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«I’m okay. I got punched in the face a couple times. It’s all uphill from there, I guess.»

«That’s one way to look at it.» She started examining Kat, quickly but carefully, checking for lingering signs of trauma. «What happened?»

«I’m not sure. I–I was on a date. We walked out to where he’d parked his car, but I guess he’d locked his keys in it? So I was going to call someone I knew who could spring the lock, but then…» Her voice trailed off into uncertainty. «It happened so fast.»

«Someone attacked you?» Carmen prompted.

«Him. They attacked him first. My date.» Another pause. «I think. He turned his back on me and I got out my stun gun, but shifters move fast. He knocked me back into the car…» Kat lifted a hand and rubbed at the back of her head. «I don’t think it’s bleeding.»

«You hit your head?» The girl’s pupils were even and reacted well to light, but head injuries could be tricky. «What else do you remember?»

«I don’t remember where my date ended up.» Her fingers curled around the edge of the exam table. «I think he ran while I was trying to get the shapeshifter off me.»

She sounded so lost. Carmen spent a moment shoring up her mental defenses. «Kat, do you think there’s a chance that» Noise and voices in the hallway distracted her from her question. One belonged to Tara, raised and pitched in distress. «Look, you can’t go back there. You have to—»

The door slammed open.

Alec Jacobson — because it had to be him — was tall, solid and angry as hell. Not that Carmen could feel his emotions, not with the shielding on the room, but it didn’t take an empath to see the man was pissed. Dark eyes fixed on Kat as his jaw clenched under his neatly trimmed beard. «Katherine LeBlanc Gabriel, tell me the bastard’s name right now

Kat heaved a tortured sigh and gave Carmen a look that clearly said, I told you so.

Tara skidded to a halt behind him. «I tried to stop him.»

«It’s okay. I’ve got it.» Carmen rose to stand between the man and Kat, careful to keep her gaze steady but not challenging. «Out.»

«No.» He didn’t raise his voice. He didn’t have to, not when he could convey so much arrogant confidence in one word. «Katherine? The name.»

«Damn it, Alec, it wasn’t my date. And I didn’t ask the mugger for an introduction while I was tasering his ass, okay?»

Carmen took a deep breath. «You’re upsetting my patient. Please step out into the hallway. I’m not going to ask again.»

For the first time, the man looked away from Kat and fixed that piercing stare on Carmen. His gaze traced her face, as if he was looking for something in particular, and he frowned. «You’re the Mendoza girl.»

It wasn’t a question, but he seemed to be waiting for some sort of response regardless. «Dr. Mendoza. I notice you’re not moving yet.»

Kat’s voice came from behind her. «You’re wasting your time. He’s not going to—»

Alec took a step backwards, then a second, until he stood squarely in the hall. «whoa.»

Carmen turned to Kat. «Sit tight. I’ll be right back.» She could calm the man down, or at the very least distract him until Franklin arrived.

Except that, once she’d closed the door, she wasn’t quite sure what to do or say. She shoved her hands into the back pockets of her jeans and tried to smile. «Thank you. She’s had a rough night.»

Worry tightened his expression. «What happened?»

«She and her date were attacked. She’s shaken up, has some minor injuries and might have hit her head. But she’s mostly scared of what you might do.»

«No she’s not,» Alec replied, voice steady. «She’s scared I’m going to call her cousin, her cousin’s oh-so-scary little wife, my partner, my partner’s pissy alpha bitch girlfriend, and we’re going to form a posse and kill some folk. And to be fair, she should be.»

«All right,» Carmen conceded. «But that’s a hard thing to have on your conscience, so cut her some slack and hold off on calling together the mob, okay?»

Alec raised one eyebrow. «How much do you know about your family’s political activities?»

«About my family?» The question was so unexpected that all she could do for a moment was gape at him. «What could that possibly have to do with anything?»

«I didn’t mean» He rubbed at his beard. «Shapeshifter politics, then. Wolves. Franklin told me you don’t get tangled up in the politics, but he never said if you knew the first thing about them.»

She wanted to ask him what the hell he’d been doing, talking to Franklin about her. Instead, she shrugged and tried not to get defensive. «Enough to recognize that there’s a big damn difference between shapeshifters and shapeshifter politics. What do you really want to know?»

«Do you know who John Wesley Peyton is?»

«He’s the Alpha. Has been for years.»

«Yeah.» Alec pointed at the room where Kat sat. «That girl’s overprotective cousin just married Peyton’s daughter. Unless you’re a witch who’s gonna magic those bruises off her face, the only way to stop mob action is for me to take care of it now. Fast.»

«Right. Where is her cousin?»


«Then you’ve got a few hours.» Arguing was getting them nowhere. «Look, my priority is making sure Kat’s all right. Give me ten minutes to check her out, and I’ll ask her to talk to you. I promise.»

«Fine.» The corner of his mouth tugged up. «Better go let your nurse yell at me. Sinclaire gets pissy when I rile up his employees.»

The smile transformed his forbiddingly handsome face, and Carmen had to remind herself not to stare. «With good reason.» God, she sounded breathless. «Your reputation precedes you, Alec Jacobson.»

For some reason the words made him flinch. «So I’ve heard.»

She hadn’t meant it as an insult, but trying to explain would only make it worse. «I’m sorry.»

He waved it away. «Not your fault. I am a raging jackass. Comes with the gig.»

The casual words disguised real pain, and she had to take a step back before she reached out to comfort him. «Wait in the lobby. I’ll let you know how Kat is once I finish her exam.»

Alec pulled a battered cell phone from his pocket and turned away. «I’ve got a few calls to make anyway, but tell Kat I’m not going to call her cousin. Yet.»

«Sure.» His back was broad under the tight black T-shirt he wore, and his jeans were just worn enough to—

Carmen dragged her gaze away from his receding form. She was trembling a little from the effort of keeping up her emotional shields, so she turned and ducked quickly back into the room.

Kat was eyeing the door with obvious worry, and Carmen smiled. «Alec’s going to hold off on calling your cousin, but you’ll have to talk to him when we’re done here.»

Some of the tension bled out of her. «I don’t want them to worry. My cousin and his wife, I mean. His sister-in-law just had a baby, and they need to be up there with her, not down here pulling muggers apart.»

«I got the feeling there wouldn’t be much left by the time your cousin arrived.»

The girl’s lips pressed together. «Yes, Alec is good at cleaning up my messes. You’d think they’d stop acting like I’m helpless, though, since I’m the one who keeps leaving bodies on the ground.»

There was something hopeless and chilling in the words, and Carmen fought a shiver as she pulled on a pair of gloves. «I’m most worried about your head. If you smacked it on the car like you said, I mean.»

«It hurts.» Her fingers drifted up to her head again. «It aches. I think I smacked it pretty good.»

«If that’s true, you might need to go to the hospital, get a head CT.»