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Antonietta carefully ran her hands over her grandfather, to see him, to assure herself he would survive his escape from the sea. Her hands encountered Byron. She rested her fingers lightly on the back of his hand. He never showed annoyance when she touched him. He never acted repulsed or impatient with her. He simply continued with what he was doing, while her hands rested on his. She could hear the steady rhythm of his breathing, slow and uniform, so that her breath, moving in and out of her lungs with such frantic intensity, slowed to follow his lead.

Byron’s hands generated tremendous heat. She could feel it flowing like a fine wine into her grandfather’s veins, slowly warming him. She didn’t dare speak, but she felt him. Heard his breath, his heart. She saw things without her eyes that others couldn’t see. She knew Byron was far more than a mortal man. Right now he was a miracle worker. She saw him so clearly, yet it was only through her fingertips resting so lightly on the backs of his hands.

Byron closed his eyes and shut out all the sounds and scents of the night. It was difficult to get beyond the touch of the woman he was always so aware of, but his examination had detected something in the older man’s lungs. Don Giovanni was too old and fragile to fight off infection or pneumonia. Byron separated himself from his body, setting his spirit free to enter the aging man lying so cold and helpless on the rocks. Healing in the way of his kind, from the inside out, Byron made a thorough inspection, determined to give Antonietta’s grandfather as many years of life as possible.

The wind rushed across the cliffs, pierced right through Antonietta’s clothing in spite of the fact that Byron had positioned his body between hers and the wind. She could feel the warmth radiating from Byron into her grandfather. But there Was something much more, something even more rare. She understood it, and she believed in it. Byron Justicano had left his own body and entered that of her grandfather’s. She didn’t need eyes to see the miracle of a natural healer. She felt him. Felt the energy and the heat She knew it required total concentration, so she did nothing to distract him. She sat in the biting cold and thanked the heavens Byron had come to her family to watch over them.

“There is poison in his system.” Byron’s grim voice startled her. “Small amounts as if he is being fed them, but it is in his muscles and tissues.”

“That can’t be,” Antonietta denied. “You have to be wrong. Who would want to harm


? He is much loved by the family. And how could such a thing happen accidentally? You must be mistaken.”

“When I was young and impetuous, I made mistakes, Antonietta. Now I am much more careful in the things I say and do. In the things I covet or seek to call my own. I am most careful in my friendships. Don Giovanni has been poisoned, much like his ancestor before him. Is that not the legend of the Scarletti family?”

Antonietta, shivered, lifted her hands away from Byron in hopes he wouldn’t notice her reaction. “Yes, centuries ago, another Don Giovanni, an ancestor of ours, and his young niece were poisoned. The healer was sent for, and Nicoletta arrived to aid them. He chose her as his bride. I don’t believe in curses, Byron. There is no curse over my home or my family.” She slipped her arm around her grandfather.

“I tell you there is a poison in his system that will eventually kill him if more accumulates. There is also the remnant of a drug to make him sleep. When I examine you, I am certain I will find the same thing.”

“Do you suspect my chef of trying to kill me?” Antonietta gripped her grandfather hard, hanging on to her poise by a mere thread. “That is ludicrous, Byron. He would have nothing to gain. Enrico’s been in our family since I was a child, and he’s completely devoted and loyal to every member of the Scarletti family.”

“I did not mention your chef, Antonietta,” he replied patiently. “That may be your best guess, but it is not mine.” When she remained stubbornly silent, he sighed his exasperation. “I must remove the poison from your grandfather. Then I will attend to you.” His teeth gleamed very white in the darkness, but she didn’t see, she could only hear the promise of menace in his voice.

It made her shiver, aware that she knew very little about him. “Byron.” She said his name to keep calm, to remind herself he had always been gentle with her. A guardian watching over them. Antonietta had always been safe with him. She wouldn’t allow the aftermath of the attack to weaken her nerves and make her fear the very man who had come to her rescue. “It is true that accidents have always plagued the lives of the Scarletti family. There have been intrigues, political and otherwise. Our family has always had a great deal of power and money.”

“Your own parents were killed when your yacht exploded. You were blinded, Antonietta. It was only luck that a fisherman was in the vicinity and got to you before the sea swallowed you.”

“An accident.” It came out a whisper when she wanted to sound certain.

“You want to believe it was an accident, but you know better.” There was a distinct bite to his voice. She had the impression he wanted to shake her.

She would not talk about the explosion on the yacht that had blinded her and left her an orphan. There was guilt and fear and too many other emotions. She kept that door firmly closed in her mind. “Who is he?” She knew her assailant was dead. It should have frightened her that Byron had killed so swiftly, so efficiently, but truthfully, she was grateful.

“I have no idea, but he could not possibly have done this alone. Someone had to have drugged you both, someone within the palazzo. And it would take two people to bring you both up here. It isn’t that far, but the path is steep, and with both of you drugged, it wouldn’t have been easy. It would have made better sense to heave you both into the sea. One of them must have been in a hurry to do something else.”

“What of my family, Byron?” Antonietta’s fingers plucked at his sleeve. “They are perhaps helpless, drugged in their beds, awaiting their fate as we speak. Please go to them.”

“It is more likely they are searching for something, not intending to murder your entire family.”

Antonietta gasped, one hand going to her throat. “We have many treasures. Priceless art. Jewels. Artifacts. Our ships carry classified cargo, the manifest is usually kept in the offices at the palazzo rather than in the offices on the dock because the security system is so much better. They could be after anything.”

“Go, Byron,” Don Giovanni encouraged. “You must see to it that my family is safe. Scarletti is an old and revered name. We can’t have any doubt on our reputation. Make certain nothing has been taken from the office.”

“You want me to leave you both here, unprotected on the cliffs? That would be far too dangerous.” Byron simply stood, lifting the old man, drawing Antonietta up as he did so. “I will take you both to the palazzo with me. Put your arms around my neck, Antonietta.”

A protest welled in her mind. She was too heavy. He couldn’t carry both of them. He had to hurry. Sensing his impatience, Antonietta remained silent and did as he instructed, circling his neck with her arms. Her body pressed close to his. Byron’s muscular body was as hard as a tree trunk. She had never felt more feminine, more aware of how curvy and soft her form was. She simply melted into him.

Antonietta was thankful it was night and the darkness hid the faint blush stealing under her skin. She should have been thinking of the honor of her family name; instead, she was thinking of him: Byron Justicano. She clung tightly to him. One of his arms wrapped securely around her waist. Almost at once she felt her feet leave the ground. Her grandfather cried out in fear, thrashing against the restraint. Byron murmured something softly to him, something she didn’t catch, but his tone was commanding. Her grandfather subsided, going so quiet she thought he must have fainted.