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He couldn't have her. It didn't matter that she wanted him, or that he could persuade her-he couldn't have her. He didn't dare. Jack had come through it. but he was different. Jack hadn't believed he was a good man, but Ken had always known that Jack was. Ken had watched him carefully for any signs of the legacy of madness their father left them. He had stayed close to Jack and smoothed his way in every situation, making certain Jack didn't have to do any of the things he preferred not to do, so there would be no reason for him to feel the burning rage-rage so deep it burned cold, not hot. Rage so ugly, it was beyond madness and as relentless as hell.

Jack had the same ice in his veins, the same ability to turn off emotion with the click of a switch, a trait that was dangerous but manageable, but Jack knew how to protect others. He watched out for the men in his unit, for the one woman who had saved them so many years ago when they were still raw teens out for blood and revenge on the world, and he watched out for anyone else they stumbled across in their lives that needed protection. He looked out for everyone, including Ken.

Ken hid his rage behind a ready smile and a quick joke, and he guarded his brother with his life. He looked out for one person, and that was Jack. He loved his twin fiercely, protectively, and was determined that Jack would have a good life with Briony and their children. Ken would keep his brother and his family safe-even from him and the certain knowledge he had that their fathers insanity lived inside of him. It was a monster he dealt with every day, knew intimately, and could barely conceal or control.

"You're frowning."

Mari's voice startled him out of his introspection.

At once his smooth mask slid into place. It was ironic to him that the very mask people now saw revealed what was beneath the skin as well, but no one bought it. "I don't frown." He would have to be more careful. If she caught him slipping, so would Jack, and that wouldn't do.

"The doctor is going to examine you one more time, and if he can, he'll remove the catheter and the IV." Jack's voice was ultra-calm. He had his gun out, his hands rock steady and his eyes cold. "If you so much as a twitch, I'll kill you."

She turned to look at him, forcing a smile when she wanted to scream with pain. "Maybe you'll be doing me a favor."

Something dangerous flickered in Jack's eyes. "You don't want to play games with me, Mari. I don't know anything at all about you. Briony is my world, and if you are in any way a threat to her, you're gone."

Briony. She couldn't think about Briony. Her twin was somewhere in the world, far away from all of this insanity. She was safe and happy and had a husband who adored her, not a stone-cold killer with silver slashing eyes and without a single shred of mercy in him.

The doctor moved in close to her. It took a moment before she realized just how humiliated she was going to be. He was removing the catheter with both men in the room. She wore little beneath the thin cover.

"Take a breath," Ken advised. "We don't exactly have a choice here, and in any case, we'll be seeing to your needs until you can walk again."

"How long did you have someone helping you with bodily functions after they chopped you into little pieces? Did they remove all of you or just parts?"

The soft snick of the gun was loud in the suddenly quiet room. The doctor gasped and studiously avoided looking at Ken. It wasn't hard for anyone to imagine just what body part she was asking about.

Mari would have given anything to be able to take back the words the moment they left her mouth. She was lashing out in embarrassment, trying to hurt him, trying to get some reaction from him. It was petty and beneath her. She didn't care about his scars, although she had to admit she did wonder if they had cut him everywhere. She couldn't imagine a sadist like Ekabela-a man capable of genocide-not doing as much damage as possible to another man he hated and feared.

That drove out every other thought-Ekabela had feared this man-yet she was deliberately provoking him, prodding a coiled viper with a stick, digging into a predator's wounds just to cover her own humiliation. She looked up at him. uncaring that the room seethed with tension and his brother wanted to pull the trigger. The two men were very connected. Jack must feel a stab of pain cutting as savagely as the knife that had cut his twin each time he looked at Ken. She would feel it if someone had tortured Briony and left visible evidence behind.

"Take the catheter out. Doc." Ken said, his tone mild. "And don't you think it's a little dramatic to hold a gun on her. Jack?" He sighed and brushed more stray strands of hair from her face. "Jack likes to shoot first and ask questions later. I've sent him to a couple of psychiatrists, but they always send him back and tell me there's no help for him."

She couldn't apologize, couldn't say the words in front of the others. She could only look up at his carefully expressionless face and wish Jack would pull the trigger. She doubted Ken allowed himself to be hurt by much, but her barb had gotten to him. He didn't show it at all. but Jack had and that seemed worse. As if her thoughtless comment had gone so deep Ken couldn't show his reaction.

He was her enemy. She repeated the words over and over as the doctor removed the IV and catheter. All the while she kept her gaze locked with Ken's, seeing every detail, the perfect bone structure, the heavy dark lashes in contrast to his gleaming silver eyes. There was latent sensuality there, but she knew those grid patterns on his face were all most people were ever going to see.

"What did my sister say when she saw you?" She whispered the words aloud, needing to know, knowing the question would be misconstrued, but it would tell her the truth, tell her things she needed to know in order to keep going on her course. She had to be right about Briony's character.

"Damn you," Jack hissed, taking an aggressive step forward. "Shut the hell up, before I do it for you."

Ken cut him off with one smooth step, blocking his twin's path to the bed, the only reason, she was fairly certain. Jack hadn't knocked her out with the gun butt.

"Briony never seems to notice unless someone else does, and then she turns protective like a mama tiger," Ken answered. "Does it bother you so much?"

She should have said yes. She desperately needed protection, some kind of armor, some distance between them, but the lie wouldn't come. "No."

Jack took a breath and let it out, shoving the gun out of sight and turning away. "Doc, you're out of time. Stay low until you're contacted that it's safe. You know the drill. Thanks for all your help and I apologize for the knife. I underestimated her abilities." His gaze bored into her. "It won't happen again."

She flicked him a glance. "Sure it will. You're heap big caveman and I'm just the little woman, too stupid to know how to fend for myself."

Jack left the room, following the doctor out to the helicopter, leaving her alone with Ken. Instantly the room felt too small, too intimate.

"Stop baiting the tiger," Ken said. He slipped his arm around her back and gave her another drink of cold water. "We're only going to be here an hour or so, just enough time for you to rest."

"He only thinks he's the tiger. That's what you make everyone think, isn't it?" She made it a guess, but she knew it was the truth.

"Don't think for one moment that Jack wouldn't pull that trigger. He's no kitty cat," Ken said.

"Maybe not." Jack might be the quiet one, the no-nonsense one, but Ken lured the enemy into a false sense of security. He smiled more often than Jack, but it never reached his eyes. There was something inside of him, still and watchful and so full of danger it made her heart beat hard in her chest. "But neither are you."