Vera had told him she loved him. He hadn’t believed it at first, and then had wanted to run away fast. He eventually did.

“You heard me. I won’t repeat it,” she said softly, her eyes never quite meeting his.

“And why’s that, millaya moya?”

She shook her head to clear it. “What the hell does that even mean anyways?” If she was trying to deter him, it wouldn’t work. “My sweet.” She sighed and fell against the door in the closest thing to a swoon he’d seen since the Victorian age. But then her eyes widened and she quickly resumed the stature of a soldier. A sexy soldier. Damn, he wanted her right now. First, he had to take care of this...problem.

“I’m losing patience, Christine. Tell me what’s wrong now.” She sighed in frustration and put a hand on her hip. “Oh, all right, dammit.” Her eyes darted away from his, never lingering in one spot for longer than a second. “I can’t see you anymore.”

Dmetri stood, crossing his arms to glare down at her. “Yes you can and you will. This morning is only the beginning for us.”

She looked up at him and smiled but as if she couldn’t help herself she frowned again.

“No, really, I can’t. Really.

“Why?” God, he shouldn’t even be having this conversation now. They should be entwined in the covers of her bed right now, him deep inside of her.

“I-I can’t tell you that.”

That damned tic pulsed at his temple. “Why not?” He felt like he was back interviewing criminals at the Justicars’ office asking endless question after question.

When she only shrugged, he wanted to shake her.

“Dear, God, woman just tell me.” It was almost a shout.

“Fine,” she said, stiffening. “I don’t want to waste my time with a man I won’t mate with.

So after this morning, it’s done.”

Dmetri rubbed a hand across his forehead. The pounding there grew heavier, faster. “I don’t want to mate with you, Christine.”

A light in her eyes dimmed, and her lips flattened. He almost regretted saying it but surely she knew that, had heard about him from Vera.

“Of course not but if I’m...doing whatever with you then that hinders me from searching for my mate.”

“That’s because you won’t be searching for your mate while you’re with me. You’ll be with me and only me.” Her eyes widened and he realized he’d made it a threat. And that damn strange feeling was back in his chest—dark and possessive.

“No, that’s why I won’t be with you so I can search for my mate.” He’d heard enough of this. “Christine, listen to me. You are mine now.” Her eyes widened and lips parted in surprise. Her lips...he couldn’t wait to taste them again. “This means that after we catch Claude you’re coming back with me.” She jerked back in shock then tossed her head back and laughed. Tic, tic, went his temple.

“You are forever laughing at me,” he warned dangerously.

She stopped laughing but still looked at him like he was nuts. “I’m not going anywhere with you, ever. Dmetri, you heard what I said, right? I’m looking for an Alpha to mate with. I can’t do that if I’m with you.”

“No you can’t, but I want you so you’re coming with me.” She looked sad as the laughter faded from her like she truly regretted this. Looking away, she said, “I have a date tomorrow.”

Tic, tic.

“With me, of course.”

She slowly shook her head and swallowed hard enough for him to see it. “My mother set up a date, okayed it through Vane to let him in. He’s another Alpha—” She didn’t get to finish her sentence because he picked her up in his arms and slammed his mouth down on hers. As she sucked in a surprised breath he thrust his tongue inside.

The kiss was brutal, mind-numbing, wonderfully delicious. He told her with his kiss what he couldn’t with words.

This woman was the most frustrating female he’d ever met. He liked her, he wanted her, and she wanted him ergo done deal. She was his and he’d settle for nothing less now that he’d tasted her.

He pulled away and stared down at her glossy eyes. “If you think I’ll just leave you alone, you’re in for a hell of a surprise, Christine. When I said that you’re mine, I meant it. Those words will not be undone.”

Her wide eyes were so distraught that he wanted to go straight to her mother’s house and have a little...talk with her. She did this; she put these stupid ideas in his woman’s head. His woman...he really liked the sound of that. Just for practice he decided to say the words aloud.

“You’re mine now. And you won’t be seeing that Alpha tomorrow. Do you hear me?”


He blinked, expecting to hear her protest.