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Of course, she couldn't fuck a grown man! That was out of the question. Such a giant cock would hurt her little cunt. And she wasn't going to fuck any boys. A girl could get a bad reputation in school.

With a smile on her face and cunt juice dripping through her pussy-chute, she pranced through the kitchen and out the back door. Her heart raced, and her tits heaved as she ran looking for her new-found treat – a nice, big doggie-cock.


Karen was terribly excited at the thought of losing her cherry. Her girlfriends had told her about the feelings a girl gets when she decides to give her pussy to a special boy. She had never really understood that until now. Her pretty face was flushed, her tits were straining, and her cunt felt all wet and warm. A sharp tingling sensation kept tickling her deep in her belly.

Karen found Rex in the back yard. In the next yard, Mrs. Wilson was hanging out laundry. The girl smiled and called hello to her neighbor. A few yards away, some kids were playing ball. Rex was gnawing on an old bone under a tree.

Karen felt extremely frustrated. What she wanted was just a few feet away, yet she couldn't get it. She searched her mind for a solution to her problem. Then a devious little smile crossed her face, and her blue eyes twinkled mischievously. With a quick glance at the busy woman next door, she ambled over to the old wooden shed and stepped inside.

In the old days, before electricity, the shed had been used for storing wood. Now it was empty except for some things Karen had put in it. As a little girl, she had used the shed as a play house. There were still some frilly things laying around.

There was no light in the shed, but the wooden walls were so old and broken, that daylight filled the small space. The girl tried not to look at the spider webs in the dark corners. She hated spiders.

Karen stood for a few moments inside the door of the shed and waited for Mrs. Wilson to finish hanging laundry. When the woman went into her house, she peeked out the door and watched as Rex gnawed at his bone.

"Rex," she whispered.

The dog lifted his big head and gazed at her for a second. Then he went back to the juicy bone.

"Rex!" Karen rasped. "You dumb dog! Get in here!"

The dog ignored her, but Karen's hisses and calls became insistent and urgent. He looked up at her, and she quickly lifted her dress up onto her naked belly. She giggled and spread her legs, exposing every inch of her furry little cunt.

"Here, Rex," she panted. "Come on, boy. See what Karen's got for you. Here, Rex. Look here."

She thrust her hips forward a little, and she parted her pussy-lips with her fingers. She displayed her juicy little cunt for the dog, calling to him in hot whispers.

Rex raised his head and looked. He gazed at her cunt. Slowly but surely, he remembered what he had done to her pussy earlier. Once the sexual connection was made, the animal got to his feet and lumbered across the yard to the shed.

"Oh, get in here!" Karen gasped, almost out of her mind with horniness.

Rex stepped inside the shed, and Karen heaved a big sigh of relief. She grabbed the rickety old door and yanked it closed. She quickly latched it.

"There, you big tease," she panted, "Now you can't get out of here till I get what I want!"

With a giggle and a sigh, she perched her cute little ass on the small wooden bench against the wall and opened her pretty legs wide. With her fingers continually stroking her pussy, she called to her dog, inviting him to lick her pussy.

Rex sniffed the air, caught the scent of her horny cunt and pushed his large head between her waiting thighs. His big red tongue darted out of his mouth and crashed into her pussy. She gasped and went limp on the bench. She leaned her back against the wall and spread her legs wider.

Rex went crazy over Karen's juicy little pussy. He was somewhat familiar with her cunt now and liked it, so he stuffed his snout into her crotch and lashed her cunt wildly with his rough tongue.

"Oh-oh-ohhhhh," Karen moaned, her back slipping against the wall.

In the next moment, she was flat on her back, humping her pussy hotly as the dog licked it for her.

The good feelings in Karen's cunt got so exciting that she tossed all care to the winds. She writhed on the bench and wiggled right out of her dress as Rex went on licking her cunt-flesh.

She dropped her dress on the dirt floor and spread herself out luxuriously on the bench, panting like a bitch in heat.

She closed her eyes as she grabbed her jutting tits and played with them. Her pink nipples spiked and tingled as her pussy turned and twisted beneath the continual onslaught of the doggie-tongue.

"Ohhh, Rex, Rex," she panted, humping her cunt faster. "You'll make me come!"

She could feel her orgasm building up in her tight belly, and she caught her breath as her dog's wonderful tongue lashed and licked and lapped her pussy. With a quiver and a gasp, she lifted her feet up onto the bench, then raised them up into the air. Rex's tongue lapped her asscheeks and her juicy cunt at the same time, covering a lot of territory.

Karen went mad with passion. She squeezed her taut nipples and mauled her tits roughly as her pussy juice started streaming out from the walls of her squirming little pussy. Her legs flew into a wide V, and Rex's thick tongue licked into her open cunt-mouth.

"Oh!" she squealed when he fucked into her cunt. And she shrieked when his tongue lashed her quivering little clit. Every inch of her sensitive pussy swelled with lust, and she humped her ass furiously.

She caught her lower lip between her teeth to keep from crying out any more as the dog's cunt-licking drove her insane with luscious erotic feelings. A great wash of silky cunt-cream came rushing through her pussy-chute, and the dog licked it out of her cunt-hole thirstily.

"Oh-oh-ohhhhmmmmm!" Karen moaned.

Her whole body jerked on the bench, then writhed and twisted as she came and came and came. Rex licked her cunt faster to keep up with the sudden supply of pussy juice. He lapped up all her cunt-cream, leaving her pussy tingling.

"Ohhh, Rex," she whimpered with pleasure. "Good dog!"

In a fit of sexual gratitude, Karen slipped off the bench onto her knees. She threw her arms around the dog's neck and planted little kisses of affection all over his face. Even as she kissed him and encouraged him, she slipped her hand beneath his big body. Her fingers found his big cock sticking straight out of his sheath, thick and wet.

She moaned softly and started jacking his prick as the happy dog lapped her aching tits. She pushed her tits at him, urging him to lick them, as her fist tightened around his massive cock and slowly jerked it. The feeling of his huge cock in her hand made her pussy tingle. She wanted to get fucked.

"Rex, Rex," she panted, twisting around on all fours. "Please, Rex! Fuck me! Come on, boy, up on Karen. Get your prick in me, Rex. Ohhhh, God. Get your cock in my cunt!"

The horny dog mounted her quickly, his prick dripping with pre-cum. His front paws landed on her shoulders, and his cock rammed against her smooth white thighs. She whimpered, feeling his prick so wet and stiff, and she panted hotly as she wiggled her ass around.

Rex's rear paws did a little dance between Karen's legs as he maneuvered himself into position. He wanted to fuck as badly as she did. He drooled saliva all over her back as he pumped the air with his horny cock.

Karen moaned and thrust a hand down between her thighs. She gripped the dog's prick and pulled it to her waiting, leaking pussy-hole.

"Here, Rex, here," she gasped.

She guided the end of his enormous cock to her cunt-mouth. Even as she did so, Rex was fucking, and his prick slid in and out of her fist as she pulled it to her cunt. Then the end of his cock found her pussy. Half of his prick fucked up into her tight little pussy-chute.