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Maybe in a few days, after I've had time to see what I've missed in Vaelan in the last five years. And I want to help locate Eined!" His family stared at him, quiet and considering. Then Aunt Sevaera said,

"If you want our help on this, Nephew, you'll abide by the schedules we set." Warian frowned, then asked, purely for informational purposes, "When's the next skyship leaving?" "Tonight!" Xaemar rubbed his hands together. Disquietingly, so did Sevaera, Barden, and Corlaen. What the…? "However, before we make preparations for Warian's trip, we can't forget Zel is due to give a report." Xaemar turned slightly in his chair to fix Zeltaebar with a glare from his single, violet-tinged crystal eye. Xaemar asked, "Where is Eined?"


Ususi and Iahn drove the wizard's coach, pulled by two summoned steeds, through the west gate of the city of Vaelan. The west gate opened on high ground, and the view of the city, as it fell away to the north and east toward the stunning shores of the Golden Water, was broad and expansive. It was easy to see why Vaelan surpassed Assur as the crown jewel of Durpar's trading empire. A central region of proud, tall towers constructed with gold leaf and glass exulted in the midday light. Whitewashed walls separated city districts, and the buildings were of pale stone, or perhaps took plaster and paint particularly well. Terraces, broad flights of stairs, rooftop coffee shops, and bazaars of every description seemed the order of the day in Vaelan.

Just inside the west gate, Ususi paid to have her coach stored indefinitely. She put down a considerable deposit, just in case they found access to the Celestial Nadir within the city. Eventually, she would come back to claim her custom travel coach. Ususi was accustomed to crowds, but the throngs in Vaelan were something else again. Even Two Stars, a city that prided itself on trade between cultures, had not prepared her for the multitudes surging through Vaelan's streets.

The avenue they strolled along was filled on both sides with outdoor restaurants and cafes, all crowded with people. Most of the patrons seemed as interested in consuming the exotic delights before them as watching the continuous parade of passersby. Courtesans, in scores, more than Ususi had ever seen at once, walked the city streets, clad in diamonds, body paint, and garments spun of the finest silks.

Beggars in rags clutched at the robes of passersby, asking for handouts. Unshod children scampered underfoot, absorbed in their youthful games. Sitar players and bards singing strangely nasal ballads were featured along the many rooftop cafes. Half-dressed barbarians with oversized weaponry strapped to their belts pushed arrogantly through the throng. A group of elves in high court dress clustered around a street vendor selling roasted vegetables on sticks.

A brave woman wearing red body paint goaded an unshackled ogre to juggle various pieces of crockery. Several halflings perched on an elevated byway, watching the traffic, pointing out oddities, and laughing among themselves. Ususi even spotted a few eastern-looking men in warrior's dress she recognized as common in Two Stars-merchants and their bodyguards from much farther north and east of Vaelan. And all of this she saw on a single street! The people were fascinating, but Ususi's eye was also drawn to the myriad stalls and stands of every stripe, some of which surely straddled the border that separated legal wares from black market merchandise. One hawker claimed his golden eels were the most succulent to be had in west Vaelan, while another described the fragrances available on his cart as exotic samples from "distant Tu'narath, brought only at great risk and expense to delight the senses of the common Vaelanite." Closing her eyes couldn't shut out the clamor or the smells-the air churned with dueling odors. Fresh bread, eggs, spicy tea, oil, wood smoke from an oven filled with roasting sausages, devil weed, wet wool, exotic perfumes, sweat, and the faint odor of the docks-the countless smells concentrated in Vaelan were overwhelming. A crush of people pressed upon them at an intersection. A black-haired courtesan pressed against Iahn and ran her fingers down his bare arm. "Such sinewy strength-such exotic pale skin," she purred. "Where ever are you from? I'd love to hear your story. In private." Ususi shooed the woman away, shaking her head. Iahn looked after the woman as she moved away and was lost again in the crowd. Somewhat foggily, he said, "I've never smelled that particular fragrance before-I wonder from what flower it was distilled." Ususi had a few notions, but before she could formulate a response, a woman caught her eyes. The woman stood upon a slender white bridge above their path. The skin on her face and bare arms was partially replaced with a thin veneer of Celestial Nadir crystal!

"Iahn, look!" She pointed up at the woman, but Iahn already had her in his sights. With a fluid motion, he caught Ususi's pointing hand and guided it down to her side. He clasped her other hand in his grip and drew her close as if sharing a friendly embrace. He whispered, "Best not to draw the attention of any who wear the crystal. Something dark looked out from behind the eyes of those who hunted you. The woman on the bridge… and there to the left, that man in the rich robes-see his eyes? If their flesh is infected with the Celestial Nadir crystal, could not the darkness behind the world see out through their eyes, too?" Ususi gave a slow nod. "Perhaps." She studied the woman, on the bridge as they drew closer. The woman was speaking to an exotic fabric merchant. Nothing could be more natural. Except for her encrustations of crystal. "No question about it," Ususi whispered. "Someone in Vaelan has found an entry into the Celestial Nadir!" "You were right," said Iahn, not grudgingly. "We must locate that access. We cannot afford to approach one of these compromised citizens directly. But..

." Iahn paused near a confection vendor and motioned Ususi over. The smell of sugary cakes made her mouth water. "Hungry?" Iahn grunted. He motioned for the vendor's attention. Ususi shrugged. If Iahn wanted to sample the local cuisine, she would be right behind him. Those little cakes smelled good. Iahn caught the notice of a thin, middle-aged man with curly brown hair streaked with gray. The man's smock was streaked with flour, and he was flanked on all sides by racks of his delicious-looking bakery. The vengeance taker scanned the merchandise, then pointed. "Two of those," he said in the common trade tongue. The man nodded curtly. "That'll be one pari, or equivalent in silver, if you please." Iahn made a show of getting out his pouch and counting out his foreign currency. As he did so, he asked the vendor, "I'm new to Vaelan. A fabulous city. And so strange. Why, my wife and I"-Ususi frowned at Iahn-"my wife and I just saw the oddest thing. A woman on the bridge back there was covered with purple crystal!" The man's face stretched into what was probably supposed to be a smile as he watched Iahn painstakingly fumble through his coins. The vengeance taker was putting on a show with a faked lack of dexterity. The vendor said,

"Yes, yes-a plangent." "A what?" demanded Ususi, moving forward.