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“We’re working for Sicarius,” Velks said.

For half a second, Amaranthe thought he mightbe telling the truth, that Sicarius had sent them back to hunt forclues or some such, but she caught herself. That was wishfulthinking, a hope that Sicarius was about and on the mission. Evenif this man’s eyes had not darted up and to the left when hespoke-according to Sicarius, that was a tell for many folks whenthey were lying-the story was implausible. Before he met her,Sicarius had always worked alone. He would not use errand boys.

“Yes, that’s right,” the younger brothersaid. “We know him real well, and he’ll assassinate you if youbother us.”

“Assassinate you for certain,” Velks said.“He owes us a favor on account of us taking him out for drinks lastnight.”

“You lads aren’t very good at this,”Maldynado said. “So, boss, gentle or rough for the tying?”

“Actually…” Amaranthe eyed the clothingstrewn about the floor. “I believe they’d like to clean up theirmess first. Take their weapons and help them find a broom.”

“Clean?” The thieves exchanged incredulouslooks.

“Yes,” Amaranthe said. “It’s a type of work.Like stabbing people with knives, but with less bloodinvolved.”

Maldynado shrugged and patted down the firstman for weapons. “As long as I’m not the one waylaying the dustballs, I don’t care.”

While he monitored them, Amaranthe searchedthe room. One of the thieves tried to flee for the door whenMaldynado thrust a feather duster into his hands. Maldynado poundedan unapologetic fist into the man’s nose, convincing him to sufferthe task without further escape attempts. He wiped at a trickle ofblood with his sleeve and glowered at Amaranthe.

“I thought you said cleaning didn’t involveblood,” he growled.

“I said it involved less blood than stabbingpeople, not no blood,” she said without looking up from the deskdrawers she was rifling through.

Fifteen minutes of searching did not revealanything interesting. She checked the tote the first thief had beencarrying out when she interrupted them, but it contained onlyvaluables, modest ones commensurate with the income level of aminer.

Amaranthe drummed her fingers against herthigh and considered the thieves again. “Did you gentlemen takeanything out of here before we found you?”


Maldynado grabbed Velks by the collar andhoisted him up to his tiptoes. “Are you positive?”


“Were you looking for anything when you brokein?” Amaranthe asked.

“No, just stuff to fence. We live downstairs,saw the family leave last night.”

She watched his eyes, but nothing in his faceimplied he was lying. The other one nodded, and he, too, appearedsincere.

“What lovely neighbors this place has,”Maldynado said. “Go out for the night, and they’re in your flat,pawning your silverware before lunchtime the next day.”

“Have you noticed any men coming and going,visiting this flat?” Amaranthe asked.

“You mean the other miners?” Velks asked.

“Yes. How long has that been going on?”

The brother lifted his feather duster. “Whyshould we answer all these questions? What’s in it for us?”

“I could restrain myself from punching youagain,” Maldynado said.

“Now, now, no need to be brutish,” Amaranthetold him while considering the thieves thoughtfully. “If the flatis cleaned up and everything is put back, I don’t think there’s aneed to tell the enforcers you were here. If you answer myquestions.”

“You were going to tell the enforcers?” Velksasked. “You’re thieves, too, aren’t you?”

“No, we’re investigators.”

Both brothers’ brows furrowed. She imaginedthem trying to figure out if “investigators” were people who werelegally on the premises or not. She decided not to clarify.

“About these miners,” she said, “how longhave they been visiting?”

“Seen some of them before,” Velks said, “butthey only started coming all the time last week.”

“Did they stay here when they met, or didthey start here and go someplace else?”

Velks shrugged. “How should I know? We didn’tsit up here with our ears pressed to the door.”

The brother snapped his fingers. “But thatone time, when we were sitting on the steps, hoping to get a lookup girls’ dresses when they went up, we did hear them saysomething, remember?”

“Don’t tell people about that,” Velkshissed.

“About what they said?”

“About the dresses, you idiot.”

Maldynado leaned a hand against the wall andshook his head. “Not too bright, are they?” he mouthed toAmaranthe.

“You never tried that tactic?” she asked.

“I never had to resort to such desperatemeasures. Women couldn’t wait to lift their dresses when I wasaround.”

Amaranthe kept from rolling her eyes-shehad encouraged him by asking after all-and turned back tothe thieves. “What’d you hear them say?”

“They were going with Raydevk to meet a girlat a fountain,” Velks said.

Oh, yes, that was a priceless gem ofinformation. Still, if the men had all been going together, maybeit had been more than a tryst. “What fountain?” she asked.

Velks glanced at his brother who onlyshrugged. “They didn’t say.”

Amaranthe asked a few more questions, hopingshe might tease more out of the would-be burglars’ heads, but theyproved feeble resources at best. While they finished cleaning, shesearched every last nook of the flat, even going so far as to thumpat floorboards in case any covered a hollow storage niche.

She knelt, doing a last check of the areasbeneath the beds, when Velks spoke again. “Can we go?”

“We cleaned everything and put everythingback that we took,” his brother said. “We even got rid of thosegummy food stains that we were not responsible for.”

“We even did the windows!” Velks added.

Maldynado snickered. He was lounging on thesofa, playing with a sliding puzzle block in which one had to findappropriate niches for various war implements. Apparently thethieves had not made an escape attempt in a while.

“Yes, you may go.” Amaranthe returned thedagger she had taken from them and surveyed the flat. It sparkled.Huh. “Gentlemen?” she added, stopping them in the middle of asprint for the door.

“What?” Velks asked, shoulders hunched.

“You do good work. Perhaps you shouldconsider a career in the cleaning services.”

Cleaning services?” Their mouthsgaped open.

“Men don’t clean, they fight!” one said.

“And they run over imperial enemies withgiant steam trampers and they tear down massive fortifications withthose brilliant new rammers.” Velks sighed longingly.

“Are you two planning to join the military?”Amaranthe asked, thinking they appeared old enough-Akstyr’s age atleast.

Maldynado yawned and gave her awhy-are-we-spending-so-much-time-here look as he thunked a puzzlepiece into place.

“Maybe.” Velks shrugged.

Probably a no then. “Madame Rawdik on Fourthruns an industrial cleaning outfit. They have a steam pressurewasher as big as a tramper. If you worked for her, you couldprobably ride it.”

Two sets of eyes grew round. “Really? Ididn’t know there was such a thing.”

“If you decide to apply for a job, tell herthat her old school friend Amaranthe says you do good work.”

Their eyes remained wide, and they exchangedgapes with her. It wasn’t that much of a favor. Had nobodyever vouched for them for anything before?

“Thanks,” Velks said, and his brother noddedand scampered out the door. Velks hesitated, his face screwed up inconcentration. “I don’t know if it helps, but those miners alsosaid…the girl they were seeing had…fire hair? Fiery hair. Andshe was worth pounding like a steam hammer. I listened to thatpart, on account of, well-it was about a woman.”