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"That is why I brought you here to discuss the recommendations before we vote on them," Valorum answered." I wanted you to understand why this has to be done."

Johun had not seen the details of the message Farfalla had received, nor had his Master spoken of it to him during their journey to Coruscant. As a result, he was having difficulty piercing their political double-talk. Fortunately, Farfalla chose to cut through the diplomatic niceties and address the issue directly in his next response.

"Do you realize the ramifications of what you are asking, Tarsus? Your proposal calls for the Jedi to renounce their military ranks and completely disband all our military, naval, and starfighter forces. You are asking us to destroy the Army of Light!"

"The Army of Light was created as a reaction to the Brotherhood of Darkness" Valorum countered. "With the Brotherhood gone, it no longer serves a purpose."

Johun couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Its purpose is to protect the Republic!" he burst out, unable to contain himself.

"Protect it from who?" the Chancellor challenged, snapping his head around to address him. "The Sith are gone."

"The Sith are never truly gone," Johun said darkly

"And therein lies the problem," Valorum replied. "Over the past four centuries we have seen the Jedi declare war on the agents of the dark side time and time again. It is a struggle that never ends. And with each conflict, more civilians are swept up in your web of war. Innocent beings die as armies align with you or your enemies. Worlds loyal to the Republic break away, fracturing a once united galaxy. It is time to put a stop to this cycle of madness."

Farfalla held up his hand, cutting Johun off before the young man could say anything else. He waited for Valorum to turn his attention away from the Padawan, then asked, "Tarsus, do you really believe the changes you have proposed will do that?"

"I do, Master Valenthyne." There was undeniable conviction in his Voice. "There are many good people who fear the Jedi and what they are capable of. They see the Jedi as instigators of war. You claim your actions are guided by the Force, but to those who cannot feel its presence it appears as if your order is not accountable to anyone or anything."

"And so you want the Jedi to answer to you." Farfalla sighed. "The Chancellor and the Senate "

"I want you to answer to the elected officials who represent the citizens of the Republic," Valorum declared. Then he added, "This is not an attempt to grab power for myself. The Jedi Council will still oversee your order. But they will do so under the supervision of the Senate's Judicial Department. It is the only way we can heal the scars left by your wars against the Sith.

"The Republic is crumbling," he continued. "For the past thousand years it has slowly been decaying and rotting away. A rebirth is the only way to reverse this process.

"Many of the measures proposed in the Ruusan Reformation are symbolic, but there is power in that symbolism. This will be the beginning of a new era for the Republic. We will enter a new age of prosperity and peace.

"Let the Jedi show their commitment to this peace. Cast aside the trappings of war and assume your rightful place as counselors and advisers. Instead of this endless battle to hold back the dark side, you should help to guide us toward the light."

Valorum finished his speech and looked expectantly at Farfalla. Johun held his breath, waiting for his Master's outburst of righteous indignation. He wanted to watch as Valenthyne expertly and eloquently refuted the Chancellor's arguments. He couldn't wait to witness the impassioned defense of all that the Jedi stood for and believed in that would justify everything General Hoth had done.

"I will speak to the Jedi Council and see that our order complies with your demands, Your Excellency" Farfalla said, his voice heavy.

"And I will send the order to begin the dissolution of the Army of Light as soon as the Senate passes your proposal."

Johun's draw dropped, but he was too stunned to say anything.

"Your cooperation is greatly appreciated, Master Valenthyne," Valorum replied, rising to his feet. "Now if you will excuse me, I must call the Senate to session."

At first it seemed as if he was about to escort them from the room. But when he glanced at Johun, he obviously sensed the young man was not quite ready to let the matter rest. The Chancellor hesitated, giving him a chance to speak.

Johun, however, remained stubbornly silent, Valorum exchanged a brief look with Farfalla, then nodded in deference to the Jedi Master.

"Please see yourselves out when you are ready," the Chancellor said, before giving them each a cordial nod and leaving them alone in the room.

"How could you?" Johun demanded angrily the moment Valorum was gone, leaning across the table toward Farfalla.

The older man sighed and leaned backward, his hands clasped together and his fingers forming a steeple just below his chin.

"I know this is difficult to understand, Johun. But the Chancellor was right. Everything he said was true."

"General Hoth would never agree to this!" Johun spat at him.

"No," Farfalla admitted. "He never could understand the value of compromise. That was his great fault."

"And what's yours?" Johun shouted, slamming his fist on the table and jumping up so swiftly he knocked over his chair. "Betraying the memory of your friends?"

"Watch your anger," Farfalla said softly.

Johun froze, then felt his face flushing in shame and embarrass-ment. He took several deep, cleansing breaths-a Jedi ritual to calm and focus the mind. Once he had his emotions under control he turned and righted his chair, then took his seat again.

"I'm sorry, Master Valenthyne," he said, struggling to keep his voice even. "But this feels as if we are dishonoring him."

"Your Master was a man of great strength and steadfast conviction," Farfalla assured him, still sitting with his steepled hands clasped beneath his chin. "No other could have led us through our time of crisis. But the galaxy does not exist in a state of perpetual crisis.

"The Jedi are the sworn servants of the Republic" he continued. "We will fight to defend it in times of war, but when war is over we must be willing to set aside our weapons and become ambassadors of peace."

The younger man shook his head. "This still doesn't feel right."

"Since the earliest days of your training, you have known nothing but war," Farfalla reminded him. "It can be difficult for you to remember that violence should only be used when all other methods have failed.

"But you must always remind yourself that a Jedi values wisdom and enlightenment over all else. The great truths we seek are often difficult to find, and sometimes it is easier to seek out an enemy to do battle with… especially when we hunger to avenge those who have fallen. This is one of the ways even good people can fall to the dark side."

"I'm sorry, Master," Johun whispered. The words seemed to catch in his throat, even though his apology was sincere.

"You are still a Padawan. You are not expected to possess the wisdom of a Master," Farfalla consoled him. "That is why I brought you here: so that you could learn."

"I will do my best" Johun vowed.

"That is all I can ever ask," his Master replied.

Thanks to the Holocron he had discovered in Nadd's tomb, Bane now knew that the strange crustaceans that had attached themselves to him were called orbalisks. He had also discovered, through his own trial and error, that they could not be removed.

In the moments after his escape from the orbalisk chamber, he'd tried prying the one on his chest loose with the hunting knife from his boot, to no avail. Failing that, he had tried to dig it out by carving away the surrounding flesh. He'd drawn the knife across his chest in a long, straight line, feeling the agony of the blade slicing deep enough to cut through skin and muscle. And then he'd watched in amazement as the wound healed itself almost instantly, the creature having somehow caused his tissue to regenerate.