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Goddamn it.

Fuck! He was already damned to hell. An eternity of torment and endless pain and torture. What was one more sin on top of the mountain he’d already committed? Somehow kissing a beautiful woman paled in comparison to all the blood he’d shed.

“And is me kissing you what you want to happen in your dream?” he asked in a hushed murmur, not wanting to pull her even closer to full consciousness.

He had the syringe so close to her flesh, and he didn’t want her to wake more fully. Hell, he didn’t even want her to remember this. It would only make it worse when . . .

He shook the thought off again just as she whispered and nuzzled against his neck.

“Yeah. You aren’t the badass you want everyone to think. I see you, Hancock. Maybe others don’t, but I do.”

His breath escaped in a hiss of shock and surprise, and guilt gutted him, consumed him until he was literally shaking with it. Before he could venture further into territory best left alone, he quickly inserted the needle and pushed the medication into her body.

She gave a flinch, her mouth parting against his throat, but he flung the syringe off the bed and quickly lifted his free hand to her chin, tilting it upward so his mouth could capture hers, swallowing any protest or question she might have voiced.

His entire body jolted as though he’d been struck by lightning. Every corny description ever penned about chemistry, compatibility, a first kiss was suddenly only too real. Even in an airplane, he felt as though the entire earth shifted beneath him. An earthquake in mid air.

He deepened the kiss because he was powerless to do anything else. Her mouth was like the strongest magnet. He couldn’t have pulled away. An entire army couldn’t have separated their lips.

It was like drinking liquid sunshine. As soon as his lips had met hers, she opened her mouth in a breathy sigh and he inhaled her. Consumed her. She tasted sweeter than anything he’d ever known.

He’d intended it to be a soft peck, nothing more. Just enough to satisfy her desire for a brief moment of intimacy. Human contact. Tenderness instead of the pain and violence she’d experienced for so many days. But as soon as he tasted her, felt the electric shock all the way to his toes, all thoughts of a chaste kiss and holding her until she fell back under fled.

She made a throaty hum that vibrated over his tongue. He licked at the inside of her mouth. Tasted every inch of the luscious haven. Satin and silk, velvety soft. The heat between them rivaled the scorching desert they’d traveled. Her fingers curled more tightly into his chest, her nails, the few that hadn’t been broken to the quick, digging into his skin.

He’d wear the marks from those nails, and for a brief time he’d have a reminder of her brand on him. Her mark. He wished to hell he could have them permanently tattooed on his skin. It would mark one of the best memories—and serve as a reminder of what he’d callously destroyed.

His grip on her chin tightened and then loosened as he fanned his fingers out to grasp her jaw, holding her in place as he devoured the sweet innocence she offered him. He was already going to hell and this . . . this would be a memory that could sustain him through the upcoming darkness. One single moment captured in time that he could pause and replay over and over so it was this he remembered and saw instead of other horrific images of Honor.

“I’ve never had a better dream,” she slurred, her eyes already half lidded as the draw of the medication pulled her deeper into its web. “So many nightmares. They never stop. First time I’ve dreamed . . . good. Thank you . . .”

Her voice drifted off even as he kissed her again, and he kept kissing her even when she went utterly limp and her lips went slack. And when he swept his lips higher, feathering them over her cheek, his gut clenched when he tasted her tears.

He closed his eyes and wrapped his arm around her, dragging her more firmly against his body while being mindful of her injured side.

She’d thanked him. God help them all. And she’d wept because for once her sleep wasn’t filled with terror and death. He wanted to ram his fist into the walls until his hands bled. He wanted to kill someone. Bristow, Maksimov, ANE. The whole sorry lot of them. Every single person who would put hands to Honor, hurt her, terrorize her, he wanted their blood. But most of all he wanted his own. He was the biggest monster of all. Because if not for him, the bastards would never get their hands on her.


HONOR fought through heavy veils of dense fog surrounding her. Her reflexes were dull and her tongue felt thick in her mouth. She was semiawake and yet couldn’t summon the strength to open her eyelids.

A dull throb in her head made its presence known. Her mouth felt like cotton and even with her eyes closed, they felt dry and scratchy, like sandpaper covered them instead of her eyelids.

As she continued her slow swim to lucidity, she became aware that she was . . . comfortable. Softness surrounded her, conforming to her body so that every part of her was cushioned. Even the ache in her head abated somewhat as she registered the plushness cushioning her head.

She let out a soft sigh. This had to be another really good dream. Not as good as the one where Hancock had kissed her, but still good.

Her lips turned down into a frown as she processed that last information her sluggish brain fed her. Nothing that realistic could possibly be a dream. If she ignored the dryness of her mouth, she could still taste him. The lingering effects of that scorching hot, sexy-as-sin kiss. And it was delicious. She nearly moaned as the memory became clearer and she recalled just how thoroughly he’d kissed her.

What was it he’d asked her? And is me kissing you what you want to happen in your dream?

That was no dream. He’d been speaking to her as though she were dreaming, ensuring that she really wanted him to kiss her. Doubt nagged at her. Why had he done it then? Had he wanted to kiss her or was he merely giving her what she asked for?

Hancock didn’t strike her as a man who’d ever do anything he didn’t want. And certainly no one was going to force him to do anything.

And as more of that decadent dream—reality—floated back to her, she realized that his kiss had not been the kiss of an unwilling man. Nor had it been a simple kiss, one designed to satisfy her need. He’d devoured her mouth and then things had gone fuzzy again.

She frowned again and reached sluggishly down to rub her hand over her hip. He’d injected her with something. A sedative. Just before kissing her. So obviously he didn’t want her conscious very long after he kissed her.

And maybe he hadn’t wanted her to remember . . .

That was the more likely scenario. And it was just as well that was what he wanted because now she could pretend ignorance of the entire episode so she wouldn’t be mortified every time he looked at her or she looked at him. She’d simply act as though she had no memory of the event.

But that didn’t mean she wouldn’t hold that memory dear to her, savor it, lock it away to be pulled out at will so she could relive that moment over and over.

For now, putting away the pleasure of that one stolen moment, she forced herself to the task at hand. She had to open her damn eyes and figure out where she was. And if she was safe.

It took far more effort than she would have liked to pry her eyes open. Her entire face was set into a grimace as she worked to lift what felt like lead eyelids. A sliver of low light registered and she took heart in the fact that she was making progress. After several more steadying breaths, and ensuring that she wasn’t going to be sick, she forced them open all the way.