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The position of the Grand Inquisitor is clear, worldly pragmatic, because his characteristic of a man from a crowd —is adequate, if to forget about the ability of people to progress, but the Grand Inquisitor did not become a positive hero in Russian literature. While recognizing tragic of the choise he made and its consequences, everyone who had applied to this plot, had found his sociological views unacceptable and had favored freedom[4], which, however, they could not put into life for the reasons, named by the Grand Inquisitor.

In contrast to the views of this character of F.M. Dostoyevsky, the views of the monk Filofey up to the present are attractive to many Russian politicians. The quintessence of them expressed in the epistle to the Grand Prince of Moscow Vasily III, dated 1530-1540[5], to which we will turn next.

Assertion "Moscow — the third Rome, the fourth will not happen", ascending to the Filofey, roams in different versions from work to work, but few people had completely read the epistle itself, and certainly almost no one commented it in the relationship to the real politics of the past and present. Some publications present it as the prophecy, which, due to its alleged divine inspiration just can't not to come true, forgetting, that the doctrine of "Moscow — the Third Rome" had twice collapsed in history: the first time with the death of the grandson of Grand Prince Vasily III — Tsar Fedor Ivanovich — dynasty of Rurik became extinct, what gave rise to the discord; the second time, if, contrary to history consider Petersburg as embodiment of the "spirit of Moscow", — in 1917, when the Russian empire collapsed.

Some analysts are convinced, that the revival of the USSR as the great power, which replenished  political vacuum in global politics of the mid-twentieth century after the collapse of the Russian empire, — is a consequence of that I.V. Stalin, denying marxism de facto, covertly followed the doctrine of "Moscow — the third Rome". Accordingly, a certain part of the political establishment of modern Russia, having convinced that the ideas of bourgeois liberalism had led to a national catastrophe and do not promise an exit from it, lays there hopes on the revival of Russia on this same doctrine again, without thinking about why in the past it twice led to national catastrophes.

The answer to the question why adherence to the doctrine of "Rome" in all it's versions (first, second and third Rome) leads to catastrophe, regardless of the geographical localization and ethnic base (in the western Mediterranean, in Byzantium, in Russia, in the medieval holy Roman empire of the german nation and in the third reich in the XX century), can be obtained, if we will apply to the epistle of Filofey as a whole. The answer springs from the fact that sociological views of Filofey and of the Grand Inquisitor of F.M. Dostoyevsky are essentially identical. But on this circumstance in the domestic social philosophy is not adopted to pay attention.

Filofey writes:

"So let your majesty, devout tsar, knows, that all orthodox kingdoms of the christian faith had gathered in your single kingdom: you only are the tsar to christians in the whole world under the skies. And you should, tsar, be observe it in the awe of God, fear the God, who gave this to you, do not hope for gold, and riches, and glory: it's all gathering here and here, on earth, remains. Remember, tsar, about the righteous one, who, bearing sceptre in hand and the royal crown on his head, was speaking: "To wealth flowing to you, do not give the heart", and the sage Solomon said: "Wealth and the gold not in the treasury has been recognizing, but when it has been helping the needy"; the apostle Paul, following him, says: "The root of every evil is the love for money", — and orders to deny it, do not setting hope and, even more, heart on it, but to hope upon God who gives all. Because your whole pure faith and love to God — is for God's holy churches… (…)

… fill saint cathedral churches by bishops, do not let the holy God's church be the widow in your reign! Do not break, tsar, the covenant your ancestors had established, Constantine the great, and blessed st. Vladimir, and Yaroslav the great the chosen by God, and other blessed saints, from the same root as you. Do not offend, tsar, the holy churches of God and honest monasteries, churches, as given to God into inheritance of eternal goods for the memory of later generations, on what the great sacred Fifth cathedral had imposed the strict prohibition. (…)

And if you will have built your kingdom good — you will be the son of light and the inhabitant of the heavenly Jerusalem, and as wrote to you above, and now am saying: keep and heed, devout tsar, that all christian kingdoms had converged in your single one, that two Rome have fallen, the third stands, a fourth will not happen. And your christian kingdom will not be replaced by an other, according to the words of the great Theologian, and for the christian church will come true the word of saint David: "Here is my chamber for ever, here I will settle, like I had wished this"[6].

In fact, Filofey's directions to the sovereign of all Russia are laying on the tsar the same three responsibilities, which also the Grand Inquisitor of F.M. Dostoyevsky had laid upon himself:

·  Implementation of the public administration, ensuring the production and distribution of "earthly bread" so that everyone were more or less secured, and there were no reason for grumbling and rebellion by the most of people ready to work for the system (the references to Solomon and the Apostle Paul, obliging to use the wealth to help people, which had been made destitute due to various reasons, imply this).