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“Not to worry. No one here cares what we do,” he said as he signaled for the waiter to bring another coffee.

His companion merely nodded.

“All right, Shields,” the man demanded, “out with it. What’s on your mind? Not having second thoughts about our little bit of commerce, are you?”

“Someone saw you last night.”

“What do you mean, someone saw…” His small eyes grew even smaller. “Saw me?”

“When I came around the building, someone was there, watching you.”

“And you left his body where?”

“It’s not quite that simple.”

The waiter silently traded the old cup for a new one and disappeared back into the café.

“Explain to me what is complicated about getting rid of a witness.”

“It wasn’t just any witness. He’s with the Bureau and he’s…”

“He’s an agent? Another agent saw me with a truckload of kids…”

“I told him I was on the case. I told him I was handling it. He doesn’t know who you are.”

“What the hell was he doing there? That’s your job, to make sure that no one else in the Bureau noses around.”

“He was on his way to a pickup, on his way back to the States. He just happened to be getting picked up on the docks at the same time you were concluding the deal.”

“And the reason you didn’t kill him…?”

“If he hadn’t made the boat, there’d have been five or six coming ashore to find him. He was supposed to be meeting with the Director this morning. There was no way he wasn’t going to be missed immediately.”

“All right.” The man took a sip of his coffee and tried to calm his thoughts. “You’re certain he saw me?”


“Okay. We can handle this. He doesn’t know my name, he doesn’t know you’re involved.”

“He thinks I’m shutting the operation down.”

“Well, that’s fine. You’re due back in the States in another few weeks, right? You were reassigned?”

His companion nodded.

“So, you find him, you take care of him then. I’m due back in two months. I can’t run the risk that he’ll recognize me, Shields. I want him gone. Permanently.” The index finger of his right hand tapped methodically on the table. “You know him, right? You know where to find him?”

“Yeah, I know him. And finding him won’t be a problem.” He rubbed his hand over his mouth, which had gone dry. “He’s my cousin.”

Lyndon, Pennsylvania

August, 2005

What could possibly be going through a man’s mind at the moment he decides to take the life of a child?

Detective Evan Crosby stared down at the twisted body of Caitlin McGill and wondered.

The young girl’s blank eyes stared endlessly at the sun, her mouth open in its final scream. Her thin arms stretched outward, bent at the elbows, to form perfect Ls. Her feet turned in, toes touching.


“What?” Evan turned his head slightly, though his eyes were still on the girl who lay at his feet.

“We used to call people whose feet turned in like that pigeon-toed,” one of the crime-scene investigators noted. “How old was this one?”

“Not even fourteen,” Evan replied.

“Just like the last one.” The CSI shook his head. “Crazy. Just plain damned crazy. She was a real cute kid.”

“They were all cute kids.”

“This is what, the third? Fourth? In the past two months?”

No one responded to the question, which was rhetorical. Everyone on the scene-from the Avon County, Pennsylvania, detectives to the CSIs to the local police to the medical examiner-knew exactly how many others there’d been since the first of May.


Jamie Kershaw.

Heidi Fuhrmann.

Andrea Masters.

And now Caitlin McGill.

All between the ages of twelve and fourteen. All pretty girls who attended one of the many private schools that flourished in the Philadelphia suburbs. All with dark red stains down the front of the white cotton shirts that were standard school-uniform attire.

All of them barefoot.

“What’s up with that, anyway?” Joe Sullivan, Evan’s onetime partner at the Lyndon Police Department, came up the hill from the playground and stopped three feet behind Evan. “Whaddaya suppose he’s doing with their shoes?”

“Your guess is as good as mine.”

“Poor kid.” Sullivan shook his head. “What’s your old lady say about it?”

“I haven’t had a chance to talk to her yet. She’s been away.” Evan let the “old lady” comment ride. He’d had that conversation with Joe on more than one occasion. It had never done any good-Joe was Joe and wasn’t about to change.

“Guess they keep those FBI profilers pretty busy, eh?”

“Never a shortage of psychos, Joe, you know that.” Evan nodded to Dr. Agnes Jenkins, the Avon County medical examiner, as she hurried past.

“Can’t remember anything like this, though. But at least he left them where they’d be found quickly.” Sullivan’s voice was flat, emotionless.

The M.E. bent over the body and began her ministrations. Evan looked away. Over the past eight weeks, he’d had more than his fill of young girls who’d had their throats slashed. He took a few steps back, then turned and went back to his car. The crime scene would be turned over to him once the M.E. was finished, but for now, he’d use this time to check his phone messages, return those calls he could. Start the paperwork on this latest homicide. Get as much work done as he could while he could. It had all the makings of another very long night.

It was well after three in the morning when Evan arrived at his townhouse in West Lyndon. Bone weary, he left his car parked out front, and bleary-eyed, let himself in through the front door. He ignored the pile of mail on the hall table-when had he put that there?-and pretended not to see the blinking red light on his telephone. Messages could wait. He was simply too tired to deal with anyone or anything.

Too tired, too, to make it up the steps, so he let himself drift backward onto the living-room sofa, fully clothed. He’d just closed his eyes when he heard the soft footfall on the stairs. Dismissing it as little more than wishful thinking on his part, he continued to sail toward sleep.

“Evan?” a voice called from the doorway.

More wishful thinking, surely.

“Evan.” The voice, gentle, filled with concern, drew closer.

Soft hands caressed his arm. He sighed and smiled in his state of almost-sleep.