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Cindy watched him run down the hall as the nurse came out of Ann’s room and tapped her on the shoulder.

“Come back in, this minute” she said, “your sister’s breathing is labored. She needs you there.”

* * *

Cindy sat at Ann’s side while she struggled for air. The sound of Ann’s breathing reminded Cindy of the strange birds she’d heard on Barbados, cawing through the trees in the dark of night. For a few moments, she wondered if complications were arising that could not be handled. Would Ann die?

Frank was nowhere to be found. After throwing up, he needed a break, and went downstairs to pace back and forth on the city streets. By the time he returned, things quieted down, and Cindy could leave the hospital. It was the middle of the night.

As Cindy walked through the deserted hospital parking lot, on her way to Clint’s small car, she suddenly heard footsteps.

She turned and searched the dimly lit lot, and felt a rush of fear race through her. Were they following her?

The footsteps grew louder, and Cindy hid behind a cement column. She watched and waited.

Finally, he came into a view. It was just a doctor, heading to his car.

Cindy breathed a huge sigh of relief. She chastised herself. Was she really losing it?

When Cindy got home, she could not get to sleep.

She rolled over in bed and took the Bible Tom Mallord had given her. She opened it randomly and began to read:

For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and what is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open.

Cindy sat up straight. That was beautiful. It was a sign. It was encouraging her to go forward, telling her the truth would be revealed .

If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.

Cindy shivered. She had ears to hear. Her ears, her mind, her heart had all been ripped open. She was listening with every pore of her body. Waiting to hear the next steps to take.

Chapter 10

Cindy couldn’t go to Philadelphia and speak to Heather directly until she knew Ann was stable. And it was going to be a long haul. Complications were setting in, Ann was having congestion in her lungs and being closely monitored. Frank was at her side constantly, but Cindy was afraid to leave town, even for a few hours.

“Go do what you have to,” Frank told her. “You’re not helping your sister by staying here looking like death warmed over. Do what you have to feel better. I’ve got things under control.”

Cindy knew he felt better without her there, but there was truth in what he said as well. What good was it to Ann or anyone, if more trouble was about to happen and there was no one trying to stop it?

Before she started the day, Cindy decided it was time to take a good, long run to clear her head . She’d been cooped up inside for far too long. She dressed quickly in shorts and a T shirt and decided to take Clint’s small car and drive down to Arbor Lane to jog.

It was the first time Cindy was out of the house in three weeks. As she drove through town to Arbor Lane, she looked at the winding, cobblestone, tree lined streets. Cove Bay was a quaint suburb. Both the town and people in it were well-groomed, charming and reassuring. There was a large clock in the center of town and benches under it . Small, charming, upscale shops and outdoor cafes lined the streets . People were walking up and down, doing errands, talking, as if everything were normal, as if another murder had not almost been committed, right in their midst.

Cindy drove past a Ben and Jerry’s and a large music store. At the far corner of the next block was a sports store and art supply shop. Clint had had every advantage growing up here, safe and secure. He’d loved Cove Bay and had been determined to settle here and raise a family. Initially Cindy had suggested that they move a little further away from the family, to the next town over. But he was adamant on this point. He would never leave Cove Bay.

It felt strange to be driving through his town now without him, almost as if she were a ghost passing through his world.

She turned in another direction and drove down the back streets to Arbor Road.

Arbor Road was a beautiful, deserted, tree lined road that led down to the bay. Very few even knew about the road or came down to the bay. Clint had taken her there to run many times. It was perfect for jogging and clearing her head. And it was great to sit on one of the large rocks on the jetties when she got there. She could sit and listen to the sound of water splashing and decide what move to make next.

She parked under a tree and got out. The horror of having Ann in the hospital came over her in waves . She kept seeing Ann laying there helpless, reaching out for her hand.

The sweet smell of Wisterias filled the air, along with the salty smell of the water. Cindy took a few delicious breaths. It wouldn’t do Ann any good for Cindy to become immobilized. The best thing she could do for Ann now was to stay healthy and vigilant.

Cindy began to jog down towards the end of the road . It felt amazing to be moving again. The air caressed her face as she jogged by, reassuring her that there was beauty in life, that she could go on.

The trees on both sides made an arbor for her, supporting her along her way. It was easy to lose herself jogging, and forget everything. For a moment, she wanted to forget, too. Co-workers from her office kept calling. They missed her. Even though she had all the time she needed, they hoped she could come back for even a day or two.

Part of Cindy wanted to go back to work, pretend the world was safe and normal, resume life as usual, become one of the people doing errands in town.

Jogging now along the road, Cindy had a flash of desire not to stir up anymore mess. She wanted to believe Clint’s death was really an accident. Then she could spend time with Ann in the hospital until she was better, go to work at the paper, lunch with friends, take in a movie at night. She could get a lawyer to deal with Clint’s family and start her life all over again.

She jogged a little faster then, excited and scared at the thought. Ann was right in a funny way. Time would pass and heal her wounds. But what about Clint? Would his wounds ever heal? How could his life count for nothing? He deserved better. He deserved justice, and she deserved to know the truth.

And, besides, what made her think the killing was over? Right this very minute, she felt it was likely that someone wanted her dead. She’d been too close to Clint. It had to be messy having her still around.

No, there was no turning back. Her work was cut out for her, whether she liked it or not.

It was about nine o’clock when she got to the bay, and the morning sun was coming up. She stopped and stretched under a tree, and found a big, slippery rock to rest on. Just as she climbed up on it, she saw a figure walking towards her on the sand. He wore running shorts, with a towel around his neck and looked familiar and friendly. As he got closer, she was surprised to see Al, Clint’s best man.

“My God, is that you, Cindy?” he said, coming closer, breathing hard.

Cindy couldn’t have been more surprised. He stopped there on the sand, in front of the rock, looking up at her. “What in the world are you doing here?” he said.

“I went for a jog. Clint and I always jogged here.”

“Good for you,” he said. “Good. It’s amazing you can get back to jogging.” Then he looked across the sand and down at the water. “I want to tell you again,” he said, “how sorry I am, how awful. Everyone’s still talking about it.”

“Thanks,” Cindy said, covering her eyes from the glare of the sun.

“I mean Clint was the most extraordinary guy.”

“I know,” Cindy said.

“Boy am I glad I got to spend that day with Clint at the end of March. I keep thinking about it. We had a wonderful time.”