However, the regime of the "great combinator", showing habits of the "grand inquisitor" without necessary for success self-discipline, decided to follow the conception "Moscow — the third Rome" and for this to "de-Stalinize public consciousness". And there are instigators to this. So, one of them is Mark Semenovich Solonin, the author of the series of books on the history and prehistory of the second world war of the XX century. Let us cite a fragment from his interview to website "Free press", published under the title "In 2011, Medvedev will equate Stalin to Hitler?":
"FP": — What, in your opinion, is the main problem of "de-Stalinization"?
— Without reservations, without equivoques ("on the one hand", "on the other hand") the unconditional recognition of Stalin as the creator and leader of the anti-people totalitarian dictatorship. The criminal dictatorship, committed countless and terrible in their cruelty mass crimes against the Russian people, against other peoples of the USSR, committed equally cruel crimes against the people of other countries of the world. These indisputable, from the historical science point of view, facts, must be, finally, recognized at the state level. I consider that appropriate and right, not at all inconsistent with our Constitution, if the criminal liability will be established for public glorification, the public apology for this criminal regime, its leader Joseph Stalin and his minions. We need the same mechanism, which was launched in Germany, during the post-war destruction of the Hitler's regime. The only difference is that in our case the perpetrators already escaped the earthly court and we can't repeat the Nuremberg trials — nobody to hang. But again, Stalin's regime must be defined as aggressive and criminal, not in the least better than the fascist regime of Hitler" (
During the interview, Mark Semenovich — "a typical Russian patriot" — reasoned about the History as cultural phenomenon[19]:
"The history exists in three forms, in three, sorry for the grandiloquent word, hypostasises. History as scientific study, history as state propaganda and history as people's myth. This formula is not mine, but it seems to me as fully adequate. It is important that these "three hypostasises" are overlapping in only a few places. Scientific studies exist in form of some set of people who are sitting in libraries and archives, thinking and writing texts that are then published with a number of 500 copies. State propaganda is television, radio, newspapers, films … The very important component here — state program of history for middle schooclass="underline" textbooks, recognized by the state as suitable, the training system of school teachers. State propaganda only sometimes, greatly disfiguring, snatches out something from what was made in the scope of scientific research.
And a people's myth is a huge, hardly controllable, irrational sphere. Of course, state propaganda wants to influence on people's myth, but not always successfully: a myth lives by its own complicated laws. But the bridge between scientific researches and popular myth, simply does not exist.
If take such a scheme as the basis, it is clear enough what to do for "de-Stalinization". Need to use a huge organizational, technical and information resources of the state in order to connect scientific knowledge forming in the field of historical science, with people's consciousness. Simply put, need to use huge capabilities of the modern mass media for large-scale campaign of historical literacy" (same place).
We also have some ideas about the History — both about as an occurrence and as a cultural phenomenon. First of all it is necessary to object: history as the cultural phenomenon exists not in three hypostasises, named by this typical "Russian patriot", but in four: 1) science, 2) state propaganda (including school's history course), 3) people's myth and the fourth component — society's deep-psychological unconscious memory.
The latter is expressed in that, even if with the help of the first two you will modify the people's myth in a desirable for politicians direction, — in the fourth component will stay both the memory of the real historical past, that happened before the change of the myth, and the memory of who and how, using the first and second components, was breaking the third one.
Thoroughly about this see the work of IP USSR «"The garden" is growing by itself?..», where on the example of Europe and USA had been shown, that it is impossible to destroy the fourth component, and to neutralize its impact for a historically long time, — it is necessary to destroy the people — its carrier.
In the life of Russia this is expressed, in particular, in that those people who enjoy reading and re-reading historically unreliable works of A. Dumas about the three musketeers, do not read or after the first reading forget the novel by A.K. Tolstoy "The Silver Knight", dedicated to the events of the epoch of Ivan the Terrible, written in good literature language and in general corresponding to the views of the official historical science, established to the time of it's writing. The reason for this difference in attitude to the literary works is that the history of France and the unreliability of its representation in the works of A. Dumas — are no concerns of a Russian reader; but historical unreliability of "The Silver Knight" is something, that affects some of the depths of the psyche of a Russian reader, they reject this unreliability and, as a result, — the novel does not excite the desire to read it again and forgotten.
Therefore, the "de-Stalinization" by the recipe of the "truly Russian patriot" M.S. Solonin is impossible, because it does not suppose impact on the fourth component; and in case of an attempt of neutralization of the fourth component, should be understood "de-Stalinization" = genocide against a huge share of the population of the RF (typical results of the viewers voting in the TV shows "Court of time": 94% — for Stalin, 6% against).
In addition, even within the three components the recipes of "typical Russian patriot" M.S. Solonin — are not leading to the achievement of guaranteed result. Mark Semenovich does not understand this because of weak-mindedness, due to which he is not aware, how pseudo-historical ostensibly scientific knowledge (i.e. official, not the people's historical myth) is different from the scientific knowledge of History.
History in its entirety and minuteness — the aggregate of biographies of all the people that have ever lived on Earth from the moment of appearance in its biosphere of the species "Homo sapiens".
That is, history as the aggregate of biographies of all the people — lots of facts and their interconnections, since the perception of life by humans is discrete by its nature. It is clear that such historical science in the modern civilization is impossible. Objective reality is such, that possible for humanity and any human society history — some subset of history in the whole its entirety and minuteness in the above-specified meaning: i.e. really possible historical science — is a selection of facts and their interconnections out of all their full set.