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More shadows mingled with the foliage as the sun sank further below the tree line. Isaiah’s heart beat faster, due only partly to the exertion, which he was unused to. His legs ached from top to bottom. He didn’t know how long they had been walking, but when they started out the sun had been at its peak.

One of the scavengers at the front held his hand up and everybody halted. Isaiah peered through the foliage to see a wooden structure about thirty feet square that looked as though it had been abandoned years ago. Broken glass lined the window frames and the roof had collapsed in one corner. A tree grew from where the roof had caved in and ivy covered the walls so it appeared almost to be a natural feature. Nature reclaiming its sovereignty.

The remains of another building sat next to the first, but this one had collapsed completely. There seemed to be the evidence of wooden posts jutting from the ground like rotten teeth.

“We need to rest. Night will fall soon and we can’t track them in the dark,” a scavenger said.

Nobody complained and they all looked exhausted. One of the scavengers led the way towards the wooden structure. He pushed the door open. The squeal of wood made Isaiah wince.

“It’s your fault we’re out here,” Roman said to Isaiah, “so you can lead the way.”

“My fault? None of this is my fault.”

“Of course it is. If you could control your family we wouldn’t be in this mess. Now get inside and check things out.”

“But the scavenge—”

“No buts.”

Isaiah realised everyone was looking at him and his shoulders drooped. He stared through the open door but couldn’t see very far inside.

“Get a move on,” Roman said.

Isaiah held his breath then stepped inside. Although hard to make out clearly, the interior seemed as decayed as the outside. Broken plastic chairs were piled in one corner and a table that had collapsed sat in the middle of the room. Fungus and mushroom growths decorated its surface. Isaiah saw a glass covered board on the wall but it was coated by layers of dirt and grime. He stepped across and rubbed at the glass with his sleeve and could just distinguish the words ‘…mere Visit r Cen re’.

As his eyes adapted to the lack of light he saw a couple of doors inside the room. One was closed; the other had fallen off its hinges.

He walked towards the open doorway when he suddenly heard the creak of wood. He stopped dead, held his breath, straining to detect the origin of the noise. Seconds dragged by.

“What’s taking so long?” Roman shouted.

Isaiah swore under his breath and started to turn back towards the entrance when he glimpsed movement and a figure lunged through the open doorway, arms wavering, fingers clenched like claws.

The figure grabbed Isaiah by the throat, its fingers deathly cold. He grabbed the figure’s wrists, which felt like twigs, and tried to wrestle free, stumbling backwards as he did so until he fell outside. In the failing sunlight he realised he was wrestling with a female God. Her skin sank in around the bones and looked like parchment, but despite her frail nature she was tenacious. Her teeth snapped towards his face.

“Get her off me,” Isaiah screamed, but nobody moved to help. He noticed Roman backing away, hands at his breast and the rest of the brethren started praying, bowing in homage. The enforcers looked uncertain as they fell back, and the scavengers stood apart.

“Someone help me!”

Nobody moved.

Isaiah rolled around on the ground, the woman’s ragged clothing falling off like autumn leaves as he pushed her away. Although not fast, the woman was persistent and she staggered to her feet and clawed at him again.

Gasping for breath, Isaiah staggered back, and for the first time, the woman realised there were other people around too. She lurched towards Roman and Isaiah saw him blanch and start waving his arms.

“Get her away,” Roman shouted and the enforcers stepped forwards and tried holding her at bay but she continued to snap her teeth. One of the scavengers approached, grabbed the woman from behind and lifted her off the ground. He started carrying her towards the wooden building. The woman sank her teeth into his arm but the chain mail protected him and Isaiah watched a couple of her teeth fall out.

Isaiah followed the scavenger into the building and ran across to the closed door. He carefully opened it and peered around the edge to discover a small store cupboard that contained the remnants of cleaning implements such as mops and brushes that had virtually rotted away.

“In here,” he shouted.

The scavenger carried her across and Isaiah stepped aside as he dropped her in the room. As the scavenger exited, Isaiah ran forwards to shut the door, but the woman grabbed the frame. Isaiah slammed the door shut anyway, severing four of her fingers. The woman started clawing on the other side and Isaiah grabbed a plastic chair and propped it underneath the handle.

“That should hold her,” he said, wiping sweat from his brow.

Using his boot toe he gently kicked the severed fingers away and slumped on the ground.

Roman stormed into the room. “You can’t lock her away. She’s a God and should be treated with respect.”

Isaiah shook his head, still trying to catch his breath. “You want to let her out, feel free. You know only people chosen through the lottery become immortal, so if she bites you, then you’ll be damned to purgatory.”

Roman looked anxious. He took a step back.

“Did it bite you?”


Roman tapped his fingers together and glanced towards the blocked door. “Well… is she safe?”

“For now.”

Roman narrowed his eyes and peered at Isaiah, and nodded, almost to himself. He looked at the enforcers, who stood watching the exchange, and cleared his throat. “The rest of you, make sure the area is secure, and that no other Gods are present.”

The enforcers nodded and headed outside. Isaiah remained seated, leaning back against the wall.

Roman looked around, fidgeting with his hands, and then focused his attention on Isaiah. “You’ve got the first shift tonight.” He turned on his heels and went and sat in the corner of the room with his brethren.

Isaiah listened to the woman scratching on the door, then looked down at the severed stumps of finger.

It was going to be a long night.


Shadows spread through the woods as the sun sank. Anna knew they would have to rest soon but she wanted to find a spot that offered some protection. She now carried a large, heavy branch she’d broken off at the tip, creating a sharp point. The makeshift weapon made her feel a little more secure.

Behind Anna, Lucy clung to Zeke while Ben kicked his heels at the rear.

“Keep up, Benjamin. I don’t want you getting lost.”

Ben snorted and closed the gap.

“Mum, I’m hungry. When are we going to stop walking?” Lucy asked.

Anna paused and reached into her satchel. She pulled out three apples. She handed one to Lucy and offered the others to Ben and Zeke. Zeke’s eyebrows arched.

“Where did you get these?” he asked.

Anna hesitated, and shrugged. “From the church.”

Lucy grimaced, while Zeke grinned. He accepted the apple and took a bite.

Ben recoiled as though he’d been offered poison. “You’re going to hell for that.”

Anna looked at him sharply and was about to contradict him, but instead she sighed and stuffed the apple back in her bag before starting walking again.

“Come on, we need to keep moving.”

“I need to pee,” Ben said.

Anna stopped and glanced over her shoulder. “Now? Can’t you wait?”