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People often ask if I pick a particular song to represent a character, and I think I did, in this particular book. So here are some specific thoughts:

The Town of Morganville: “Can’t Play Dead” by The Heavy really captured the feeling of this post-takeover Morganville for me . . . eerie, menacing, edgy, and cool. And “Leave This Town” by Kev Bayliss really plays us out nicely.

Claire: Definitely, it’s “Stand My Ground” by Within Temptation . . . there’s a kind of ultimate bravery about a song that says that even if you go down, someone else will stand your ground for you. Sounds like Claire to me!

Shane: Trapt’s “Going Under” lyrics really sound like him to me, and there’s this feeling of determination and strength that matches Claire exactly. Or, you could take a listen to “What Makes a Good Man?” by The Heavy. Funky and kick-ass. It also asks a lot of the questions Shane asks about himself.

Michaeclass="underline" Just close your eyes and imagine Michael singing ZZ Ward’s “Blue Eyes Blind” to Eve. Groovy and sexy. True love at its finest.

Eve: Likewise, ZZ Ward’s “Home” sounds just like everything Eve feels about Michael. Beautiful and brave. (And appropriate that the same artist sings both sides of their relationship, I think.)

Myrnin: I just thought “Be Tomorrow” by Madlife (how perfect!) was Myrnin to the bone. It even sounds like the way he thinks. Which is nothing like you’d think he would.

Oliver: Try “Wicked” by Greg Dulli . . . there’s a lot about that song that speaks to Oliver’s character and state of mind. Or, you could also say that “Love Hate Relationship” by Trapt might be appropriate, too.

Amelie: “Virgin” by Manchester Orchestra had this amazing feeling of ancient strength, determination, and ruthlessness to it. Which sums her up completely.

Monica: Kev Bayliss’s “My Sorry Cinderella” had a Monica feel to it, lyrically—and a kind of broken doll, broken person vibe with a creepy edge. Although musically it also would be something Eve would love, I think. Weird to think they might bond over musical tastes!

And I think Morganville’s future is summed up by Imagine Dragons’s amazing song “Radioactive”—because it’s a song that makes me feel like the story’s really just beginning for this brand-new Morganville.

Welcome to the future of Morganville. Now, you get to continue the adventure in your imagination and dreams and passion and fighting for those you love. GO! Adventure awaits.