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“Babe!” A familiar voice screamed above the music. It was the lifeline I required.


My heart pounded heavily, relieved beyond measure by her intervention.

“Where have you been? I’ve been looking for you for ages!” she slurred, stumbling into me as she squirmed her way past a couple locked in a tight embrace.

I caught her arm, holding her steady. She drew up to her full height and then froze, becoming aware of the tension in the air. Her eyes shifted between Simon and me, before zeroing in on his hand, still clamped on my shoulder.

A frown marred her brow. “You all right, babe?”

Simon let go of me and pushed off the bar. His face was urbane, the mask firmly back in place. “She’s fine. We were just wrapping up.” He stepped back and looked me directly in the eye. “Until next time, Brydie,” he emphasized, before turning away to melt into the crowd.

At his admission, my heart squeezed painfully in my chest. Who was this guy? How had he known who I was? Why play along with my game? But those answers were lost because there was no way I was going to chase him to find out.

As soon as he retreated from view, Chloe turned on me like a bloodhound. “Who was that?”

“A mistake,” I said firmly. “Please, can we just leave it?”

Chloe bit her lip, studying me for a few moments. She knew my tone, understood that I wouldn’t budge. “Sure, Bry, whatever you want.” Then she tilted her head to the side as her gaze ran over my face. “Are you all right? You don’t look good.”

She wasn’t far off; I felt it. There was a roaring in my ears, and my vision was beginning to blur. I also had a god-awful taste in my mouth. “It’s self-inflicted. I didn’t have any dinner tonight.”

As the words left my mouth, I swayed to the side. Stumbling, I reached out to clutch the side of the bar.

Chloe’s mouth dropped open. “Wow, Bry! You okay? Do you want to get some fresh air?”

She’d never seen me drunk. Let’s face it—I’d never seen me drunk either! I was usually the epitome of control. Going by how I was feeling now, I wasn’t tempted to try it again.

“I don’t think fresh air is going to help,” I said, raising a hand to my pounding head. “Do you mind if I go home, Chloe? I’m sorry; I know you wanted a big night.”

Chloe’s face pinched with concern. “No, no, that’s fine. I think it best you go home anyway. You don’t look that good.”

I searched her expression. “You sure? I don’t want you to be out alone tonight.”

“I’ll be fine, babe. The boys are eager to stay out. Don’t worry about me, let’s just get you home.”

She placed her hand on my shoulder and waved at the bartender. “Got a number for a taxi?” she asked him as he drew near.

His gaze traveled past Chloe and settled on my face. I must have looked like shit, for he gave a firm nod and flicked a business card on the bar before turning away.

Chloe snatched it up and turned to me. “Stay here and don’t move! I’m going outside to call you a taxi. Be back in five.”

I nodded, barely registering that she had gone. I was beyond knowing what the hell was happening. My head felt incredibly heavy, and the roaring in my ears was deafening. I sluggishly lifted a hand to rub my forehead, surprised to find it came away clammy.

I blinked; the lights of the bar were too bright. I didn’t feel like I could hold my head up any longer. And as I didn’t have the energy to fight, I placed my arms on the bar and dropped my forehead onto them. I looked down at the scuffed, dirty floor of the club, and felt the world begin to fall away.



Secreted in the corner of the bar, I’d watched her from the shadows as Brydie evaded advances from one of the boys she’d arrived with, and then as she managed to escape to the dance floor, alone. I’d watched as she topped shot after shot and I’d watched the glaze come over her features as the alcoholic buzz finally hit her bloodstream.

She looked sexy, a far cry from my first impression of her six hours ago when she’d been dressed in a nondescript, loose, green woolen dress that hid all her curves. The tight black dress she wore tonight concealed her skin, but it didn’t hide what was underneath. She had a tiny waist with small, pert breasts, and the short hem of her dress exposed a set of slim, toned legs that looked amazing.

I’d known I wasn’t the only male watching her. I could sense their interest, like a dark storm cloud building on a hot summer’s afternoon. That interest had only sharpened as she’d moved, uninhibited, on the dance floor.

She was completely lost in the music, eyes closed as she moved languidly to the beat. I felt myself harden, and my jaw clenched in response. This wasn’t happening—not with her. I resolutely shifted my gaze, scanning the room and the press of bodies.

I never saw him coming until he was beside her. A man of medium build with a buzz cut. I tensed as he moved in on her confidently, coming up behind her back and placing his hands on her butt.

Squeezing my hands into fists, I waited for her to brush him off. She didn’t. My heart pounded, and I took a step forward, eyes intent on them both as he moved in closer and whispered something in her ear. Brydie stepped back and gave the man a nod and a smile.

What the fuck?

I frowned as she let the man guide her to the bar with one hand at the small of her back. His touch was proprietary; it spoke volumes to all the men watching.

I melted back, determined to keep my cover until absolutely necessary. I still wasn’t satisfied that buzz cut was neutral. At the same time, my chest burned at her reckless actions. Who the hell was Brydie MacKay? Was the woman at the jewelers just a front?

I kept my gaze on them as he directed her to the bar. Buzz cut’s face remained in the shadows as he ordered their drinks. That was when I felt a prickle of awareness. I carefully moved closer, sidling around the press of bodies, ignoring advances from women. Secured in a dark corner, I watched them closely from the opposite end of the bar.

Their drinks arrived, and the man made his first mistake. He turned, flashing the bartender a smile of thanks. The overhead light of the bar illuminated his face. That split second of exposure was all it took for my neck to burn white-hot.

I didn’t hesitate; I moved. My eyes remained trained on my targets as I erupted from the shadows in a powerful rush of energy. I was two meters from Brydie when her friend stumbled upon them, crying out Brydie’s name.

I halted immediately, aware that I’d come close to exposing us all. There were too many eyes in this club, and we had secrets that needed keeping. But my sudden movement must have alerted him. For at that moment, buzz cut looked up and speared me directly with his gaze. I watched his eyes flash red before recognition crossed his features. He knew who I was, just as I knew what I looked upon. I remained in place, intent to see what his first move would be.

We teetered on the brink of utter catastrophe.

His eyes gleamed at my predicament, understanding I was compromised. He then turned away and said something to the women before melting into the crowd.

I snarled, torn between chasing him down and keeping Brydie safe. But there was never any question as to which path I’d take. For in that moment of indecision, every iota of my body rebelled against leaving Brydie unprotected. My neck burned painfully in response, and I felt an overwhelming urge to be close to her, to check that she was safe.