He climbed toward the top of the next ridgeline as the growing sound of engines told him that human activity was close at hand. On the crest, he stayed hidden and looked down into a large valley at an open-pit coal mining operation. It had cut into the earth a good hundred and fifty feet below the surface soil and shale-like substrate. He guessed a good thousand acres were being actively mined while another thousand had been reclaimed with native grasses and shrubs.
There were two monster electric shovels loading ore onto gigantic trucks, and at the far end of the pit, massive front-end loaders were excavating coal from what looked like a blast area. A gravel road left the valley in a direction Larson reckoned hooked up somewhere with the railroad spur. He was glad to be well north of it.
He climbed down from his horse, tied the reins on a tree branch, got some canned food out, and ate it for lunch as he watched the machines and considered his next move. Above him, a single-engine airplane dipped into the valley and flew back and forth across the mining operation.
Finished with his food, he threw the empty tin away, grabbed the Weatherby out of the saddle scabbard, and for the fun of it, sighted the weapon on the big, low-moving electric shovels, the front-end loaders, and the trucks hauling the coal. He zeroed in on the shovel operators, wondering if he could take them out. With the distance to the targets, the constant movement of the machines, and the breezes that were kicking up in the thin mountain air, it would be awesome marksmanship.
Larson decided not to bother. He put the Weatherby away and set out to ride the perimeter of the valley mine under the tree cover. Hopefully, something would turn up to give him a sense of what to do or where to go next.
As he circled, his view of the valley expanded to include another part of the operation where the coal was crushed before being transported to the railhead. He continued the loop, riding for a good hour before arriving on the opposite ridgeline overlooking the valley. From there he headed north until the sound of rubber on pavement made him get out of the saddle.
He tied off his horse to a tree and walked through the forest until he could see a strip of blacktop. It had to be the highway that ran from Raton, past the coal mines and up to the Vermejo Resort Ranch and its fancy lodge, where millionaires came to hunt big game during the day and drink martinis at the bar at night.
He spotted a state police car parked at the side of the road. Within minutes another black-and-white passed by heading toward Raton. He walked on until he could see the access road to the mine, where a state cop car was parked next to a black SUV. A state police officer and a security guard stood talking between the vehicles.
Larson returned to his horse. The cops had figured out exactly where he planned to go and had set a trap for him. There were probably more stationed along the highway waiting to cut him off, with a posse of cops likely coming up behind him on horseback. It was time to make a new plan.
He heard the repetitive thud of a chopper overhead coming up the narrow canyon the highway snaked through. More cops most likely. In his mind it sounded like stop the cops being played over and over again.
That’s what he needed to do, but he had to be smart about it. Run and gun, gun and run, might be the best way. Take a cop out and move on. Then take another and another and another. Make them pay to the max for all the shit they’d put him through. But first, he needed to scope out what he was up against before he pulled the trigger on the first one.
He mounted up and disappeared into the forest, thinking he and not the cops would call the shots.
After hours of riding, Clayton and Kerney cut Larson’s trail at a wildfire burn area that had destroyed a good four thousand acres of timber, sterilized the thin layer of topsoil, and exposed the washed gray granite, hardened quartz, and sandstone rock of the mountainside. They found a disturbed area where Larson had camped overnight, called it in, and kept moving, dropping into the ravine where tracks and sign showed Larson had paused to drink. In the next ravine, they found fresh bear scat and recent hoofprints that traveled even higher, until they topped out on a crest that overlooked an huge open-pit coal mine.
Kerney and Clayton looked down at the raw, gaping wound in the land.
“Well, we all like our cars and electric lights, I guess,” Clayton said.
“Don’t we, though,” Kerney replied, thinking resource extraction could be a whole lot less wasteful. “At least they’re making an effort to reclaim the land. That didn’t use to happen.”
Clayton grunted and moved off to inspect the area for more signs of Larson. Kerney’s gut wrenched and he scurried into the woods and promptly lost all the food in his stomach. Most of the morning he’d been feeling all right, but in the last hour or so the sweats and the chills had returned along with a gut that felt like it was about to explode.
“I’ve called in a chopper to take you to Raton to be looked at,” Clayton said when Kerney returned to the horses.
“I’m not going.”
“Don’t be stubborn. You’re sick. We’ll drop down into the mine so the chopper can pick you up.”
“I don’t want you going up against Larson alone,” Kerney said.
“I won’t be. We’ve got a picket line of uniforms spread out along the length of the highway, so I’ve got all the backup I need.”
“Uniforms sitting in squad cars aren’t the same as someone in the saddle next to you.”
“I’ll be careful,” Clayton said.
Kerney shook his head in protest. “I’m staying.”
“You’re going,” Clayton said flatly. “A sick partner doesn’t do me any good and could get us both killed.”
Clayton was right and Kerney knew it. “Okay,” he said. “I’ll get myself checked out.”
They picked their way carefully down to a cut that took them to a gravel road where monster ore trucks rumbled by, kicking up dust so thick it stung the eyes.
“You know,” Clayton yelled over the sound of a passing truck, “if you eat food during a storm supposedly you either lose your teeth before you get old or your stomach stays cranky.”
“Who told you that?” Kerney yelled back.
“Moses Kaywaykla, my uncle by marriage. In fact, if you’re eating and there’s a lightning flash, you’re supposed to spit the food out right away.”
“Why are you telling me this?”
“To further your continuing education about Mescalero traditions and beliefs.”
“Oh, and I just thought you were telling me I had a cranky stomach to make me feel better.”
“Your sarcasm is duly noted. Actually, I thought it would take your mind off it.”
Kerney laughed in spite of himself. Up ahead, a state police helicopter came over the tree line and landed on reclaimed flats planted in clover, saltbush, and side oats grama grass.
Clayton broke the roan gelding into a canter and Kerney followed suit on his buckskin, the packhorses loping behind. They reached the chopper to find a lady paramedic standing by. She ordered Kerney off his horse, checked his pulse, listened to his heart and lungs, took his temperature and blood pressure, prodded his gut with her fingers, and told him to get in the chopper.