The cabinet secretary received the director-general at the door and greeted him with evident coldness, then he said, I’ll take you to the prime minister, One moment, first I want to apologise, if there was a total idiot in our conversation, it was me, It probably wasn’t either of us, said the cabinet secretary, smiling, If you could read what I have in my pocket, you would understand my state of mind, Don’t worry, as far as I’m concerned, you’re forgiven, Thank you, it won’t be long now before the bomb explodes and then everyone will know about it, Let’s hope it doesn’t make too much noise when it goes off, The noise will be louder than the loudest thunder ever heard, and the lightning brighter than all the lightning ever seen, You’re starting to frighten me, At that point, my friend, I’m sure you’ll forgive me again, Come on, the prime minister’s waiting. They crossed a room, one that, in ages past, would have been called an anteroom, and a minute later, the director-general was in the presence of the prime minister, who received him with a smile, So what’s this life-or-death problem you’ve brought me, With all due respect, prime minister, I doubt you’ve ever spoken more aptly. He took the letter from his pocket and held it out to him across the table. The prime minister was puzzled, It doesn’t have an addressee, Nor the name of the person who sent it, said the director-general, it’s as if it were a letter addressed to everyone, Anonymous, No, prime minister, as you’ll see, it is signed, but read it, read it, please. The envelope was slowly opened, the piece of paper unfolded, but after reading only the first few lines, the prime minister looked up and said, This must be a joke, It could be, yes, but I don’t think so, it appeared on my desk and no one knows how, That doesn’t seem a very good reason why we should believe what it says, Read on, please. When he reached the end of the letter, the prime minister, very slowly, silently moving his lips, articulated the one syllable of the word that served as signature. He put the letter down on the desk, stared across at the director-general and said, Let’s imagine it’s just a joke, It isn’t, No, I’m inclined to believe it isn’t either, but when I say let’s imagine, it’s only to conclude that it won’t be many hours before we find out, Precisely twelve hours, given that it’s midday now, That’s my point, if what the letter tells us is going to happen does actually come to pass, and if we don’t warn people, there’ll be a repetition, only in reverse, of what happened on new year’s eve, It doesn’t make any difference whether we warn them or not, prime minister, the effect will be the same, But opposite, Yes, opposite, but the same, Exactly, so if we warned them and it turned out afterwards that it was all a joke, we’d have worried people unnecessarily, although there would be much to say about the pertinence of that adverb, No, I really don’t think it’s worth it, and you’ve already said you don’t think it’s a joke, No, I don’t, So what’s to be done, to warn or not to warn, That is the question, my dear director-general, we must think, ponder, reflect, The matter is now in your hands, prime minister, the decision is yours, It is indeed, I could even tear this piece of paper into a thousand pieces and just wait and see what happens, But I don’t think you’ll do that, You’re right, I won’t, but a decision must be taken, saying that the population should be warned isn’t enough, we have to consider how, That’s what the media are for, prime minister, we have the television, the newspapers, the radio, Your idea, then, is that we distribute to all these different media a photocopy of the letter accompanied by a communiqué from the government calling for calm and giving some advice on how to proceed during the emergency, You put it far better than I ever could, Thank you for the compliment, but now I must ask you to try and imagine what would happen if we did exactly that, Um, I don’t understand, prime minister, Oh, I expected better from the director-general of television, Then I’m sorry not to be able to rise to the occasion, prime minister, It’s only natural, you’re overwhelmed by the responsibility, And you are not, prime minister, Yes, I am too, but in my case, overwhelmed doesn’t mean paralysed, Fortunately for the country, Thank you again, we’ve never really talked very much before, well, generally speaking, when I discuss television, I do so with the relevant minister, but I feel the moment has come to make you a national figure, Now I really don’t understand, prime minister, It’s quite simple, the matter is going to remain strictly between you and me until nine o’clock this evening, at that time, the television news will open with a reading of the official communiqué which will explain what will happen at midnight tonight, as well as a summary of the letter, and the person to be charged with doing both those things is the director-general of television, firstly, because the letter was sent to him, even though it doesn’t name him, and secondly, because you, the director-general of television, are the person I trust to get us both through the mission with which, implicitly, we have been charged by the lady who signed this letter, A newsreader would do a better job, prime minister, No, I don’t want a newsreader, I want the director-general of television, If that’s what you want, then I would consider it an honour, We are the only people who know what is going to happen at midnight tonight and we will continue to be so until the time when the population receives the information, if we were to do what you proposed earlier, that is, pass the news to the media now, we would have twelve hours of confusion, panic, tumult, mass hysteria and who knows what, therefore, since it is not in our power, and I refer here to the government, to avoid such reactions, at least we can limit it to three hours, and from then on it will be beyond our control, there will be all kinds of responses, tears, despair, ill-disguised relief, a need to rethink life, It seems a good idea, Yes, but only because we don’t have a better one. The prime minister picked up the letter again, glanced over it without reading it and said, It’s odd, the initial letter of the signature should be a capital, but it’s not, Yes, I found that odd too, starting a name with a lower case letter isn’t normal, Can you see anything normal in this whole affair, Not really, no, By the way, do you know how to make a photocopy, Well, I’m not an expert, but I’ve done it a few times, Excellent. The prime minister put the letter and the envelope in a file stuffed with documents and summoned the cabinet secretary, to whom he said, Please evacuate the room where the photocopier is, That’s where the civil servants work, prime minister, that’s their office, Well, tell them to go somewhere else, tell them to wait in the corridor or go out and smoke a cigarette, we’ll only need it for three minutes, isn’t that right, director-general, Not even that long, prime minister, Look, I can make a photocopy in absolute secrecy, if, as I assume, that is what you want, said the cabinet secretary, That’s precisely what we want, secrecy, but, this time, I myself will do the job, with the technical assistance, shall we say, of the director-general, Of course, prime minister, I’ll give the necessary orders for the room to be cleared. He came back within minutes, It’s empty, prime minister, and now, if I may, I’ll go back to my office, And I’m very glad that I don’t have to ask you to do so, and please don’t be offended by our excluding you from these apparently conspiratorial manoeuvres, you’ll find out later today the reason for such precautions and you won’t need me to tell you either, Of course, prime minister, I would never doubt the wisdom of your motives, That’s the spirit, my friend. When the cabinet secretary left, the prime minister picked up the file and said, Right, let’s go. The room was deserted. In less than a minute, the photocopy was ready, letter for letter, word for word, but it was different, it lacked the disquieting touch of the violet-coloured paper, now it’s just an ordinary missive, the kind that begin, I do hope these lines find you well and happy and surrounded by your family, as for me, I certainly can’t complain. The prime minister handed the copy to the director-general, There you are, I’ll keep the original, he said, And the government communiqué, when will I receive that, Sit down and I’ll dictate it to you, it won’t take a moment, it’s very simple, dear compatriots, the government considers that it has a duty to inform the country of a letter that has reached its hands only today, a document whose significance and importance cannot be exaggerated, even though we are not in a position to guarantee its authenticity and must admit, without wishing to anticipate its contents, that there is a possibility that what is announced in the document may not come to pass, however, in order that the population should be mentally prepared for a situation that will not be without its tensions and crises, the letter will now be read out, with the government’s approval, by the director-general of television, just one word more before we conclude, the government, needless to say, will, as always, remain alert to the interests and needs of the population during hours which will doubtless be amongst the most difficult we have experienced since we have been a people and a nation, and it is for this reason that we call on you all to preserve the calmness and serenity you have shown so often before during the various trials and tests to which we’ve been subjected since the beginning of the year, and, at the same time, we trust that a more benevolent future will restore to us the peace and happiness we deserve and which we once enjoyed, remember, dear compatriots, united we stand, that is our motto, our watchword, if we remain united, then the future is ours, there you are, quick work as you see, these official communiqués don’t demand any great imaginative effort, they almost write themselves you might say, there’s a typewriter over there, make a fair copy and keep it safe until nine o’clock tonight, don’t let those papers out of your sight even for a moment, Don’t worry, prime minister, I’m keenly aware of my responsibilities at this moment, I’m sure you won’t be disappointed, Excellent, now you can go back to work, May I just ask two questions before I leave, Please do, You said that until nine o’clock tonight only two people will know about this matter, Yes, yourself and me, no one else, not even the government, What about the king, and forgive me if I’m butting in where I’m not wanted, His majesty will find out when everyone else finds out, that is, of course, if he happens to be watching television, He won’t, I imagine, be very happy not to have been told before, Don’t worry, the one excellent quality that all kings share, and I refer, of course, to constitutional monarchs, is that they are extraordinarily understanding, Ah, And your other question, It’s not exactly a question, What is it then, Just that I am, quite frankly, astonished at your sangfroid, prime minister, it seems to me that what’s going to happen in this country at midnight is a catastrophe, a cataclysm like no other, a kind of end-of-the-world, but when I look at you, it’s as if you were merely dealing with some routine government matter, you calmly give your orders, and a little while ago, I even had the impression that you smiled, If you knew how many problems this letter will resolve for me without my having to lift a finger, I’m sure that you would smile too, director-general, now leave me to my work, I have a few orders to issue, I must tell the interior minister to put the police on high alert, I’ll think up some plausible excuse, the possibility of some act of public disorder, he’s not a person to waste much time on reflection, he prefers action, give him something to do and he’s a happy man, Prime minister, may I just say that it’s been a real privilege to have lived through this crucial time with you, Well, I’m glad you see it like that, but you can be quite sure that you would quickly change your mind if one word of what has been said in this office, by me or by you, were ever to reach the ears of someone beyond these four walls, Yes, I understand, The ears of a constitutional monarch, for example, Yes, prime minister.