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Alfred immediately approached the counter and looked at the quizzical look on every shop assistant, asked for regular coffee and a package of pear cookies.

The most enterprising has found the right in the refrigerator, among of multiple bottles and, checking on freshness, has put on a table. The second-I looked for in new delivery a kilogram pack, I put nearby. Calculating the total cost, she said the amount. The guy paid for shopping, and hiding them in a backpack, hastily left, he came to home, changed the shoes, cleaned yourself up, told his friends about the start of a meal. However, he himself had to cook and warm the kettle.

Brother with like-minded people came into the kitchen. After that they are all together we finished the food and went to their rooms. In a few minutes Walter was copied and activated the spyware onto the electronic watch of his brother and returning the accessory back to your personal space. Wearing them, the teenager felt the servitude, again dressed, ran out of the house, found the car, knocked the hand glass, sat down, using a paper clip started the engine.

At full speed transport reached the antique shop. Logging in modest room, the buyer waited for the junk dealer. The whip it out on waiting lists the one, then the other journal, asked his assistant, who and that wanted to would to purchase. Alfred said.

Mr. Tottenham checked the truth in the marks and allowed to hold deal. Soon the right box, given ten years ago by Diana Berrow for storage, was with him. Walter's voice, sounding quiet in the headphones, gave the order to euthanize the seller and pick up the relic. This time the reaction was different Alfred turned off the monitor and politely paid, including again, he got a mind eraser, pointing straight ahead, pressed the key.

The old man fell beside room, nearly hitting his head on the corner. The buyer grabbed the thing, cleaned it in a bag, passed to an exit, wiped traces, appeared on the street, reached by the same car to the house. His return was now met with joyful jokes. Alfred retold the whole story from beginning to end; the leader watched the video from the clock and, convinced of the correctness, praised his brother.

Once, boys and girls arrived to the school "David Rowan", having preferences, learn the usual magic: create in reagents, designing auto machines, to treat animals, to study human reactions, to understand earthly phenomenon. From different cities vans filled with young clever men came the main student admissions office.

In the ranks of the newcomers appeared Daniel Raiton. He wanted to become a mechanical physicist. They found him. Several surprised, the student began to wait for the learning process, and get acquainted with

the rest arrived. They say that he immediately became friends with Walter Berrow, the same smart guy, but not thinking about blessings.

After a three-hour lunch, the children went to the dorms, where they were engaged their business: who wrote the summaries of the books, who played in the board games, who was sleeping. Passed four scattered through the corridors searching for secrets. Daniel wandered into the older Department of school, where found a note with the name about a some window.

"We propose to join the group "The Twelve", which studies main school topics. For good grades and help school you'll get a bonus for the staff. Come back today, at ten o'clock in the evening, in the office 1-12. V. Dvoenowski ". At 22: 00 Dan Ryton, Mary Udachina, Denis Krikunov came to assigned office.

- We offer you to join the group for the autumn period "David Rowan" school... - said Dvoenowski.

- There are good students in this group...  - Alexandrov said.

Chris Warner, Charlie Parker, Dan Stevenson agreed, Mary, Denis refused. Daniel said that he will join the group of "12", under the following conditions: all tasks in the list of duties will be fair, they can be perform. The Director confirmed that it will be valid.

October 12, 2015, twenty hours. Darlington. In the Dorm of the school "David Rowan" you could easily come to hear from the Windows of the evening collections of Tits and crows. These birds do not fly away for the winter to other regions, and therefore, their participation leaves us in a good mood. When all the students have finished the household works, the likely the positive mood was to spread through all the corridors and rooms. Daniel Routs suddenly realized that one of his classmates was going to play a night scene about a trifle. It hasn't been two minutes

Walter Berrow said: "We need to understand why we learn and what we live for! You, my friends, (he circled in the air all familiar faces), guessed long our goal!"

After this speech, he began to pull out of his briefcase radio details - mechanical firecrackers: self-charging fast battery, sharp-pointed, multicolored confetti, a mini remote control, online and auto-detect voice messages. Walter probably wanted his evil invention to create a lot of opinions about the use of a fast shutdown, because some classmates, sitting on poufs, fixed their eyes on funny thing.

Daniel, without waiting for new words, gathered all his things, unloaded them in backpack, calmly walked across the room, came a quick step he overcame the path from the door of the hostel to the column, where they hung fluorescent sconces.

"You should have done that! I'm not suggesting absurd, of course, but if you think about it

honestly, everyone can make mistakes. Only a single miss is allowed. And this subject and contribute to the discussion in the moment about the perception of lectures and large crowds in the corridors. I better go" - such thoughts were at that time at Dan.

Maybe, Walter Berrow couldn't have been aware of the practical equation, orderest asked their friends, where would he hide it the invention, and having received an adequate response, wrapped the robot in sports t-shirt, put it in my nightstand. Routs during this time reached the office of the class teacher in his class, pressed the button on the door, waited. Vadim Dyagin opened the door.

- Hello. I had a misunderstanding... - Daniel said.

- Why do you have such an opinion that Walter can win the competition, don't you? - the teacher was surprised.

- I don't know. Vadim Timofeyevich, tell me, please, do you think I could win in physics and design competition? - the student asked.

- I, personally, hope, that you, Dima and you, decide their questions on this the subject peacefully... - the class teacher answered after selection words.

Dan was ready to get to work after the rest, as he is in this time communicated in an office of the head, held the moment at eleven o'clock in the evening, and asked about some stuff in the wrong environment. And it was so suspicious that further inquiries would be made inadequate, strange and meaningless. Single question, which the student had time to ask, it was a decision - "what is better to create to the contest not to lose".

The results were displayed on this query: you can apply the coil, which itself is charged, as well as automatic music intercom, a cracker with wishes that would be on auto-voice command. After receiving valuable instructions, Dan left, the teacher closed the door.

Third chapter