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Realizing they couldn’t kill her too had been the worst. It would have been so easy, a shot to the skull and another corpse to add to the pile on the floor. But she hadn’t been in the designated house, so they had to keep her alive, same as Lenny and his initiate in St. Louis had been forced to do with the security guard they had to con to get into the high-rise in the first place. There wasn’t a damn thing they could do except tie him up and gag him, even though he’d seen them both and could identify them later.

He and Andy had backed the woman into her own pad, then barricaded her in the bathroom by pushing a big fridge up against the door. They’d taken a coat and scarf to cover the stains on Andy, who’d caught most of the paint, then coolly walked out and waited for the bus while the cops swarmed around like wasps around a barbecue. It had taken a lot of nerve, knowing the woman might identify them at any moment. But everything had gone smoothly. The whole secret was not trying to hide. No one would believe that the men who’d just wiped out a household in cold blood would be standing at a bus stop just a few blocks away.

They would use the same scenario here. Where everyone thought cars, taking the buses was like putting on a cloak of invisibility. Sometimes, like Russ’s initiation, they couldn’t do that. That time they’d gone on bicycles, bought for cash from a shop with a high turnover and later abandoned to be stolen. But around Seattle was different. Anyone on a bike in this part of Atlanta would stick out a mile. They would take separate buses, so they wouldn’t be seen together until they reached the scene. And afterward they’d leave the same way, Pat direct northbound, Russ heading south to the terminus at Hapeville, where he could pick up MARTA back to his hotel.

He lay on his bed of pain, clutching his head in the dense, sultry atmosphere, trying to hold the whole thing together. It was all there, he just had to contain it, to stop it from slipping away. Plus he must remember to make that call home. After what happened with Dale, they were going to be real anxious if they didn’t hear. He’d do it right after he called Pat.

After a night of bloodless torture, the migraine suddenly abated just as the sky outside was starting to grow light. Utterly exhausted, Russell collapsed, hugging his pillow damp with sweat. When he awoke, it was full daylight and the room was vibrating with the noise of a demolition project in progress on a neighboring block. Russ looked at his watch. It was twenty past ten. He reached for the phone, dialed the number of the motel. It rang and rang, then someone picked up.

“Uh huh?”

A woman.

“This 118?”

“Uh huh.”

There was a silence.

“Who is this?” the woman demanded.

Russ hung up. So his instinct last night had been right. Pat had lied about Cindy. There was no telling what she might have found out about him, and how much more she might have guessed. She would have asked questions, the way women always do, and Pat was a lousy liar.

He dressed and walked seven blocks down Peachtree to Macy’s, where he bought an outfit identical to the one he had specified for Pat the night before. He also bought a plain black suitcase. Putting the other purchases in this, he returned to the hotel, picking up a Big Mac and fries to eat in his room.

That afternoon he slept some more, a fitful, oppressive drowse infested by dreams so real it was like watching clips from a movie. The last featured a ringing telephone, and the noise of the bell was so loud and peremptory that Russell woke up, convinced that someone was calling him. The phone by his bed was silent. He checked his watch and realized that it was time to go.

He showered and changed into the clothes he had bought, then checked his appearance in the mirror. The hair was maybe a little long, but he would pass. He took the Gideon Bible from the drawer by the bed and put it in the empty suitcase, along with a copy of The Watchtower and some leaflets with titles like “Can the Dead Harm the Living?” A guy had been handing them out some place he’d changed buses. Russell had been about to tell him to go piss up a rope when he’d had an idea.

Religion was big down in the South. Everyone was into it, whites and blacks alike. So he’d got chatting with the guy and come away with a wad of literature which they would put to good use that evening. No one would think twice about a couple of guys in suits pitching their particular brand of redemption door to door. All they had to do was visit a couple of houses on the street first, then hit the target. “Hi, how are you folks doing today? We’re calling on people in this neighborhood to tell them about God’s plans for you.” Which was true enough, except they weren’t planning to tell them.

At six forty-five, Russell checked his preparations for the last time, picked up the suitcase and rode the elevator down to the lobby. Russ gave the night clerk a curt nod. An extravagant smile split open the man’s shining face.

“Wrong way!” he breathed.

Russ walked out on to the street, pocketing his key. The bus stop was three blocks away. He walked at a steady pace, occasionally shifting the suitcase from one hand to the other. It was pretty heavy. As well as the Jehovah’s Witness material, there were the two revolvers, fully loaded, plus a box of spare ammunition, the handcuffs, a roll of duct tape pre-cut into four-inch lengths, and the camcorder to tape the ceremony.

The bus was almost empty. Once south of Alabama Street it drove fast, hardly stopping, through a wasteland of car lots and small industrial businesses. By the time they bumped over the railroad crossing on McDaniel, Russ was the only passenger. It was only then that he realized, too late, the meaning of the unconscious summons which had woken him. He had forgotten to call home. He had been so disturbed by missing Pat that morning, and still more by finding Cindy there in his place, that it had completely slipped his mind. Oh well, he’d call tomorrow with the news that the operation had been a success. They wouldn’t freak out if they didn’t hear from him for one day.

He got off at the stop he’d used that afternoon, crossed the road and walked up the street opposite. It was even hotter and stickier here than it had been downtown, and the air was laced with patches of exotic scent. Cicadas grated away in the undergrowth over a bass section of whinnying frogs. Russ felt as though he’d stumbled into one of those old jungle movies they had on TV about three in the morning.

He climbed the hill, gripping the suitcase in a palm already damp with sweat. Quite a few people seemed to be out on their porches. He hadn’t noticed them at first, mere shadowy presences in the pervading darkness. It was only the soft murmur of voices, punctuated by the occasional throaty laugh, which gave them away. But once he started looking, he realized they were everywhere. No one said anything as he passed, but he knew they were watching him.

This was something he hadn’t expected. Why the hell couldn’t they have drawn a place like that suburb where Pat got lost the night before, an all-white neighborhood where everyone homed in, clustering around the electronic hearth in their widely spaced, secluded properties? He’d much rather have gone in there, even if it had a security system and those little metal tags in the lawn marked Armed Response. But you didn’t get to choose. They’d performed the calculations the usual way, and this was the address that came up. It was meant to be, so it would be. He tried to comfort himself with this thought.