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And she knew, suddenly, and without a doubt, that whatever she did next, she would do it well. And someday, when those bitches weren’t looking, she’d come for them again. But let’s face it: She was impatient. She had a feeling it would be sooner rather than later.

She couldn’t wait.


Once again, I could not have written this book without the help of the team at Alloy Entertainment, including Lanie Davis, Sara Shandler, Josh Bank, and Les Morgenstein. Kristin Marang and her digital team have been amazing, too—don’t know what I’d do without any of you guys. Also huge thanks to Kari Sutherland at Harper for your keen insights. Much love to my family, including Mindy, Shep, Ali, and Kristian, who now knows what a horse says and possibly isn’t as afraid of moo anymore. Also a hug to Michael, who is beyond funny and patient, and who has many ideas for new book projects and random inventions—your creativity is very appreciated around here. Also, big hugs to all the readers of this series who have hung on this long—I love seeing you at book events and reading your letters. You’re the reason I keep writing!

Finally, a huge shout-out to the lovely actresses who play Aria, Emily, Spencer, and Hanna on the ABC Family series Pretty Little Liars: Lucy Hale, Shay Mitchell, Troian Bellisario, and Ashley Benson. I thought you guys were perfect for the parts from the very beginning, and it’s been amazing watching you grow and change with the show. I owe all of you a ton, and I am your biggest fan.