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“Wassup?” Todd asked. “I forgot Leo said you're a student here. English or something?”


“Yeah. Same thing,” he said, but-not wanting to look like a superior, which I so clearly was-I didn't argue with him.

“So, you coming to the party with Leo tonight?”

I shook my head, pretending I knew what the hell he was talking about. It didn't matter. I had told da Vinci- Leo as the young 'uns called him-that I would not be partying with kids half my age, or even two-thirds my age. I really needed to get out with people my own age. Like the double date with Cortland and my sister. “I've got a thing,” I said, wanting to add, “a grownup thing, like two boys and a real life. ”

“Too bad. Gonna be rockin'. The Grey Pincers are gonna play.”

“Really?” I said, feigning being impressed, whoever they were. “Well, take good care of Leo for me.”

I stood and felt Todd give me the up down. “Oh, he doesn't flirt with the girls, if that's what you mean. Not that he couldn't jump on that if he wanted. He's the talk on campus. That's why we wanted to pledge him so bad. With Leo around, the rest of us can be his wing-man and get all the girls, you know? Of course, if I were him, I would probably stay in if I had you to keep me warm. You know what they say about older women lovers-experience and all that? No wonder Leo's hot for teacher.” He flashed a lopsided grin and turned on his heels, not bothering to say goodbye.

I resisted the urge to kick him in those saggy, overpriced jeans and pull him by the ear into the ladies' room, where I would wash his mouth out with dispenser soap.

On second thought, if da Vinci's friends believed he was with me because I was an incredible lover, I could live with that.

The next morning, da Vinci woke up with a hangover the size of Texas. I know because after we'd made love (which had begun feeling more like a booty call after his late-night partying at the frat house), he had thrown up, brushed his teeth, and passed out in the bed.

I'd lain there until 4 a.m. wondering how I'd arrived at this point. For all intents and purposes, da Vinci had moved in. Just as getting rid of my marital bed had marked another step forward in my journey to Normalhood, the new bed had lured da Vinci to my side like bait: comfortable, supportive, high-thread-count bed bait. Anything was better than his old pullout couch and Lumpy. We were both the winners, really. I got a warm bedmate who happened to still be a great lover (and strangely better at certain sex acts when inebriated) and we both got a good night's sleep.

Until he wet the bed. My new, amazing, waited-fifteen-years-for-this miracle bed. Peed on like a cardboard box in a downtown alley.

I wouldn't have even minded if it had been Bellezza that did the bedwetting, but my twenty-five-year-old boyfriend?

“You have got to be kidding me,” I said, as I stared at the huge wet spot in disgust.

“Those fucking Jäger shots,” he said.

“Excuse me? Since when do you say the F-word? You join a fraternity and suddenly you've got a potty mouth and you start using my bed as one?”

“Get off the back,” he said, holding his head. “Going to take shower now.”

“And don't think I don't know you pee in there, too,” I said, standing on the bed. “From now on, if you think you can hold it until you hit the shower, my awesome bed and I would sure appreciate it.”

Da Vinci turned back to me and winced in the sunlight. “You going to complain all day or come in and make love to me in shower?”

“And another thing,” I said, wagging my finger at him. “I don't want you telling your frat buddies about our sex life.”

Stepping out of his boxers, he revealed an erection I could've hung a dozen suit jackets on. I tried not to look at it, but it was a beacon in the morning sun. A thing of beauty, work of art. “You take shower with me or what? I'm horny. And I only tell them you are very good at blow job. Most girls terrible at this.”

I dropped to my knees. I'd never been complimented on sex before. Joel had told me I was a good lover, but when he'd said it I felt like I was good as in average, not good as in good enough to brag about to all your buddies. “I am? Wait a minute, you did? How am I ever going to get a teaching job at the university if you're talking about our sex life? I'll be the laughingstock on campus. Professor Blow Job! I'll be forced to work at a community college the rest of my life.”

“Don't get panties in a twist,” he said, which was another terrible catchphrase he'd learned from college. He'd be Americanized in no time and ruined beyond repair. “Speaking of, I like your new panties very much. Black very sexy.” Da Vinci rubbed his belly and scratched his balls. I should've been terribly turned off by this, especially after what he'd done, but I was strangely turned on. There was something terribly wrong with me. He was no good for me, but all I could think about was having sex with him in the shower. Which I did. Twice. And we still made it to Rachel's studio in time for the taping.

After two Tylenol and two pieces of dry toast, da Vinci began feeling better and turned on the charm for the camera. I loved watching him work out, and he followed direction from my sister very well. He made the other four people on stage with him look like amateurs. You couldn't help but stare at him the whole time, and I heard the producer tell camera 2 to stay on him. I could see it now: Get Up and Move It with da Vinci, Texas! in big, neon lights. I silently wished he would kick my sister out of her time slot. See what that did to her precious ego.

Yet as I watched, I wondered if this was when the countdown to his leaving began. I couldn't imagine after 25,000 households saw the show that he would stay with me much longer, expert fellatio or no. I needed to have a grown-up conversation with him before things got out of hand, before the boys got too attached, and then there was my own attachment to consider.

Rachel beamed with pride as if she had discovered him. “Come on. Squeeze that tush or no one else will,” she said, which I'd only heard at least a hundred times on her show. She called it a “Rachelism.” Ugh.

When they wrapped, I picked up the boys at my mom and dad's and met Cortland at the dog park, where I'd hoped he would show up looking disheveled and unattractive, but there he was, dressed sharply in a brown wool sweater and tan corduroy jeans, looking handsome and approachable. So approachable, in fact, three women were talking to him.

When I walked up, they must've thought I was the wife or girlfriend, because they quickly dispersed with disappointment in their eyes. No wedding ring, but obviously taken. I'm surprised Rachel didn't force him to wear a neon necklace that read, “Back off. I'm dating Fitness Star Rachel Taylor.”

“Hey, you,” he said coolly. Bellezza took off, leading the boys around the park, eager to run and play with the other dogs. It was William who seemed to be on the leash and not the puppy. I had been a worried parent for no reason.

“Bet you've picked up a lot of women at the dog park,” I said, noting the women who had left and eyed me with envy.

He shrugged. “I don't date women I meet at the dog park anymore. It's where I met my ex-wife.”

“Fair enough. Where's Rach and Princess?” Princess was Rachel's Chihuahua, an obnoxious little lapdog she had bought the day after Cortland and I had picked up Bellezza. She hated to be left out. Cortland and I had gotten a good laugh out of the fact that she was the type to want a toy dog, but I knew it was more than that.

My whole life Rachel had wanted whatever I had. The week after I'd announced that Joel and I were getting married and planning a summer wedding, she and Michael announced their engagement and spring wedding. When I told her Joel and I were trying to get pregnant, she said she and Michael were also trying. It took her three years to get pregnant with Zoe, and knowing what she puts Zoe through, I was thankful she never reproduced again. I wondered if she and Cortland were going anywhere. Were they a fling? Getting serious? Would they have babies together? God, they'd be obnoxiously cute.