Active work on public development of society is powerness. Providing all society members with opportunities for education, allowing to responsibly wield power over the consequences of decisions being made, is the expansion of the social base of the ruling corps to the ranges of the whole society and the elimination of monopoly for powerness of biologically degenerating "elite" clans. As a consequence, the qualitative composition of the people coming into power, in these circumstances, can be the best compared to the clannish-"elite" control system.
That is, J.V. Stalin cared about the information-algorithmic provisioning of the true democracy and freedom, not about voting in a madhouse, being brought by custodians on a circus show of politicking clowns, about what, in fact, care "grand combinators" — fighters for "democracy" of the western style.
Stalin's understanding of democracy excludes the possibility of irresponsible tyranny over voting ignorant crowd, as of the "grand inquisitor's" regime and of the "great combinator's" regime. But the guarantee of the establishment of such a society, can only be the intellectual activity, for which the majority of the population simply did not have time, being engaged in manufacturing for a most part of the period of wakefulness. Therefore we read further:
"It would be wrong to think that it is possible to achieve such an important cultural growth of society without major changes in the current situation of labour. For this we first of all need to reduce the working day at least to 6 and then to 5 hours[18]. This is to ensure that members of the society received enough free time, necessary to obtain a comprehensive education. Further, for this we need to bring in compulsory polytechnic education, necessary to ensure that the members of society have the opportunity to freely choose the profession and not be chained for the entire life to some one profession. To do this, we need to further drastically improve housing conditions and to raise the real wages of workers and employees at least twice, if not more, as by directly improving cash wages, and especially by further systematic reduction of prices on items of mass consumption.
These are the basic conditions of preparation of the transition to communism» [J.V. Stalin. Economic problems of socialism in the USSR. — Moscow: separate edition, State publishing house of political literature. 1952., p. 69].
As for the policy of systematically reducing prices of products of mass consumption, it is — the direct act of "aggression" against the social base of the regime of the "great combinator": in the conditions of systematic price reduction, buying-up of anything with the purpose of resale at increased prices becomes impossible.
But moreover, Stalin in passing, in effect, had reproached marxism for metrological insolvency of its economy, saying: [J.V. Stalin. Economic problems of socialism in the USSR. — Moscow: separate edition, State publishing house of political literature. 1952., p. 18].
And after the given phrase J.V. Stalin continued:
"Moreover, I think, we need to throw away some other notions taken from "Capital" of Marx, … artificially glued on to our socialist relations. I mean, among other things, notions such as "necessary" and "surplus" labour, "necessary" and "surplus" product, "necessary" and "surplus" time. (…)
I think that our economists should put an end to this discrepancy between the old notions and the new state of affairs in our socialist country, replacing the old notions with the new ones, correspondent to the new position.
We were can enduring this discrepancy up to a certain time, but now the time has come, when we must finally eliminate this discrepancy" [J.V. Stalin. Economic problems of socialism in the USSR. — Moscow: separate edition, State publishing house of political literature. 1952., p. 18, 19].
All of these notions, mentioned by J.V. Stalin in the fragment of "Economic problems of socialism in the USSR", — are metrologically insolvent: i.e. there are no phenomena behind them, whose parameters could be measured (identify, differentiate) in the real processes of economy; these notions — are illusory-existing fictions, and not abstractions that can be filled with vital content in the solution of practical problems.
If metrological insolvency of any theory was detected, it means its scientific insolvency. This — is the death sentence to marxism, since J.V. Stalin exposed the metrological insolvency of its political economy, and as the consequence — the insolvency of its philosophy, the product of which, as taught by marxism, is its political economy. If J.V. Stalin really would have been the "grand inquisitor", then he would never have written things, that can be read in the "Economic problems of socialism in the USSR".
But, excepting the texts, there were also real politics, expressing the meaning of the texts practically.
The stated above — the signs that J.V. Stalin, in the historically established conditions, taking on the mission of the "grand inquisitor", in fact was leading the society to real freedom and democracy. Exactly for this reason, after elimination of Stalin, subsequent "great inquisitors" and "great combinators" withdrew studying of his works from the programmes of social science education and from the free access in libraries and stop their republication.
Therefore, those who see in J.V. Stalin, due to various reasons, only the embodiment of the "grand inquisitor", will never be able to carry out "de-Stalinization" in society, where there are enough of those, who do not accept both types of tyranny and who see in his activity the component, directed both against the tyranny of the "grand inquisitor", and against the tyranny of the "great combinator", and who consider this component not a concomitant effect, independent from the will of Stalin, but the main meaning of his life and activities.
Accordingly, the assertions that J.V. Stalin ostensibly followed the conception "Moscow — the third Rome," while maintaining in words the devotion to marxism — does not correspond to historical reality.
The conception of life of the Roman civilization in all its historically known versions (Rome, Byzantium, Moscow — the third Rome, Germany — the third Reich, etc.) — is the slaveholding conception, for this reason it has nothing in common with the teachings of Christ and therefore is not supported from Above. Therefore it is necessary to come to sense, to develop and implement the alternative to tyrannies of the "grand inquisitor" and of the "great combinator": no need to step on the same "rake" repeatedly.