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Unless, of course, there was a cop involved. That would be news.

Spoken like a true cynic, she thought wryly.

As far as her own search was concerned, Will would come through for her, of that she was certain. God only knew where that trail would lead, or what she’d find, once she finally found Melissa.


It was almost 6:00 p.m. when Annie closed the door of John Mancini’s office behind her. She was stiff from sitting, earlier on the plane on her way back from Philadelphia, later in the day for the two-hour meeting that had just broken up. She rolled her shoulders while she walked to her own office, then stood next to her desk as she listened to her voice mail. When she’d heard all the messages, she smiled, snapped off the light, and took the elevator to the floor below.

“I just got your message.” She stood at the doorway to Will Fletcher’s office. “I’m glad I caught you before you left. You have something for me?”

“I was just getting ready to close up shop. I wasn’t sure if you were in the building. Someone said they’d seen you earlier.” Will leaned back in his chair. “Come on in, and I’ll-”

“Will… oh, hi, Annie, I didn’t know you were here.” Brendan Shields stood in the doorway. “We’re all heading over to Pike’s. It’s my brother Andrew’s birthday. You should come, too, Annie.”

“That’s the best offer I’ve had all week, since my girl is still in Pennsylvania and I’ve got nothing better to do.” Will stood and stretched. “I was just getting ready to leave anyway. How ’bout it, Annie? Come with us to Pike’s?”

“I think I’ll pass. I’ve been away all week and have to leave town again tomorrow. I have a lot of work to catch up on and a presentation to prepare. But thanks, Brendan. Next time.”

“I’ll hold you to that.” Brendan looked back at Will. “You ready now?”

“I was just packing up. You can go on. I’ll meet you there.”

“I don’t mind waiting,” Brendan told him.

“If you’re sure…” Will piled some papers into his briefcase, hesitated momentarily, then folded one and handed it to Annie.

“Before I forget, here are the directions to that restaurant you and I talked about,” he said.

“Thanks.” She stuck the paper in her pocket without looking at it.

“Which restaurant is that?” Brendan asked.

“Oh, a crab place on the other side of the bay. In Rock Hall. It’s a favorite of Miranda’s and mine,” Will told him.

“Hey, I’m always up for crabs,” Brendan said. “What’s the name of it?”

“I’ll tell you about it while we’re walking to Pike’s. We are walking, right?”

“Sure, why not? It’s just a few blocks.” Brendan waited at the door for Will, then held it open for Annie before closing it. “Sure you don’t want to come down for a quick beer and a burger?”

“I’m sure, but thanks.”

“Catch you next time, then.” Brendan paused, then asked, “Say, you still unofficially working on Dylan’s case?”

“The file’s still open, so yes. I’m still taking a look at it.”

“Find anything we missed?”

“No. Nothing yet.” She smiled pleasantly in spite of the fact that Brendan’s attitude seemed annoyingly patronizing. “But then again, I haven’t had much time. It’s been a busy week. I promise I’ll let you know if we learn something new.”

“Were you able to find that agent you were looking for? What’s her name…”

“Melissa Lowery.”

“Yeah, her. You find her yet? Has her report turned up?” He stuck his hands in his pocket and struck a casual pose.

“No.” She glanced at Will, but as he gave no indication of having any knowledge of Melissa’s whereabouts, she followed his lead. For whatever reason, he didn’t seem inclined to share whatever information he’d found.

“I’ll keep asking around. Maybe she’s been in touch with someone. I can let you know.”

“Thanks, Brendan. I’d appreciate it.”

Annie fingered the piece of paper in her pocket. “And thanks again, Will, for the directions.”

“Anytime, Annie.” He slapped a friendly hand gently on her back. “Anytime…”

Annie walked with the two men to the elevator, her patience put to the test while the car stopped three times on the way to the lobby. She wanted nothing more than to open the folded sheet of paper and see what Will had found for her, but was forced to wait until she’d said good-bye to her coworkers. Once in her car, she opened the paper and read eagerly.

Grinning, she refolded the paper and stuck it in the top of her purse. She’d known Will wouldn’t let her down.

Melissa Lowery was living in West Priest, Montana, as Mariana Gray. Will hadn’t found a phone number, but he’d found an address.

The minute Annie arrived at her apartment, she checked the travel website for flight connections from Seattle, where she’d be at a conference from Tuesday afternoon through Wednesday night, to the airport closest to West Priest.

“Looks like that would be Great Falls,” she murmured as she studied the flight schedules.

The Wednesday-night flight wouldn’t get her in until late, and she’d still have to find a place to stay. But if she booked the 6:00 a.m. flight on Thursday, she’d be in Great Falls by 12:30. She could rent a car and be in West Priest-thirty-five miles according to a map she located through Google-by three. West Priest didn’t appear to be a very big town. Surely someone there would know Melissa.

A few clicks of the keyboard later, she’d booked the flight to Great Falls, a room at the closest motel for Thursday night, just in case, and a flight to Philly on Friday morning. Satisfied with her arrangements, she checked her e-mail before logging off the computer, hoping for some word from Connor, but there was nothing.

She showered and dried her hair and wrapped herself in her favorite robe, then went into her small bedroom she used as an office. She sat on the edge of the desk to listen to her phone messages.

“Annie, it’s Will. I didn’t want to say anything about Melissa in front of Brendan-no particular reason except that I figure if she’s taken such pains to disappear-and believe me, it wasn’t easy finding her-well, she must have a reason. Makes you wonder what she’s hiding, doesn’t it? Or from whom?” Will took a deep breath. “Anyway, you missed a hell of a party. All the Shieldses were out in force-except Connor, of course-though it started breaking up earlier than I’d have expected. Andrew apparently has a late date, and Grady has already downed his limit and has gone home, so that leaves me with Brendan, Mia, and Chloe Snyder, you remember her? Well, keep in touch, hear? Have a safe trip to the West Coast, and good luck connecting with Melissa. Let me know what you find.”