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“What can you find to eat this time of night?”

“I remember seeing a refreshment area with coke and cracker machines. Not the Waldorf, but better than nothing. I’ll get you a bite, too.”

“I don’t feel like eating,” she replied.

Uh oh, not a good sign. I could count on one hand the number of times when Dee Dee lost her appetite.

Timing is of no consequence to memories. Maybe food was the trigger. Vivid images flashed through my mind, replaying the time when one of Dee Dee’s precious cats choked on a chicken wing. Like any good mother, she reacted immediately. Then panic set in and she started slinging the cat around in circles, yelling “I killed him! I killed him!”

Gary, Dee Dee’s late husband, rescued the cat and discovered a jagged bone stuck in the roof of Ziggy’s mouth. After Gary fished out the bone, the dazed cat recovered nicely. Too bad Dee Dee didn’t fare as well—it took her several days to get over the shock.

Chapter Four

I grabbed my cane. It wasn’t that far to the lobby, but my knee felt as supportive as a worn out bra. The lighting outside was barely enough to illuminate the pathway. Shadows danced around me.

I reached the lobby to find it deserted; not unusual at this time of night. The quietness of the room heightened my nerves.

The snack room proved easy enough to find, much easier than finding my change. As I fumbled around in my bag, the hair on the back of my neck suddenly stood at attention.

I turned, quickly, and spied a lanky man staring my way, blocking my exit. I dropped my bag, and contents spilled in all directions.

“Please. Let me help you.” The stranger scrambled to pick up my belongings.

Embarrassment shrouded me like a cloak as a tampon rolled across the floor.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you. I’m Leroy Roberts. I help Aunt Joyce run this place.” He seemed apologetic, but I couldn’t shake the feeling he’d been watching me.

“Shoot. You took ten years off of my life.”

“I’m so sorry.” He smiled sheepishly as he handed me my stuff. His eyes wandered to my cane. “Can I help you with anything?”

“I was trying to find change. I wasn’t having much luck.”

“Come on in the office with me.” He pointed to a door not far from where we stood. “I’ll be glad to help you get what you need.”

I warily followed him to the office where he opened a cash drawer and traded me for a stack of ones. Like a shadow, he accompanied me back to the snack room. I bought a bountiful supply of drinks and food, enough to last us through the night. He kindly offered to carry my stash of crackers and cookies back to the room.

“Uh, no thank you.” I thanked him for his help, and bade him goodnight. I couldn’t get back to my room fast enough, so I hurried as quickly as I could hobble.

“Where’ve you been, Trixie? I started to look for you.” Sprawled out on the bed, atop a beautiful white Chenille bedspread, Dee Dee didn’t look like she’d planned on going anywhere.

“You won’t believe what happened!” I explained how Joyce’s nephew appeared out of nowhere and scared the starch out of me.

“He stood close enough to see my gray hairs—that is if I had any.” I ignored the snort Dee Dee rendered and continued. “I don’t know. He seemed nice enough, but I had this sense he’d been watching me.”

“I’m sorry Trixie.” Dee Dee picked at invisible lint on the cover. “I guess we’re both on edge after today’s events. Who wouldn’t be? But, what if it was a coincidence you turned around the same time he was going to speak.”

“I suppose you’re right. I was on my last nerve and jumpy as a cat in a room full of dogs.”

“What did you get to eat?” She licked her lips, and browsed my purchases with keen eyes. “I think I might be able to handle a little something.”

I rummaged through the goodies. “I’ve got cheese crackers, trail mix, and some pretzels. What do you want?”

She sat up on the bed. “I’ll take the pretzels and some cheese crackers if you have enough. Did you get me a diet drink?”

As she reached for and slurped my soda, I breathed in relief. Nice to catch a glimpse of the old Dee Dee.

Except for munching sounds, quietness enveloped the room as we sat on our respective beds. We made up for the dinner we didn’t feel like eating.

I relinquished dibs on the bathroom to Dee Dee. Thirty minutes later, she stepped out, looking like the cat’s meow—literally. Dee Dee wore bright red pajamas covered with white cats. Those red pj’s on Dee Dee conjured up images of Mrs. Claus.

Worried and completely worn out by the day’s adventures, I stumbled to the bathroom. The décor reminded me of my grandmother’s house, more utilitarian than glamorous. An antique chain dangled from the one lone bulb on the ceiling. A muslin cloth curtain hid the exposed pipes under the sink. In the corner of the room stood a claw foot tub, deep enough to get lost in, and I couldn’t wait to sink into a tub full of hot water and soak sore muscles wound tighter than an old pocket watch.

Relaxed and ready for bed, I exited the small sanctuary. The cacophony of rattling sounds coming from Dee Dee alerted me she was either asleep or choking on something. Spying her a long moment, I decided she was asleep. I lay in my unfamiliar bed rehashing the events of the day. I wondered how in the world we got into this mess; worse yet, how in the world would we get out of it?

Only a little while ago, the room seemed quaint and alive with history. Lying in the darkness, it seemed oppressive and full of unsettled ghosts. I tossed and turned as sleep eluded me, and stared into the black night for what seemed an eternity. My mind drifted into a dreamlike state.

I stood in the town square. An angry mob was making its way to the courthouse. My heart rate accelerated as I realized they were headed for Dee Dee, who stood holding a pickaxe in her bloodied hands.

The mob drew closer and closer, familiar as well as unfamiliar faces appeared. Sheriff Wheeler, Deputy Ray, Joyce, and her nephew, Leroy Roberts, stood out from the others. Contorted faces and furious, bulging eyes indicated they had not come to help.

What was worse, a lifeless, pale, zombie form of John Tatum, with a gaping hole in his chest, led the pack. A devious grin covered his face.

Death was closing in!

Chapter Five

Seconds before death’s hand closed around my throat, I shot straight up, a scream on my lips. Darkness shrouded the eerily still room. Fear had drenched my night clothes in sweat as if I’d completed a mini-marathon.

After a few breaths, the cobwebs cleared my mind. I strained to get my bearings in the unfamiliar surroundings, clutched the covers tight under my chin, and sent up a prayer. Please Lord, keep us from harm. May my sleep be free from nightmares.

I fluffed up my pillows and lay down. Dee Dee’s familiar snores wafted from the next bed, and lulled me to sleep.

Morning came way too soon.

Dee Dee sat on her bed, legs crossed. “Trixie, please tell me I dreamed I found a dead man.” Her gaze pleaded for me to agree.

“More like a nightmare. Let’s hope the sheriff has found the person responsible.” Images of the handsome Jake Wheeler flashed in my head. I smiled. After had Wade left me, I had thought I would never be able to admire another man. Moisture filled my eyes, and I blinked hard and changed the subject. “Are you hungry?”