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“First off, I would like to make a personal statement regarding the misinformation circulating in the media regarding Mr. Moore’s involvement with the terrorists. I firmly believe all the accusations are false. In fact, I go so far to say the information has been planted to make him appear guilty. I was present when he discovered that his home had been destroyed, a tragic event that some reports say he did himself. It simply did not happen that way. In addition, I want to say here and now that I have never been mistreated or held against my will by Mr. Moore. Also, I was personally involved in a very serious attempt made on Mr. Moore’s life that took place this morning at my cabin in Idyllwild, California, and not by agents of the United States as has been reported, but rather by men working for the terrorists behind these horrific acts of violence.

“I make these statements as fact, since I was there and witnessed them with my own eyes.

“Now let me turn to Xander Moore. As I mentioned, he is the senior drone pilot at the Rapid Defense Center, and he comes to us with a unique and expert perspective on the events taking place across the country. Thank you, Mr. Moore, for agreeing to this interview. I know the identity of RDC personnel is normally a closely held secret, stemming from the belief that you could become targets for many of the terrorist groups operating around the world. That belief is undeniable now, as we witnessed the wholesale assassinations of literally hundreds of your colleagues, along with their families. This must be particularly hard on you at this time.”

“Thank you, Tiffany, but I also have to say to your viewers that you were right there in the thick of things, not only at the RDC, but also during the gunfight at your cabin. Frankly, it’s a miracle we’re both still alive.”

“I will — when the time is right — be expanding my report to include more of my personal experiences, but for now let’s focus on the RDC attack. You believe you know the motive for the attack, as well as the mastermind behind it.”

Xander looked to the phone/camera and then back to Tiffany, not knowing which to focus on. He caught a slight nod from the reporter and so he settled on her. “It’s pretty obvious now that the motive behind all the attacks taking place is to prevent people from shopping and spending money during the Christmas season. The terrorists behind this want to see the collapse of the American economy. They knew that with the RDC still operating, most of their attacks would have very little impact, so they took out the Center first. Now we’re seeing a full-scale assault being made to bring the economy to a standstill.”

“And who do you think is behind this operation?”

“I believe it to be the Arm of Allah terrorist organization, and their leader, Abdul-Shahid Almasi.”

“There had to be inside information provided to Almasi for an attack on the RDC to succeed. You also have someone you suspect to be the traitor behind this release of classified information.”

“I do. I believe it to be—”

A low wailing alarm sprang from Billy’s cellphone.

“I thought you turned off the ringer?” said Tiffany, slapping her interview notes against her legs at the interruption.

Billy snatched the phone from the tripod and began to work the screen, his forehead deeply furrowed.

“What’s that?” Xander asked.

“It’s what you think it is, buddy — a security alarm for the estate. It looks like we have company.”

“Are you still recording?” Tiffany asked.

Billy looked at the screen and then pressed a button. “Not anymore.”

“Save it. This is some good stuff!”

Xander and Tiffany now joined Billy, huddled together in the center of the living room looking at the screen on the phone. “I didn’t hear an alarm go off outside,” Xander said.

“Yeah, I prefer to hold my cards close to the vest, otherwise they may go for broke and just barge in. This way I can control the situation. Maria!

The house servant appeared immediately. “Get to the safe room.”

Si, Mr. Billy. Are you coming?”

“Not yet. I want to see what we can do to stop these guys before they mess up my carpets.”

“You have a safe room?” Tiffany asked.

“Honestly, everyone in this neighborhood has safe rooms. It’s like having a garbage disposal or a built-in microwave.”

Maria had disappeared, and now Xander looked around at the well-lit living room and glowing backyard. “Shouldn’t we be doing something? If these are the same guys from Idyllwild, they mean business.”

“Follow me,” Billy said. He led them down one of the long hallways before entering a smallish room that looked to be his home office. He slipped behind the outward facing desk, took a seat, and then smiled up at the other two. “I have a command bunker,” he said proudly.

“You’ve been expecting something like this to happen?” Tiffany asked.

“I’m in the weaponized drone business, sweetie. My babies attack anyone, anywhere, and I’m not naïve enough to think I’m immune to the repercussions. They kill thousands of people each year, on all sides.” He noticed the look of disgust on Tiffany’s face. “I don’t intentionally sell to the bad guys, but I can’t be responsible for what the government does with my toys, or where they end up after the black market gets a hold of them. Hey, I get my share of death threats from people who blame me simply because I built the drones.”

Jenkins activated a flat screen monitor on the desk and Xander and Tiffany moved around so they could see. “I also know what my units — and others — are capable of doing. However…” He zoomed in on the infrared signatures of half a dozen men scaling the walls surrounding his property. “In this case I only have people to deal with.”

Chapter 17

Damien Winslow was livid. This was not how he ran an operation, yet events were happening so fast and so unexpectedly that corners had to be cut.

It wasn’t that he doubted the professionalism of his men. It was that they had no idea what they were going up against. Already they had been taken by surprise at the mountain cabin. Two of his assault team were waiting in the SUVs outside the estate with bullet wounds that needed tending. The people in the Idyllwild house had gotten lucky, and after his people had been hit, he’d been tempted to seek revenge. But the real targets had got on the move quickly, and he’d had to race down the hill in plain sight of a dozen gawking neighbors.

That they’d stolen one of his SUVs and taken the keys from the others was the result of poor intelligence and spur-of-the-moment planning. And now, as they scaled the wall surrounding the estate and dropped to the immaculate lawn below, they were engaging in the same reckless behavior that had already cost him time and manpower.

The home was located in an exclusive neighborhood where — undoubtedly — security was a prime concern, yet he had no knowledge what the owner had in store for them. Did he have dogs on the premises or on-call security patrols? Were they on camera right now, with police being dispatched to an area where service would not be lacking because of the power and wealth associated with the area? He had to expect the worst, so time was of the essence.

Basically, all he knew of this location was the address and the name of the occupant. He wasn’t even sure that his primary targets were here. If not, then the other four names in his phone would be located and checked; however, for some reason this name and address had been flagged as a priority.

He had eight men on-scene — the two wounded guarding the vehicles. Scaling the wall around the compound had not been an issue, but now they were exposed in a sea of light, as it was obvious the owner of the property didn’t have to worry about such mundane things as high electricity bills. The house itself was still ablaze, which hopefully meant they hadn’t been detected, not yet.