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She stayed in her room all day, taking both lunch and supper in the hotel. She watched television until late. Then she got into bed and turned out the light. She didn’t sleep. Death never sleeps.

Chapter Fifteen

WEARING THE NEW dress that she bought yesterday in a shop downtown, death goes to the concert. She is sitting alone in the box, and, just as she did during the rehearsal, she is looking at the cellist. Just before the lights went down, when the orchestra was waiting for the conductor to come, he noticed her. He wasn’t the only musician to do so. Firstly, because she was alone in the box, which although not rare, wasn’t that frequent an occurrence either. Secondly, because she was pretty, possibly not the prettiest woman in the audience, but pretty in a very particular, indefinable way that couldn’t be put into words, like a line of poetry whose ultimate meaning, if such a thing exists in a line of poetry, continually escapes the translator. And finally, because her lone figure, there in the box, surrounded by emptiness and absence on every side, as if she inhabited a void, seemed to be the expression of the most absolute solitude. Death, who had smiled so often and so dangerously since she emerged from her icy subterranean room, is not smiling now. The men in the audience observe her with ambiguous curiosity, the women with keen disquiet, but she, like an eagle diving through the air towards a lamb, only has eyes for the cellist. With one difference, though. In the gaze of this other eagle who has always caught her victims there is something like a tenuous veil of pity, eagles, as we know, are obliged to kill, that is their nature, but this eagle here, now, would perhaps prefer, faced by the defenceless lamb, to open her powerful wings and fly back up into the sky, into the cold air of space, into the untouchable flocks of the clouds. The orchestra has fallen silent. The cellist starts to play his solo as if he had been born for that alone. He doesn’t know that the woman in the box has in her brand-new handbag a violet-coloured letter addressed to him, he doesn’t know, how could he, and yet he plays as if he were bidding farewell to the world, as if he were at last saying everything that he had always kept unsaid, the truncated dreams, the frustrated yearnings, in short, life. The other musicians stare at him in amazement, the conductor with surprise and respect, the audience sighs, a shudder runs through them, and the veil of pity that clouded the sharp gaze of the eagle is now a veil of tears. The solo is over, the orchestra washed over the cello’s song like a great, slow sea, gently submerging it, absorbing and amplifying that song as if to lead it into a place where music was transmuted into silence, into the merest shadow of a vibration that touched the skin like the final, inaudible murmur of a kettledrum on which a passing butterfly had momentarily alighted. The silken, malevolent flight of acherontia atropos fluttered quickly through death’s memory, but she brushed it away with a wave of her hand which could as easily have been the gesture that made the letters disappear from the desk in her subterranean room as it could a gesture of thanks to the cellist, who was now turning his head in her direction, his eyes seeking a path through the warm darkness of the theatre. Death repeated the gesture and it was as if her slender fingers had perched for a moment on the hand moving the bow. However, even though his heart had done everything to make the cellist miss a note, he did not. Her fingers would not touch him again, death had realised that one must never distract an artist while he is practising his art. When the concert was over and the audience burst into loud cheering, when the lights went up and the conductor brought the orchestra to their feet, and then indicated to the cellist that he alone should get up in order to receive his much-deserved quota of the applause, death, standing, smiling at last, pressed her hands to her breast, in silence, and just looked, that’s all, let the others clap, let the others cry bravo, let the others call the conductor back ten times, she just looked. Then, slowly, as if reluctantly, the audience began to leave, at the same time as the orchestra was packing up. When the cellist turned towards the box, she, the woman, was no longer there. Ah, well, that’s life, he murmured.

He was wrong, life isn’t always like that, the woman from the box will be waiting for him at the stage door. Some of the musicians stare at her intently as they leave, but they realise, without knowing how, that she is surrounded by an invisible hedge, by a high-voltage fence on which they would burn up like tiny moths. Then the cellist appeared. When he saw her, he started, nearly took a step back, as if, seen from close to, the woman was something other than a woman, something from another sphere, another world, from the dark side of the moon. He bowed his head, he tried to join his departing colleagues, to run away, but the cello case, slung over one shoulder, made escape difficult. The woman was there before him, she was saying, Don’t run away, I only came to thank you for the excitement and pleasure of hearing you play, That’s very kind of you, but I’m just an orchestra player, not a famous concert artiste, the kind for whom fans wait hours just to be able to touch them or ask them for their autograph, If that’s the problem, I can ask you for yours, if you like, I haven’t got my autograph album with me, but I have here an envelope that would serve perfectly well, No, you misunderstand me, what I meant was that, although I’m flattered by your attention, I don’t feel I deserve it, The audience seemed to disagree, Well, I obviously had a good day, Exactly, and that good day just happened to coincide with my appearance here tonight, Look, I don’t want you to think me ungrateful or rude, but probably by tomorrow you’ll have got over tonight’s excitement, and as suddenly as you appeared, you’ll disappear again, You don’t know me, I always stick to my resolutions, And what are they, Oh, only one, to meet you, And now that you’ve met me, we can say goodbye, Are you afraid of me, asked death, No, I just find you rather troubling, And is feeling troubled by my presence such a small thing, Being troubled doesn’t necessarily mean being afraid, it might just be a warning to be prudent, Prudence only serves to postpone the inevitable, sooner or later, it surrenders, That won’t, I hope, be my case, Oh, I’m sure it will. The cellist moved his cello case from one shoulder to the other, Are you tired, asked the woman, It’s not the cello that’s heavy, it’s the case, especially this one, which is the old-fashioned kind, Look, I need to talk to you, But I don’t see how, it’s nearly midnight, everyone has left, There are still a few people over there, They’re waiting for the conductor, We could talk in a bar, Can you imagine me with a cello on my back walking into a crowded bar, said the cellist, smiling, imagine if all my colleagues went there and took their instruments, We could give another concert, We, asked the musician, intrigued by that plural, Yes, there was a time when I played the violin, there are even pictures of me playing, You seem determined to surprise me with every word you say, It’s up to you whether you find out just how surprising I can be, Well, that seems clear enough, That’s where you’re wrong, I didn’t mean what you were thinking, And what was I thinking, may I ask, About bed and me in that bed, Forgive me, No, it was my fault, if I was a man and I’d heard those words, I would certainly have thought the same, one pays the price for ambiguity, Thank you for being so honest. The woman took a few steps and then said, Come on then, Where, asked the cellist, Me to the hotel where I’m staying and you, I imagine, to your apartment, Won’t I see you again, So you don’t find me troubling any more, Oh, that was nothing, Don’t lie, All right, I did find you troubling, but I don’t now. On death’s face appeared a kind of smile in which there was not a shadow of joy, Now is just when you have most reason to feel troubled, she said, It’s a risk I’m willing to take, that’s why I’ll repeat my question, What was it, Will I see you again, I’ll be at the concert on Saturday and I’ll be sitting in the same box, It’s a different programme, you know, I don’t have a solo in it, Yes, I know, You seem to have thought of everything, Indeed, And how will all this end, We’re still only at the beginning. A taxi was approaching. The woman hailed it and turned to the cellist, I’ll take you home, No, I’ll take you to your hotel and then go home from there, Either we do as I say, or I’ll take another taxi, Do you always get your own way, Yes, always, You must fail occasionally, god is god and he’s done almost nothing but fail, Oh, I could prove to you right now that I never fail, OK, show me, Don’t be so stupid, death said abruptly, and there was in her voice an obscure, terrible, underlying threat. The cello was placed in the boot of the taxi. The two passengers spoke not a word during the entire journey. When the taxi stopped, the cellist said before he got out, I simply can’t understand what’s going on between you and me, and I think it would be best if we didn’t see each other again, No one can stop it now, Not even you, the woman who always gets her own way, asked the cellist, trying to be ironic, Not even me, replied the woman, So that means you’ll fail then, No, it means I won’t fail. The driver had got out to open the boot and was waiting for the cellist to remove his cello case. The man and the woman didn’t say goodbye, they didn’t say see you on Saturday, they didn’t touch, it was a heartfelt parting of the ways, dramatic and brutal, as if they had sworn on blood and water never to meet again. Carrying his cello, the musician stalked off and went into the apartment block. He didn’t turn round, not even when he paused for an instant on the very threshold. The woman was watching him, clutching her bag. The taxi drove on.