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Rebus pulled open the door. ‘Here, let me buy you one, eh?’

‘Only if you’ll take one back.’

‘It’s tempting,’ Rebus said, as they headed for the bar. ‘I’d be lying if I said that it wasn’t.’

‘Have you been drinking?’ Janice Mee asked.

Rebus didn’t reply straight away; he was too busy looking around his living room. Janice laughed.

‘Sorry,’ she said. ‘Couldn’t help myself.’

The place had been tidied: newspapers and magazines now took up space on the bottom bookshelf. Books which had been scattered across the floor were on the second and third shelves up. Mugs and plates had vanished into the kitchen, takeaway wrappers and beer cans deposited in the bin. Even the ashtray had been cleaned. Rebus picked it up.

‘I think that’s the first time I’ve been able to make out what it says.’

It was lifted from a pub, advertising some new beer which hadn’t made the grade.

Janice smiled. ‘It’s something I do when I’m nervous.’

‘You should be nervous round here more often.’

She gave him a punch.

‘Careful,’ he said, ‘last time you tried that, I was out cold for ten minutes.’

‘I bought teabags and milk while I was out,’ she told him, making for the kitchen. ‘Do you want a cup?’

‘Please.’ He followed the trail of her perfume. He hadn’t brought Patience here in over a year; had never entertained many women here. ‘So how did it go?’

‘I liked The Lumberjack.’

‘But was he any help?’

She made herself busy with the kettle. ‘Oh, you know...’

‘Did you get round all the cab ranks?’

‘Your friend said I didn’t need to. He’d do it for me.’

‘Which left you feeling useless again?’

She tried to smile. ‘I thought... I thought coming here I could...’ She bowed her head, voice dropping to a whisper. ‘I’d have been better off staying at home.’

‘Janice.’ He turned her so she was facing him. ‘You’re doing your best.’ Her height, her softness and slenderness. They stood as close together now as they had done when they’d danced at the school leaving party, their last night as a couple. Formal dances: waltzes and military two-steps and the Gay Gordons. She wanting each dance to last; he wanting to take her round the back of the school, to their secret place — the same secret place everyone else used.

‘You’re doing your best,’ he repeated.

‘But it’s not helping. Know what I found myself thinking today? I thought: I’ll kill him for putting me through this.’ Bitter twist of a smile. ‘Then I thought: what if he’s already dead?’

‘He’s not dead,’ Rebus said. ‘Trust me on this. He’s not.’

They took the tea through to the living room, sat at the dining table.

‘What time are you headed back?’ he asked.

‘I thought six. There’s a train around then.’

‘I’ll drive you.’

She shook her head. ‘Even a country girl like me knows what the traffic’s like that time of day. I’d be quicker on the train.’

Which was true. ‘I’ll run you to the station then.’ What else had he to do before his shift started, other than try to doze for a while?

She placed her hands around the mug. ‘Why a policeman, Johnny?’

‘Why?’ He tried to form an answer she’d accept. ‘I’d been in the army, didn’t like it, didn’t know what I wanted to do.’

‘It’s not exactly the kind of job you drift into.’

‘For some of us it is. See, I really got into it.’

‘And you’re good at what you do?’

He shrugged. ‘I get results.’

‘Is that not the same thing?’

‘Not exactly. Keeping your head down and your nose clean, being good at the office politics... I fall down there.’ He shifted in his chair. ‘You always said you were going to be a teacher.’

‘I was a teacher... for a while.’

Rebus refrained from saying that his ex-wife had been a teacher too.

‘Then you married Brian?’ he asked instead.

‘The two aren’t connected.’ She looked down into her tea, seemed relieved when the phone rang. Rebus picked it up.

‘Evening, Mr Rebus.’

‘Henry,’ Rebus said for Janice’s benefit, ‘got anything for us?’

‘Might have. Two fares, picked up on George Street. Driver remembered the blonde. Distinctive face, he said. Kind of hard. Cold eyes. He thought maybe she was a pro.’

‘Where did he take them?’ Rebus looking at Janice, who had stood up, still clutching the mug.

‘Down to Leith, dropped them by The Shore.’

Leith: where the city’s working girls plied their trade. The Shore: where Cary Oakes’s hotel was.

‘Did he see where they went?’

‘The lad wasn’t a big tipper. My mate got straight back on the road. Someone had tried flagging him down on Bernard Street. Not many places they could have been going. That time of night, the pubs would be on last orders if they weren’t already shut. There are flats down there, though.’

Rebus agreed. Flats... and the hotel.

‘Unless they were going to that boat,’ Wilson said.

‘What boat?’

“The one that’s tied up down there.’ Yes: Rebus had seen it, looked like a semi-permanent mooring. ‘They use it for parties,’ Wilson was saying. ‘Not that I’ve ever been to one...’

He dropped Janice off at Waverley’s concourse. They’d arranged to meet the next afternoon, go look at the boat.

‘May be something or nothing,’ Rebus had felt obliged to warn her.

‘I’ll settle for that,’ she’d said.

As she made to leave the car, she hesitated, then leaned towards him and planted a kiss on his cheek.

‘What, no tongues?’ he said, smiling. She made to thump his arm, thought better of it. ‘Say hello to Brian from me.’

‘I will. If he’s not out with his pals.’ Something in her tone made Rebus want to pursue the subject, but she was out of the car, closing the door. She waved, blew him a kiss, turned and walked towards her platform with the look of a woman who knows she’s being watched. Rebus realised he had one hand on his door handle.

‘Forget it,’ he told himself. Instead, he picked up his mobile, told Patience’s machine that he was on night shift and was headed back to his own flat for a bit of kip.

But first, a pit-stop at the Oxford Bar: whisky with plenty of water. Just the one: responsible car-driver. He caught up on the gossip, adding little to the conversation. George Klasser chastised him for a lapse of faith.

‘You’re becoming an irregular regular, John.’

‘I always was, Doc.’

Further along the bar, a rugby argument was developing, drawing other drinkers in. Everyone had an opinion, everyone but Rebus himself. He stared at a print on the walclass="underline" portrait of Robert Burns. There was another on the far walclass="underline" Burns meeting a young Walter Scott. It looked like a fairly awkward affair, the artist working with benefit of hindsight. It was as if Burns knew the child before him was destined to outsell him, knew the runt would get a knighthood, build Abbotsford and cosy up to the King.

It was a great thing, hindsight.

He looked into his glass and saw the leavers’ dance. Saw a gangly kid called Johnny leading his girlfriend out of the hall, out the school doors and down the steps. Making like it was a game, but tugging her hard by both hands. Both of them pretending it was all right, because that was part of the whole ritual. And back in the hall, Johnny’s pal Mitch — best friends; always sticking up for one another — not realising he was being stalked by three boys who’d become his enemies. Boys who knew this might be their last chance for revenge. Revenge for what? They probably didn’t know themselves. Maybe for some ugly feeling that life had already short-changed them; that people like Mitch were going to succeed where they’d taste only failure.