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Will said something else, and Evan nodded and excused himself. The band was starting to play an old ballad from the forties and he wanted to dance with Annie, wanted to feel her arms around him, wanted to feel her pressed against him. He smiled at the person she was chatting with-a man he vaguely recognized as someone from her office-and took her hand.

“It’s time to dance with your guy,” he told her as he led her to the dance floor.

“Gladly.” She moved into his arms and swayed with him.

“What’s with this forties music?” he asked.

“Mr. Shields asked them to play it.”

“He asked them to play the last two sappy songs. Since when does the father of the groom get to submit his own playlist?”

“Since no one has told him he couldn’t.”

Out of the corner of one eye, Evan watched the Shields clan gather. They were all now, or had been at one time, in the FBI. Aidan, the groom. Connor, his older brother and best man. Thomas, their father, and Frank, their uncle and Thomas’s brother, both now retired. The cousins-Frank’s kids-Andrew, Brendan, Grady, and Mia, the lone female in the family. Two generations of FBI, eight in all.

But of course, there had been nine. It was the ninth Shields-Thomas’s middle son, Dylan-who was on everyone’s mind right then.

“Annie!” Grady shouted over the heads of the other dancers. “We need you!”

Evan thought he’d felt her stiffen slightly, but she smiled and kept on dancing.

“We’re about to drink a toast to Dylan, Annie”-Brendan made his way through the crowd and took Annie’s arm-“and we can’t do it right without you.”

Annie appeared slightly uncomfortable, as if unsure what to do, but did not protest when Brendan tugged her along.

“Evan, do you mind…?” she asked.

“You go on,” he said. “It’s okay…”

“If you’re sure…?”

“Sure.” He shrugged, and watched her disappear into the crowd.

A few minutes later, Thomas Shields asked the band to stop playing so that he could propose a toast to his son.

Not Aidan, the groom. But Dylan, the one who’d been killed in an undercover drug deal gone bad more than two years earlier.

Dylan, everyone’s favorite, the best of the Shields brothers. Best athlete. Best student. Best friend. Best agent. The golden boy whose memory would forever remain untarnished to those who had known and loved him.

Dylan, who had been engaged to marry Annie.

Evan signaled the bartender for a beer, then leaned back against the bar and took a long drink while listening to the tributes, one after another, being paid to the fallen hero.

“If they keep this up much longer, they’ll turn the wedding reception into a wake,” he muttered.

“What?” The man next to him leaned forward, thinking Evan had been addressing him.

“I said, nice that they’re remembering Dylan,” he said dryly.

“Oh, hell of a guy. Damn shame, what happened to him.” The man shook his gray head. “Just a damn shame. And him all set to marry that pretty little Annie McCall. Broke her heart, the day he died, I can tell you that. Just a tragedy.”

The man appeared to wipe a tear from his face, and Evan fought an urge to roll his eyes.

“Friend of his, were you?” the man asked.

“Ah, no. We never met. I’m actually a friend of the bride.”

“Then you must know Annie.”

“Yes, of course. I know Annie.”

“They sure do love her, don’t they?” He nodded to the cluster that the Shields family made on the opposite side of the room. “But then again, what’s not to love about Annie, right? Damn shame she had the love of her life snatched away from her like that.”

Evan’s stomach began to knot. He put the beer down on the bar and started to excuse himself, but his companion kept talking.

“Makes it worse for everyone, not knowing, you know.”

“Not knowing what?”

“Not knowing who pulled the trigger. Never did find the shooter. I think that would have helped everyone, if they had closure, you know?”

“I’m sure the Bureau investigated thoroughly.”

“They did, but nothing came of it. Sometimes it happens like that. It’s not always like it is on those TV shows, you know.”

Evan knew.

The eulogies finally over, the band began to play again. Evan looked around for Annie, but found her still surrounded by the Shields family. When he saw Mara standing along the edge of the dance floor chatting with a girlfriend, he put his beer down and made his way to her.

“May I have the honor of dancing with the bride?” He held out his arms.

“I thought you’d never ask.” Mara smiled and joined him on the dance floor.

“Beautiful wedding, Mara,” he said.

“Oh, thank you. I’m so glad it didn’t get humid. You know how it gets here in Pennsylvania in the summer. It can really swelter.”

“Well, you lucked out, all around.” He moved her around the dance floor in time to the music. “Everything is perfect.”

She nodded somewhat absently, and he caught her looking over his shoulder.

“What?” he asked.

“We should be leaving soon, but I’m afraid it’s going to be hard to tear Aidan away from his family.”

“On his wedding night? I doubt it.”

“It’s been a difficult day for them-for Aidan and his dad and his brother and the rest of them. This is really the first big family event since Dylan died, and they’re all missing him so much.” Her eyes flickered, and she looked up at him. “Probably not so easy for you, either, but for a different reason, right?”

He shrugged.

“The Shieldses are a tough group, Evan,” Mara said, as if that were all the explanation necessary.

“Honey,” he said softly, “it’s your wedding. They should let you have your day and not turn it into a memorial service for a man who’s been dead for more than two years.”

Her cheeks flushed, and he instantly regretted his words.

“I’m sorry, Mara. I shouldn’t have…”

“It’s okay. And you’re right. I know I should say something, but they are just a little intimidating when they’re all together. And I don’t think any of them ever got over him dying like that, the way he did. I know Aidan is still having a lot of issues because of the way he died.”

“Look, how about if I go on over there and see if I can get Aidan’s attention.”

“That would be great. Thanks, Evan. Maybe just let him know that he needs to watch the time, and that I’m ready to leave whenever he is.”