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Derek dragged her ankles apart and dropped to his knees between her legs. He tickled his fingers up her calves as he jerked his gaze to hers again. «Put your hands over your head.»

Sheer primal instinct drove her to obey. She licked her lips and exhaled a shuddering breath. «I need you.»

«Not as much as I need you.» His thumb traced along the inside of her knee, a small teasing caress that vanished when he moved his hands to the ground on either side of her hips. He loomed over her, his wide shoulders blocking out the light filtering through the trees.

His expression was wild. Feral. His gaze locked with hers, and he shuddered. «Do you trust me?»

«Yes.» The answer would have been the same even if she hadn’t been aching to feel his skin against hers, even if they hadn’t spent the last few days learning about each other. «With my life.»

A rumbling noise of approval started deep in his chest and escaped his lips as he lowered them to her breast. His tongue circled the tip in a teasing flick, and he drew her nipple into his mouth with another low noise.

Nick tried to stifle the cry that accompanied the sharp rush of pleasure, but it rolled out of her between clenched teeth. Her back arched off the ground, toward his mouth, and she barely remembered not to move her hands.

She felt the scrape of teeth, then the heat of his mouth disappeared. A low, masculine laugh rose as he nuzzled her stomach and dropped tiny kisses on her damp skin. «I can smell how hot you are for me.»

Something witty should have popped to mind, the perfect rejoinder to his soft, sexy words. «I want you so bad it hurts. I always have.»

He dragged his tongue up the center of her chest before veering off to nip at her shoulder. «And now you have me.»

Do I? The words hung in her throat as the throbbing need in her body grew worse. Her skin flamed wherever he touched her, but it wasn’t enough. Not nearly enough. «Derek, please.» Her fingers curled into the mossy earth above her head. «Let me have you.»

His teeth closed on her neck, hard and possessive, and he groaned against her skin and shifted his weight above her. One hand skated over her hip and slipped between her legs, and his fingers stroked through slick folds. He lifted his head and watched her, his face tight. «I want to see you come,» he growled a moment before his fingers centered on her clit.

She thrust her hips up with a whimper. He touched her as if he’d been doing it forever, as if he knew every inch of her already. Desire took over, and she felt him watching as she bit her lip and arched her head back. «Don’t stop.»

He did, but only long enough for his thumb to replace his fingers. Then his fingers shifted lower, easing into her as he groaned. «God damn it, Nicky. Come. Come so I can be inside you.»

«I need» Her words melted into another desperate cry as the pinpoints of heat and pleasure scattered through her began to gather and tighten. «Kiss me.»

If she’s a tree fairy, how come he’s the one with the wood?

Demons are a Ghoul’s Best Friend

© 2010 Wynne Hayworth

Afterglow, Book 2

Detective Cheney Fisher is used to the back-of-the-neck feeling that tells him he’s being watched. When attorney Pandora Jackson strides into the precinct, he’s the one doing the watching — and drooling. Her mile-long legs and fiery hair encase a sharp legal mind and a body he’d like to de-brief.

Despite his effort to keep his powers on the down-low, Pandora knows that Cheney is uniquely qualified to solve her problem — evaluating a strangely unfriendly bit of evidence from a court case. But it’s her instant attraction to the detective that scares her. Any loss of control and her powerful Fae ability could consume her, body and soul.

A suspicious fire in Pandora’s apartment drives Cheney’s suspicion that she’s being stalked by a very real threat. Bringing her under protection is the only option, even though proximity means there’s no way to fight the searing passion erupting between them.

Cheney’s instincts are spot-on, though. A madman with a taste for unnatural selection has a plan for Pandora. The only way to fight it is trust themselves, their powers…and each other.

Warning: Refrigerate after opening. This book contains scenes of magic, illusion and scorching hot fairy sex. There are also a few murders, a super sexy cop, a giggle or two, and a tip of the hat to Mother Nature. It is, of course, fiction, but was written using 100 % organically grown words.

Enjoy the following excerpt for Demons are a Ghoul’s Best Friend:

Pandora matched her stride to that of the tall detective, a pleasant change since she was unused to walking next to men who surpassed her in height, especially when she was in heels. For a few moments she indulged herself by enjoying the sensation, then sighed and surrendered to business. «Where are we going?»

«Somewhere I know we won’t be overheard.»

His voice was sharp, edgy, and she knew she’d hit the right button by mentioning Roz. She needed this man’s help with her current problem since there was no one else she could turn to. Although the first time she’d seen him from a distance, she’d wondered if he was the right person. Up close, face-to-face, she’d been even less sure since every single female hormone in her body had woken up and started singing girl songs.

It had taken quite a bit of strength to overcome the gleeful hallelujah chorus going on in her panties, but she’d managed it. For now, she needed Detective Fisher’s talent, not his penis, magnificent though it assuredly would be.

He stopped next to a car in the parking lot, surprising Pandora, as her thoughts had been far away from mundane things. Like where they were going.

«Get in.» He held the door, his tone commanding and abrupt.

«Well, since you’re being so charming about it…» She slid into the passenger seat and waited for him to join her behind the wheel.

He did, but not to start the engine. He turned to her with an expressionless face. «Now tell me what the hell this is about.»

She took a breath. «I met Roz when her husband had some dealings with our firm. It was a social occasion. We chatted and she told me about her job with you. She was very discreet and spoke highly of you. But I’m not an idiot. I put two and two together — and came up with considerably more than four. You baby-sit what are, for lack of a better phrase, challenged AGs.»

He inclined his head slightly. «And if I do?»

She pursed her lips, seeking the right words. «If you do, if my assumption is correct, then you are one of the few people who can help with my little — er — problem.»

«You think you have a challenged AG?»

She snorted. «There’s no think about it. I know I do. And I’m not sure where to turn, who to ask for help. Since it’s a puppy, you came to mind.» She straightened her shoulders. «I don’t quite know how to explain this. First off, I’m not into putting down animals like they were useless bugs. Everything gets a chance, as far as I’m concerned.»

Cheney nodded. «Agreed.»

«So what I would like…» Pandora paused, uncertain of what it was she really wanted. «Look, I don’t have that much experience with young AGs, or puppies for that matter. But you don’t have to be a psychiatrist or a vet to look at this thing and know there’s an issue of some sort.» She turned to him, trying to keep the pain out of her voice. «I think it’s in trouble, Detective. I don’t know why, but there’s something about it that’s disturbing me.»

«That sounds like an emotional response to a stray, not anything I’d expect from a lawyer.»