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I lay awake for hours, trying and failing to make sense of what I had heard. It was past two o’clock when I finally realized that I was not going to be able to get to sleep. I turned on the light to read some more. As I searched for my book, which had fallen to the floor, I caught sight of the videocassette I had taken with me on my hasty exit from Sam’s room that afternoon. I picked it up and read the labeclass="underline" Russell (Rick): Seattle. Russell was the guy that Mark had been giving Sam such a hard time about the evening before. Maybe the video might provide some clue to what was going on.

The hall was in darkness. The only sound was a soft persistent hushing of rain on the roof, punctuated by more percussive drips falling from the eaves. The fire had collapsed on itself, a dull mass of white ash, barely glowing. I switched on the television, turning the volume right down. The harsh glare of the screen seemed shockingly bright. I expected people to rush out of their rooms demanding to know what was going on, but all was quiet. I fed the video into the open maw of the VCR.

At first I thought I was watching some kind of amateur dramatic production-very amateur. The camera wobbled, the lighting was lousy, the sequencing crude and the acting a disaster. In fact the whole thing was so weak that I assumed it must be one of those “experimental” efforts where bad production values are part of the “artistic concept.” The action seemed to confirm this. It consisted entirely of a guy in his thirties breaking into a house and terrorizing people with a pistol. There was no attempt to contextualize what happened, still less establish character or motive.

The first person he encountered was a housewife in a nightgown and bathrobe. Holding the pistol to her head, he made her kneel down, then handcuffed her and stuck a patch of tape over her mouth. He then went into the bedroom next door, the handheld camera bouncing along behind him like a dog. It approached a crib and panned in to show a baby asleep, then went back to the gunman. He seemed to be saying something to the camera, protesting maybe. I didn’t dare turn up the volume in case someone heard.

Eventually he nodded, as though in agreement. He left the bedroom and went down to the basement, the camera following. In one of the rooms downstairs, two boys, one of them Chinese, were playing a video game. The gunman made them lie down, one on the bed, the other on the floor. Then he handcuffed and gagged them as he had the woman.

It was at this point that I heard a noise. It seemed to have come from Sam’s quarters. A crack of light showed under his door. I turned off the TV, extracted the video and stuffed it quickly inside my robe as the door opened, flooding the room with light.


Sam stood in the open doorway, a dark silhouette.

“I couldn’t sleep,” I explained. “Thought I’d go raid the fridge.”

“The kitchen’s that way,” he said, pointing to the other side of the room.

“Right,” I said. “See you in the morning.”

He didn’t reply. I walked across the hall toward the kitchen, the videocassette jammed up against my ribs. Behind me, the door to Sam’s room closed. I altered course and headed back to my room.

I got back into bed and lay there, thinking over what I’d seen on the video. The idea that it was a crude attempt at drama no longer seemed credible. The only thing as lame as that was reality. Although I had no proof either way, I became increasingly convinced that I had been watching an actual break-in at an actual house. Judging by the label, it had taken place somewhere in the Seattle area. Russell had presumably been the gunman, while Rick had done the filming.

Then it occurred to me that this might be the way the group financed themselves. They didn’t go and work on the mainland, they broke into houses and stole whatever they could lay their hands on, then disappeared back to the island. But why bother making a video recording of the event? Unless this was Sam’s way of keeping his followers in line. If anyone challenged his authority, he could threaten to send the video to the police.

Awash with these disturbing speculations, I eventually fell asleep. Because of my broken night, I slept late the next morning. Breakfast was over by the time I emerged, and the home-schooling session was in progress at the dining table. There was a different teacher today, a hard-looking blond who seemed distinctly ill at ease in the role. The children looked sullen and bored, with none of the lively involvement they had displayed the day before. But when I went out to the kitchen, there was Andrea, washing dishes with one of the other women.

“Looks like I overslept,” I said lightly. “I guess the coffee’s all gone.”

Andrea immediately left the sink and went to the stove.

“I’ll make you some,” she said without looking at me. “Go to your room and I’ll bring it to you.”

For some reason, I felt embarrassed by her eager solicitude.

“That’s real nice of you, but don’t …”

She gave me a glance which made me falter. I had no idea what it meant, but I felt its intensity like a blow.

“Well, if you’re sure it’s no problem …”

I hovered there for a moment, but she paid no further attention to me, busying herself with the percolator and a can of coffee.

“I’ll be in my room, then,” I concluded awkwardly, and sidled out.

Shortly afterward there was a knock at my door. Andrea stood there with a mug of coffee. She looked strained.

“I need to talk to you,” she said in a low voice.

“Come on in.”

She shook her head.

“Not here. Meet me by the water tank.”

With that, she turned and walked quickly, almost running, back to the kitchen. I closed the door and sipped my coffee thoughtfully. For a moment it crossed my mind that she might be acting under orders from Sam. But surely in that case she would have been more straightforward? What was all the secrecy about, and why was she so nervous?

I put on a jacket and went outside. The overnight rain had stopped, but the sky was overcast. A pair of sea gulls skimmed overhead, crying plaintively. There was no one about except for two women hanging out laundry on a line. As I walked up the trail toward the water tank, I tried to imagine what Andrea could possibly have to say to me. The only thing I could think of was that she’d heard that I was leaving and wanted me to take a message to someone, or to do some errand for her on the mainland. But in that case why hadn’t she just told me when she brought me my coffee? Unless of course Sam had tabooed me after I made it clear that I wasn’t buying into his little scam. “Don’t scare the horses,” he’d told me. Judging by the high-tech goodies I’d seen in his rooms, Sam had an awful lot at stake, and the last thing any con man wants is someone putting the marks on their guard.

The water tank stood all alone on a rocky elevation at the edge of the developed section of land, right above the well which yielded the island’s limited supply of water. There was no plumbing, and all water had to be carried by hand. It would have been a relatively simple matter to run a pipe downhill to a communal tap near the hall, but evidently such a luxury took second place to Sam’s need for the latest electronic toys.

It was another fifteen minutes before Andrea finally appeared, and when she did I was disappointed to see that there were two women with her. Since she’d made it clear that she didn’t want to be seen talking to me, I took cover behind the shed which housed the electricity generator. Each of the women had a plastic bucket which they proceeded to fill from the tank, but it soon became apparent that this was only a pretext for the long, intense conversation that took place. Judging by the women’s lowered voices and furtive manner, they too were anxious not to be seen talking, let alone overheard.